(Screen Resolution 1280 X 800 Pixels) The last Updated: January 14, 2025.

(This Web site may be deleted at any time for those who are against the FREEDOM, the DEMOCRACY and the TRUTH, like has recently happened. We will try to keep it for as long time as we can. For this reason, we recommend to you that you save the information in your own computers which appears here and would interest it to you before it could be re-deleted, and if you could share it, best for everyone, best for you, for your loved ones and especially best for the JUSTICE, the FREEDOM and The TRUTH)


KNOWING, UNDERSTANDING and ASSIMILATING this KNOWLEDGE will be the end of Zionism end and its many Tentacles in the world, the end of global Cancer Metastasis. Pass it on from Truth and the !!!



@ The 3 Great ROTHSCHILD SCAMS and its well thought out CHRONOLOGY, which, were the foundation to create the FALSE Israel state; The BALFOUR DECLARATION, the LofN and the UN: https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html


@ The PALESTINE HISTORY, ´Is the EVERYONE HISTORY!!! If PALESTINE falls, ´We ALL Fall!!! ´We are ALL PALESTINE!!! The PALESTINE REPARATION, ´Is the EVERYONE REPARATION!!! VIDEO in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/1141438357129195 Same VIDEO in YouTube: https://youtu.be/VtbJjiUYZDU

The PALESTINE REPARATION, It is the EVERYONE REPARATION!!! https://www.fiapbt.net/reparation.html And in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=423655563636658


@ ISRAEL and PALESTINE in ENGLISH HERE: https://www.fiapbt.net/loveandpeace.html En ESPAÑOL AQUÍ: https://www.fiapbt.net/amorypaz.htm


@ REPORT of the SCIENTIFIC STUDY where it is PROVEN that RADIOACTIVE WEAPONS PROHIBITED were used by Israel in Palestine and Yemen: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/posts/pfbid02VpJzCuXRzXcmQojmfepKSN1WRqaDnYfd7HCRK9iMZ5mh4gKYgrJDcyxL4AwQHtqpl VIDEO: https://youtube.com/shorts/MMrE3z72H5A


@ DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TRUE AND FALSE JEWS. The ROTHSCHILD family: https://www.fiapbt.net/true&fakejews.html


@ VIDEO starting at minute 4':31'', as Netanyahu alone, and without knowing that he was being recorded, unmasks the plans of the Rothschild family to take over all the lands of Palestine under the current GENOCIDE of 2024, nothing of SELF DEFENSE, everything was carefully PREMEDITATED. Video: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/videos/404325072064592


@ Jacob de ROTHSCHILD, HAS NOT DIED!!! https://www.fiapbt.net/jacobisnotdead.html En ESPAÑOL aquí: Jacob de ROTHSCHILD, ¡¡¡NO HA MUERTO!!! https://www.fiapbt.net/jacobnohamuerto.html




@ ISRAEL y PALESTINA en ESPAÑOL: https://www.fiapbt.net/amorypaz.htm



Please do your own research, contrasting as much as possible that information, which you wish to inform yourself about, since the traditional media is at the command of the Financial Power, the Terrorists False Jews Zionist Banker (Khazars) Ashkenazis BILDERBERG, they are those who pull the strings of their puppets; The elite of the West and the elite of the East, and ´THEY LIE TO US MORE THAN THEY SPEAK!!!


Dear reader and friend, after reading and understanding the following, you will be able to perfectly understand the reason why NO ONE is going to do absolutely anything to stop the total, absolute and indiscriminate EXTERMINATION of Palestine, the GENOCIDE against the civilian population of Palestine (Gaza and the West Bank) and very especially, a GENOCIDE against its child population, the CHILDREN, because it is the future of Palestine and they want to ELIMINATE it. This GENOCIDE against CHILDREN, HAS NO PRECEDENTS IN THE ENTIRE HISTORY of HUMANITY. This Zionist aberration led by Netanyahu in nowadays, cannot even be compared to what happened 2023 years ago with the CHILDREN by order of the King Herod, it cannot even come close to what is happening right now in that same place at the end of the year 2023 in Gaza and the West Bank. Although some presidents and high officials of various countries make timid statements against the GENOCIDE, the majority do so only to gain the sympathies of the millions of indignant people with CONSCIENCE who want to end this GENOCIDE as soon as possible and thus, in the process, win voters to secure their respective positions in the next general elections, and those timid declarations against the GENOCIDE, are made for nothing more than that and I refer to the facts, since the blood of CHILDREN continues to flow in rivers through the streets of Palestine and every As each day passes, the flow increases.


For this and many other social reasons on a global level, those of us who consider ourselves good citizens, whatever country we are from, cannot wait for someone to save the CHILDREN of Palestine, we cannot wait for someone to stop the GENOCIDE against Palestine, no, I fear, that if the citizens themselves do not take action on the matter, to put pressure on our respective governments in various ways, Palestine in a couple of months will have gone down in history as another country that existed, but front the helpless gaze the eyes of the whole world and mseeing it in live, it ended up disappearing, due to the selfishness and evil of those who manage Financial Power in the world, the Terrorists False Jews Zionist Banker (Khazars) Ashkenazis BILDERBERG, Netanyahu included, of course.


TERRORIST is the one who sows and generates TERROR among citizens, those are the ZIONIST False Jews deceivers. All, absolutely all social problems in the world, some of which, the most recent, are shown in the following headlines, are made up of the same root, have the same common denominator, the same pattern when it comes to developing in global society by its promoters, the Terrorists False Jews ZIONIST Banker (Khazars) Ashkenazis BILDERBERG, are those the ones that subtly and from the shadows, they try to get TO GAIN CONTROL OF ALL COUNTRIES AND THEIR CITIZENS OF THE PLANET before the year 2030, not only Palestine, no. The ZIONIST False Jews deceivers are the cancer of Mother Earth, they pull the strings of the two existing elites in the world, the elite of the West and the elite of the East. Both elites, despite what many citizens believe, are not enemies, no, a clear and recent example of this, we see it in what happened recently with the Coronavirus and the Vaccines in the arm starting in 2020, the two elites were fine combined to develop their Chinese tale in all the world, the enormous network of DEPOPULATION and FINANCIAL as both elites obey their masters of Financial Power, the Terrorists False Jews Zionist Banker (Khazars) Ashkenazis BILDERBERG. The two elites, in reality, are partners and collaborators to develop to the millimeter DEPOPULATION and many other aspects within the NEW WORLD ORDER through the 2030 AGENDA, they are the tools in total OBEDIENCE to the Terrorists False Jews Zionist Banker (Khazars) Ashkenazis BILDERBERG, to develop its sinister 2030 AGENDA as best as possible, as, for example, can be seen within the link of the ´WAR in UKRAINE??? attached and in other links after the following paragraph.


Many citizens find themselves Deceived, Manipulated, without Criterion, without Willpower, without Common Sense, Asleep or Stunned, because of the traditional media (Media of Manipulation and Confusion and as several examples can be seen within the link entitled: FAKE News???), Internet social networks, Telephony, etc., since all these media are the tools of Control owned by the Terrorists False Jews Zionist Banker (Khazars) Ashkenazis BILDERBERG, their partners and their collaborators. To solve this issue, which, INVOLVE us and CONCERNS all of us citizens of the world, can only be solved by the citizens themselves, in this way we can begin to build a New Social System, there is no other way;

@ ALTERNATIVE to the current Corrupt and Rotten Social System of the Terrorists False Jews Zionist Banker (Khazars) Ashkenazis BILDERBERG: https://www.fiapbt.net/alternativa.html (In spanish write)UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALLFOR FREEDOM PALESTINE, ´WE ARE ALL ONE!!! 


And the International Community is neither a Community nor anything at all, in reality it is INTERNATIONAL SHAME, they are Netanyahu's PUPPETS, His GENOCIDE ACCOMPLICES!!!


Which one are you? https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=317460297589519&set=a.155145083821042





@ ISRAEL y PALESTINA en ESPAÑOL AQUÍ: https://www.fiapbt.net/amorypaz.htm


The PALESTINE HISTORY, ´Is the EVERYONE HISTORY!!! If PALESTINE falls, ´We ALL Fall!!! ´We are ALL PALESTINE!!! The PALESTINE REPARATION, ´Is the EVERYONE REPARATION!!! VIDEO in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/1141438357129195

Same VIDEO in YouTube: https://youtu.be/VtbJjiUYZDU On the Website to avoid censorship: https://www.fiapbt.net/loveandpeace.html


For these reasons mentioned above, you will understand the enormous importance of knowing the TRUE PALESTINE HISTORY, if you wish, now you have the opportunity to Know it, I think it is your RESPONSIBILITY to know it. After acquiring the Knowledge attached below, some will already be able to understand many issues, which, before knowing the information detailed here, they could not understand in any way. That is the purpose and intention of this information, to spread from Humility, Good Intention and Love, the hidden Knowledge that exists behind the MIDDLE EAST CONFLICT, in this way, doing our bit to find an adequate and quick solution for all parties involved, especially to find an adequate and quick solution with regard to the Safety and Well being of the most vulnerable, the CHILDREN. In order to find peace in the Middle East and around the world sooner rather than later, it is of utmost importance to be aware of the Knowledge attached in this report, since the Knowledge, Good Intention (Will) and Love is Power, it is the weapon most feared by the evil ones and the GENOCIDALS, more powerful even than 100 atomic bombs exploding at the same time, not even the most powerful army in the world would have a minimal chance of victory against that weapon. (m.p.)



From the highest Political, Religious, Scientific and Economic spheres of the present rotten and corrupt Global Social System of the ROTHSCHILD Family in which we find ourselves, they have deceived all the citizens of the world from the beginning, among other things, making us believe that there are two enemy sides, the countries of the West against the countries of the East, when in reality, these two sides of countries are subjected and collaborating in everything required to them by the Zionist Family (Khazarians) False Jews ROTHSCHILD, with the aim of enriching the richest (their accomplices who own the pharmaceutical companies, arms companies, food companies, etc.) and impoverish the citizens of the world through Financial Power and continuous deception of citizens to do with them whatever they want, like are doing with the palestinians in this moment, achieving it by through the continued bribery of the majority of the politicians who govern the various countries and also the opposition politicians, for this reason, it does not matter whether politicians from the right, the center or the left govern, the DEMOCRACY has been sold or ELIMINATED, ALL politicians are bribed or threatened, they cannot do anything to maintain the social WELFARE of the citizens whom they owe inself and obey without Awareness to the ROTHSCHILD Family for whom NO ONE has voted in general elections, in this way and following the roadmap of the 2030 Agenda of the sinister ROTHSCHILD Family, to generate more FEAR to subject citizens more easily to their sick and unjust Laws or Regulations and on the other hand, to FINANCE the two sides in litigation in everything that they need to develop their wars, the capricious and bloody wars subtly promoted by the ROTHSCHILD Family (They did it even since the Napoleon time) and which provides them with so many benefits at the cost of the money and blood of the citizens of any country, through the sale of weapons to both sides and many other bastards benefits of all kinds, that is, they are the 1% against 99% of the world population.


RECOMMENDATION; To acquire the details of the information attached, and so you can draw your own conclusions with greater knowledge and judgment on this matter, we recommend reading it completely in the order of the dates indicated;


Madrid, january 14, 2025. IT'S NOT A WAR, IT'S A GENOCIDE!!! ´STOP Israel's GENOCIDE against PALESTINE Right Now!!! SAVE the CHILDREN!!!


VIDEO; The MODUS OPERANDI against Humanity of the ZIONISTS ROTHSCHILD with their 2030 AGENDA (Los Angeles Fires; Cold Drop´s Floods wrongly called DANA in Valencia, etc.) is UNCOVERED: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/videos/1618451632092318 Same Vídeo in YouTube: https://youtu.be/zqkGh5X2WVM


EVERYTHING IS RELATED TO EVERYTHING within the roadmap of the 2030 AGENDA of the ZlONlSTS ROTHSCHlLD. Information APPLICABLE to any country.


               Original Post (1): https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=586522387349974                               Original Post (2): https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=584987440836802



KNOWING, UNDERSTANDING and ASSIMILATING this KNOWLEDGE will be the ZlONlSM end, the Humanity Cancer.


The Fires (Los Angeles), the Floods (Valencia), the Earthquakes, Hurricanes, WARS, VIRUS, POISONINGS, WOKE POLICIES, BLUE BEAM, HAARP, CERN, CHEMTRAILS, etc., etc., are caused by the promoters of the 2030 AGENDA and their BRIBED collaborators without Awareness, the politicians in power and the opposition of the various countries, all of whom act in absolute OBEDIENCE to the ZIONISTS ROTHSCHILD and to what their sinister 2030 AGENDA dictates, thus BETRAYING the citizens to whom they owe themselves, but very especially, betraying themselves by having sold their soul to the Devil himself.


The ZIONISTS ROTHSCHILD are the illegitimate elite of the Financial Power in the world and are also the promoters of the 2030 AGENDA. The main objective of the GENOCIDAL ZIONISTS ROTHSCHILD is Global DEPOPULATION, or, better said, the REDUCTION of the majority of citizens from the GLOBAL POPULATION, using their Sinister 2030 AGENDA to try to achieve it.


The ROTHSCHILD ZIONISTS and their collaborators without Soul nor Awareness, use various methods to carry out little by little this macabre AGENDA on the planet, among these methods, is the technology of GEOENGINEERING. Said GEOENGINEERING (HAARP, CERN, BLUE BEAM, BLUE RAY, etc.), has been quite hidden among the citizens, since the product of the consequences of said GEOENGINEERING has been camouflaged before the eyes of the citizens under the guise of CLIMATE CHANGE. These citizens, by believing 100% of the false news that is misreported by the traditional and submissive media of the Governmental power and the Financial power of the ZIONISTS ROTHSCHILD and by not contrasting them with other media, which are Neutral before the Governmental power and the Financial power, end up believing them as true and for this reason, without realizing it, they help to realize the criminal game of the 2030 AGENDA of these heartless ZIONISTS ROTHSCHILD.


The aforementioned GEOENGINEERING is the cause of causing most of the Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Storms, Droughts, etc., and as a consequence of this it facilitates the occurrence of major disasters, such as Floods, Fires, etc., but these major disasters for citizens, have the same MODUS OPERANDI and a COMMON DENOMINATOR, an evil human factor, the mismanagement carried out deliberately by those responsible, such as; The FAILURE to warn the citizens of Valencia before OPENING the floodgates of 4 DAMS to drain water in the middle of the Cold Drop Storm (DANA) (they warned 3 hours after opening the 4 dams, they warned when they knew that everything was already devastated by the flood in more than 70 towns in Valencia) and as a consequence of this, the flow of the rivers multiplied, producing their respective overflows, being the reason for the catastrophe that has left between 4 and 6 thousand dead as a consequence of this evil human action, if they had warned at the right time, now we would only be talking about material damage, but no, they wanted to win the medals of the ZIONISTS ROTHSCHILD and do the maximum possible damage in the lives of the citizens following the roadmap of the 2030 AGENDA.

Or, for example; The Los Angeles Fire started in several different places at the same time, thus preventing it from being extinguished. Furthermore, this occurred at a time when it was known that the wind factor would be conducive to creating a major catastrophe, as unfortunately has happened and continues to happen at this very moment when these words are being written. In addition, they cut off the water so that the affected citizens could not extinguish their damaged houses. Furthermore, it has recently been learned that, even though the land affected by the fire had already been reclassified by the financial power, with the intention of creating a new city that would please the Bankers ZIONISTS ROTHSCHILD and their collaborators without a soul or Awareness, but before creating that new city on that land, of course, they had to somehow eliminate what already existed on that land… On the other hand, it has been learned that a few days before the great fire, the insurance companies had cancelled the fire insurance of the citizens, whose houses burned down in this peculiar fire in Los Angeles, just at the precise moment that the citizens required the services of these insurers and for that reason, They will no longer have the help of the insurance! Some of the neighbors who have been left without their homes affected by the fire, had been religiously paying their insurance for more than 50 years and just a few days before the fire, their respective insurance was cancelled, leaving them ineffective to cover the damages… This subject, THEM ALREADY KNEW!!! And for that reason they made these insurances ineffective, SO THEY DID NOT MUST HAVE TO PAY THEM!!! It's crystal clear…


The Bankers ZIONISTS ROTHSCHILD (Bilderbergs) promoters of the 2030 AGENDA, protect their collaborators without Awareness from the business sector, including insurance companies, of which a good part of them are also their property, all of them make up 1% of the global population, the ZIONISTS ROTHSCHILD know who they have to protect and who the opposite. With these two simple examples set out above (and we could put many more), a “flood” in Valencia and a “Fire” in Los Angeles, it shows that the evil human factor has played the main role in the magnitude of the catastrophe, the evil human factor has intervened deliberately, with intentionality to produce the maximum possible damage to the citizens, being the human the Guilty of the catastrophe and not nature or Climate Change that they want to sell to the citizens to Justify the objectives of their 2030 AGENDA, the human is the Responsible and Guilty of the thousands of affected and victims as a consequence of these human actions, it is always easier to blame those who cannot defend themselves, to go unpunished, laughing at the misfortune of others, trampling on the rights of everyone and everything for their own benefit and thinking about the next evil to commit, always to the detriment of citizens and mother nature, but now we are in other times where something important has changed, they will not get away with it…



The Bankers ZIONISTS ROTHSCHILD (Bilderbergs) promoters of the 2030 AGENDA, develop their objective in various ways and under the same MODUS OPERANDI anywhere in the world, using their BRIBED Obedient and Conscious Puppets, we are referring to the politicians in power of any of the countries in the world, both in the West and the East, All of them! Making society believe that they are enemies, when in reality all countries collaborate in a synchronized manner to obey and carry out the ZIONISTS ROTHSCHILD 2030 AGENDA. It is important to know that GEOENGINEERING is considered by the great powers as a WEAPON OF WAR. In fact, there is a common saying among citizens affected by the disastrous consequences caused by any of the methods that this GEOENGINEERING can produce, which is that it is as if a great war had taken place in the affected area. In this way, for those who have not had the opportunity to visit the affected area, they can describe the enormous destructive magnitude that has occurred.


In order to try to achieve the Objectives of this Sinister Agenda, the ZIONISTS ROTHSCHILD Family from subtlety, first of all, shows the 2030 AGENDA to citizens everywhere, as the solution to all the problems of the planet, thus gaining their pleasure and acceptance, when in reality, said exposition of the 2030 AGENDA is a simple Hoax, it is a DECEPTION, it is just the opposite of what they present, it is a Justification to facilitate and be able to carry out in a simpler way, the criminal and sinister hidden objectives within the AGENDA 2030 of the ZIONISTS ROTHSCHILD Family, hidden objectives such as;

- Their WARS; Eliminating Population, Stealing Land, Stealing Natural Resources and benefiting their Arms companies with the Sale of Arms, to later benefit their Construction companies in the future Reconstruction of what they themselves destroyed, etc.

- Their VIRUS; Eliminating the population and benefiting their pharmaceutical companies with the sale of all kinds of medicines, vaccines, utensils and hospital supplies, etc.

- POISONING of the atmosphere by means of CHEMTRAILS; Eliminating animals and the population with their diseases and viruses from the air, benefiting their pharmaceutical companies with the sale of all kinds of medicines, vaccines, utensils and hospital supplies, etc.

- POISONING of Monsanto-type FOOD; Eliminating the population and benefiting their food companies due to the strong monopoly exercised, etc.

- CONTROVERSIES and SOCIAL CONFRONTATION through their various crazy Woke policies; Immigration, Sexuality, Social Rights, Family, Work, Housing, Security, etc., to distract and confuse citizens, generating violence and killing each other as the ZIONISTS ROTHSCHILD so desire and reflected in their 2030 AGENDA in the section on Global DEPOPULATION. In short, the ZIONISTS ROTHSCHILD Family, through its Obedient witout Awareness Puppets, the politicians in power, are establishing DIVIDE and CONQUER in the society of the various countries of the world, since the ROTHSCHILD ZIONISTS know perfectly well that if the citizens are United, with their Common Sense, Coherence and Solidarity that characterizes good people, then they do not have a minimal chance of success to materialize their Sinister 2030 AGENDA in the world, they need to Confuse and Entertain so that citizens do not observe what is really in their 2030 AGENDA, since IN UNITY THERE IS STRENGTH, and we are 99% against 1% and the ZIONISTS ROTHSCHILD know it, that is why they fear us and develop their 2030 AGENDA from the shadows with such subtlety.


@ Learn how behave the Bankers ZlONlSTS ROTHSCHlLD, promoters of the 2O3O Agenda: https://www.fiapbt.net/loveandpeace.html


KNOWING, UNDERSTANDING and ASSIMILATING this KNOWLEDGE will be the Zl0NlSM end, the Humanity Cancer.


The Fires (Los Angeles), the Floods (Valencia, Spain), the Earthquakes, Hurricanes, VlRUS, BLUE BEAM, HAARP, CERN CHEMTRAlLS, etc., etc., are caused by the promoters of the 2O3O Agenda and their collaborators without Awareness, the politicians of the various countries, all of whom act in absolute OBEDIENCE to this sinister Agenda. I feel great shame and disgust for the politicians of any colour or ideology that we have in Spain, all of whom, depending on the Power or Force of Action that they may have due to the Responsibility of their respective public offices that the people have seen fit to grant them, instead of fulfilling them and helping, abandon the most needy and defenceless citizens in the most difficult moments in the face of any regrettable situation or calamity that has occurred in their lives, even, stealing from them in a conscious, premeditated and cruel way, as for example, with what happened with the floods that the Government itself caused by giving the order to open 4 Dams without warning the citizens in Valencia beforehand and worse than that, was and continues to be the subsequent disastrous performance of those who caused the disaster in the face of the neglect and helplessness of the thousands of victims they left along the way…


That Shame and Disgust that I feel for the politicians of any colour or ideology that we have in Spain in the year 2025, is exactly the same Shame and Disgust that I feel for many, many citizens of this beautiful country full of history and tradition that is Spain. These citizens, if they have the opportunity to steal, whatever it may be, will do it without hesitation, even, many of them will do it even if the victim is someone who is in a moment of great need and in worse circumstances than those that he or she (the thief) may find himself or herself in, what is more, they will take advantage of those most critical moments of the victim to steal from him or her instead of helping him or her as has happened and continues to happen in Valencia, acting with their peers exactly the same as politicians do, that is why, WE HAVE WHAT WE DESERVE, politicians are a reflection of the majority of citizens but adding to it, in addition, a Worse and Sinister component, which does not come from the reflection of the citizens, no, it comes from the OBEDIENCE that they show directly from the elite of the Financial Power of the ZlONlSTS ROTHSCHlLD through their 2O3O Agenda and in which they find themselves SUBJECTED or KIDNAPPED…


MESSAGE addressed to those members of some political parties in Spain, which are applauded and receive social support because they disqualify and ask for the RESIGNATION of Pedro Sánchez (Lefts) and Mazón (Rights) for their disastrous management (Zero help) of the COLD DROPE in Valencia and that now they are interested in calling "DANA" in order to justify the SCAM Climate and the DEPOBLATlON (Population Reduction) that is included in the sinister 2O3O 4genda of the Bankers ZlONlSTS ROTHSCHlLD:

"All Political Parties The Same Shit Are": www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=571020618900151 To understand the meaning of the previous Message see the Ángel Gaitán MESSAGE: www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=9071617552889302


ONLY THE PEOPLE SAVE THE PEOPLE! KNOWING, UNDERSTANDING and ASSIMILATING the appropriate KNOWLEDGE will be the end of ZIONlSM and the 2O3O Agenda, the humanity Cancer.


If you really want to change the world, start by changing yourself, the world changes with your example, not with your opinion: www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=9056281494422908


Mariano Peinado

International APBT Federation (FIAPBT) & IADCRO Spain



- EVERYTHING IS RELATED TO EVERYTHING - Some consequences coming from the sinister ZlONlSTS ROTHSCHlLD Financial elite, the Humanity Cancer and the 2O3O AGENDA Promoters:


@ ´ONLY THE PEOPLE SAVE THE PEOPLE! For PALESTINE and the Right Causes, ´WE ARE ALL ONE! KNOWING, UNDERSTANDING and ASSIMILATING this KNOWLEDGE will be the ZIONlSM end, the Humanity Cancer. ZlONlSM Chronology: https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html  


@ It didn't start on October 7, 2023, no... https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8868726136511779


@ The BALFOUR DECLARATION of 1917: https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html  


@ PALESTlNE HISTORY´s Chronology: https://www.fiapbt.net/palestine.html


@ The WORLDWIDE SCAM of the FEDERAL RESERVE: https://www.fiapbt.net/fed.html


@ The PUBLIC DEBT SCAM: https://www.fiapbt.net/deudapublica.html (In spanish write)


The ALTERNATIVE to the current Corrupt and Rotten 2O3O 4GENDA Social System: https://www.fiapbt.net/alternativa.html (In spanish write)


@ The PALESTlNE REPARATION, It is the EVERYONE REPARATION!!! https://www.fiapbt.net/reparation.html 


The 7 UNIVERSALS LAWhttp://www.iadcro.com/7universalslaws.html



Madrid, january 09, 2025. IT'S NOT A WAR, IT'S A GENOCIDE!!! ´STOP Israel's GENOCIDE against PALESTINE Right Now!!! SAVE the CHILDREN!!!

Information APPLICABLE to any country. In Madrid on January 8, 2025.

En ESPAÑOL en el Original Post: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=581214174547462


I feel great shame and disgust for the politicians of any colour or ideology that we have in Spain, all of whom, depending on the Power or Force of Action that they may have due to the Responsibility of their respective public offices that the people have seen fit to grant them, instead of fulfilling them and helping, abandon the most needy and defenceless citizens in the most difficult moments in the face of any regrettable situation or calamity that has occurred in their lives, even, stealing from them in a conscious, premeditated and cruel way, as for example, with what happened with the floods that the Government itself caused by giving the order to open 4 Dams without warning the citizens in Valencia beforehand and worse than that, was and continues to be the subsequent disastrous performance of those who caused the disaster in the face of the neglect and helplessness of the thousands of victims they left along the way…


That Shame and Disgust that I feel for the politicians of any colour or ideology that we have in Spain in the year 2025, is exactly the same Shame and Disgust that I feel for many, many citizens of this beautiful country full of history and tradition that is Spain. These citizens, if they have the opportunity to steal anything, they will do it without hesitation, in fact, many of them will do it even if the victim is someone who is in great need and in worse circumstances than he or she (the thief) may be in, what's more, they will take advantage of the victim's most critical moments to steal from them instead of helping them as has happened and continues to happen in Valencia, acting with their peers exactly the same as politicians do, that is why WE HAVE WHAT WE DESERVE, politicians are a reflection of the majority of citizens but adding to it, a Worse and Sinister component, which does not come from the reflection of the citizens, no, it comes from the absolute OBEDIENCE that they flaunt directly from the elite of the Financial Power of the ZlONlSTS ROTHSCHlLD (for whom no one has voted Democratically in General Elections) through their 2O3O Agenda  and in which they find themselves SUBJECTED or KIDNAPPED...


MESSAGE addressed to those members of some political parties in Spain, which are applauded and receive social support because they disqualify and ask for the RESIGNATION of Pedro Sánchez (Left) and Mazón (Right) for their disastrous management (Zero help) of the COLD DROP in Valencia and that now they are interested in calling "DANA" in order to justify the Climate SCAM and the DESPOPULATlON (Population Reduction) that are included in the sinister 2O3O AGENDA of the Bankers ZlONlSTS ROTHSCHlLD among other sinister issues, which all of them attack in an Unjust and Cruel way the citizens of any country: "All Political Parties Are The Same Shit": www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=571020618900151 To understand the meaning of the previous Message, see the MESSAGE to Ángel Gaitán which is located inside the following link: www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=9071617552889302


know the ZlONlSTS ROTHSCHlLD, the 2O3O AGENDA Promoters: https://www.fiapbt.net/loveandpeace.html ONLY THE PEOPLE SAVE THE PEOPLE! KNOWING, UNDERSTANDING and ASSIMILATING this KNOWLEDGE will be the ZlONlSM end and the 2O3O AGENDA, the Humanity Cancer: www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/videos/476193302170637



The Humanity enemy is not the Muslims, nor Christians, nor Judaism, no; The Real enemy is, ´ROTHSCHlLD ZlONlSM!!! The False State of lsraeI was created by capitalism, by the money of the sinister ZlONlST ROTHSCHlLD Family: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=9090089877708736 - https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8868726136511779 - https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8884840608233665


If you really want to change the world, start by changing yourself, the world changes with your example, not with your opinion: www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=9056281494422908


< BOOMERANG EFFECT > https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=9055744294476628

“Doing good to others is the best way to do good to yourself. Doing the RIGHT thing is simple with the Boomerang effect, ´You Decide!” (m.p.) VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/videos/545969718236803


Mariano Peinado

International APBT Federation (FIAPBT) & IADCRO Spain



- EVERYTHING IS RELATED TO EVERYTHING - Some consequences coming from the sinister ZlONlST ROTHSCHlLD Financial elite, the Humanity Cancer and the 2O3O AGENDA Promoters:


ONLY THE PEOPLE SAVE THE PEOPLE! KNOWING, UNDERSTANDING and ASSIMILATING this KNOWLEDGE will be the Zl0NlSM end, the Humanity Cancer. ZlONlSM Chronology: https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html  


@ It didn't start on October 7, 2023, no... https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8868726136511779


@ The BALFOUR DECLARATION of 1917: https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html  


@ PALESTlNE HISTORY´s Chronology: https://www.fiapbt.net/palestine.html


@ The WORLDWIDE SCAM of the FEDERAL RESERVE: https://www.fiapbt.net/fed.html


@ The PUBLIC DEBT SCAM: https://www.fiapbt.net/deudapublica.html (In spanish write)


The ALTERNATIVE to the current Corrupt and Rotten 2O3O AGENDA Social System: https://www.fiapbt.net/alternativa.html (In spanish write)


The 7 UNIVERSALS LAWhttp://www.iadcro.com/7universalslaws.html


The Financial Elite ZlONlSM ROTHSCHlLD and their evil collaborators without Awareness, the various authorities of the countries of the West and those of the East, among Politicians, Businessmen, Bankers, etc., 1% of the world's population, with impunity and for quite some time, in an Unjust and Cruel way have been Eating the good citizens one by one and by times... Now we are in another time and things, ´Have Changed!!! VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/videos/1075880534015613 Same Video in YouTube: https://youtu.be/kqMZwSUCagc ONLY THE PEOPLE SAVE THE PEOPLE! WE ARE ALL ONE!


@ The PALESTlNE REPARATION, It is the EVERYONE REPARATION!!! https://www.fiapbt.net/reparation.html



Madrid, december 22, 2024. IT'S NOT A WAR, IT'S A GENOCIDE!!! ´STOP Israel's GENOCIDE against PALESTINE Right Now!!! SAVE the CHILDREN!!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy New Year 2025 to ALL, where Love, Peace, Truth and Common Sense return to humanity

Original Post: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=9243998835651172



VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/videos/476193302170637 Same Video in YouTube: https://youtu.be/s9GFLU3VqA8

ROTHSCHlLD FlNANClAL ZIONlSM, is the REAL Humanity ENEMY: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=9110833388967718



ZIONlSM´s Chronology: https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html In Website to avoid censorship: https://www.fiapbt.net/loveandpeace.html


VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/videos/565369016229572 Same Video in YouTube: https://youtu.be/2_olaESsqYo

The Humanity enemy is not the Muslims, nor Christians, nor Judaism, no; The Real enemy is, ´ROTHSCHlLD ZIONlSM!!! https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=9090089877708736


It didn't start on 0ctober, 7, 2023, no… https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8868726136511779&set=a.1748933491824448 - https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8884840608233665&set=a.1748933491824448


The Financial Elite ZIONlST ROTHSCHlLD and their evil collaborators without Awareness, the various authorities of the countries of the West and those of the East, among Politicians, Businessmen, Bankers, etc., 1% of the world's population, with impunity and for quite some time, in an Unjust and Cruel way have been Eating the good citizens one by one and by times... Now we are in another time and things, ´Have Changed!!! VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/videos/1075880534015613 Same Video in YouTube: https://youtu.be/kqMZwSUCagc

ONLY THE PEOPLE SAVE THE PEOPLE!   For PALESTlNE and just Causes, ´WE ARE ALL ONE! The same thing happens with the disaster of the COLD DROP of a lifetime, "occurred" in Valencia in Spain and wrongly called "DANA", thus get confusing citizens with the FAKE Climate Change and being able to facilitate the global implementation of the sinister 2030 Agenda of the Financial Power ZIONlST ROTHSCHlLD: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=9026383897412668 - https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=9071617552889302


With what happened in Valencia, the True Spanish R-Evolution is being generated, the Awakening of Consciousness not only National, no, but also and in not much time the Awakening of International Consciousness, since the fuse has been lit not only of the Valencian gunpowder, no, but also that of all Spain and that is good for the good people and not so much for those of the other side…


For a Change of Social System that cares and works for and with the citizen and the Families, Now!



The BALFOUR DECLARATI0N of 1917: https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html - https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=555156590486554


PALESTlNE HISTORY´s Chronology: https://www.fiapbt.net/palestine.html


Mariano Peinado

International APBT Federation (FIAPBT) & IADCRO Spain



Some consequences coming from the sinister ZIONlST ROTHSCHlLD Financial elite, the Humanity Cancer and the 2030 AGENDA Promoters:


@ The WORLDWIDE SCAM of the FEDERAL RESERVE: https://www.fiapbt.net/fed.html


@ The PUBLIC DEBT SCAM: https://www.fiapbt.net/deudapublica.html (In spanish write)


The ALTERNATIVE to the current Corrupt and Rotten 2030 Agenda Social System: https://www.fiapbt.net/alternativa.html (In spanish write)


The 7 UNIVERSALS LAWhttp://www.iadcro.com/7universalslaws.html



Madrid, december 01, 2024. IT'S NOT A WAR, IT'S A GENOCIDE!!! ´STOP Israel's GENOCIDE against PALESTINE Right Now!!! SAVE the CHILDREN!!!

1917… ´Yes!!! It didn't start on October, 7, 2023, no, that is simply another lie more from the deceivers…

KNOWING, UNDERSTANDING and ASSIMILATING the Right KNOWLEDGE, it will be the Zionism end The Right KNOWLEDGE is Front your eyes, in the center of your and in the Original Post: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=555156590486554 In Website to avoid censorship: https://www.fiapbt.net/loveandpeace.html


The HIDDEN HISTORY that affects Palestine and to the whole world since was created the opposite to Judaism, the ZIONlST. UNMISSABLE for TRUTH SEEKERS!!! In the REPORT shown below, you will find the PROOFS  you needed to finally believe it All information that is here attached has been verified and checked as TRUE.



In the following link of THE BALFOUR DECLARATION, be add a Chronological REPORT of the first steps taken by the Khazarian ROTHSCHILD family from the year 1880, to gradually and very subtly materialize the Great Global Deception that the ROTHSCHILD family needed to justify to the International Community, the THEFT of the Palestine´s lands, the bastard adjudication of the Palestine´s lands by the ROTHSCHlLD family to later baptize them with the name of Israel, doing it so to the disastrous detriment of the original Semitic citizens of Palestine, the PALESTINIANS and a minority of TRUE JEWS of 4% of the Palestinian population, who, from the beginning they were against the ZIONISTS FALSE JEWISH, since between the TRUE JEWS and the Palestinians lived in peace and harmony since the time of Jesus of Nazareth, 2024 years ago and who, by the way, Jesus was Palestinian because he was born in Bethlehem, Palestine´s land. The ROTHSCHlLD family and their ZIONIST (Khazar) False Jews, LIE MORE THAN THEY TALK, they TURN EVERYTHING AROUND to achieve any of their objectives in any way they need and to achieve this, they use Lies, Financial Power, Blackmail, Bribery, Intimidation, Victimhood, Crimes and even GENOCIDE;


                  The BALFOUR DECLARATION of 1917: https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html  


@ The PALESTlNE REPARATION, It is the EVERYONE REPARATION!!! https://www.fiapbt.net/reparation.html 


The Humanity enemy is not the Muslims, nor Christians, nor Judaism, no; The Real enemy is, ´ROTHSCHlLD ZIONISM!!! The False State of lsraeI was created by capitalism, by the money of the sinister ZIONIST ROTHSCHlLD Family: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=9090089877708736 - https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8868726136511779&set=a.1748933491824448 - https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8884840608233665&set=a.1748933491824448



ONLY THE PEOPLE SAVE THE PEOPLE! KNOWING, UNDERSTANDING and ASSIMILATING this KNOWLEDGE will be the Zionism end, the Humanity Cancer; https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=9110833388967718

The Financial Elite ZIONlST ROTHSCHlLD and their evil collaborators without Awareness, the various authorities of the countries of the West and those of the East, among Politicians, Businessmen, Bankers, etc., 1% of the world's population, with impunity and for quite some time, in an Unjust and Cruel way have been Eating the good citizens one by one and by times... Now we are in another time and things, ´Have Changed!!! VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/videos/1075880534015613 Same Video  in YouTube: https://youtu.be/kqMZwSUCagc ONLY THE PEOPLE SAVE THE PEOPLE!   For PALESTlNE and just Causes, ´WE ARE ALL ONE! The same thing happens with the DANA disaster in Spain: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=9026383897412668 - https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=9071617552889302



                             Mariano Peinado

International APBT Federation (FIAPBT) & IADCRO Spain



PALESTlNE HISTORY´s Chronology: https://www.fiapbt.net/palestine.html


*Some consequences coming from the sinister ZIONlST ROTHSCHlLD Financial elite, the Humanity Cancer and the 2030 AGENDA Promoters:


@ The WORLDWIDE SCAM of the FEDERAL RESERVE: https://www.fiapbt.net/fed.html


@ The PUBLIC DEBT SCAM: https://www.fiapbt.net/deudapublica.html (In spanish write)


The ALTERNATIVE to the current Corrupt and Rotten 2030 AGENDA  Social System: https://www.fiapbt.net/alternativa.html (In spanish write)


The 7 UNIVERSALS LAWhttp://www.iadcro.com/7universalslaws.html





Madrid, november 03, 2024. IT'S NOT A WAR, IT'S A GENOCIDE!!! ´STOP Israel's GENOCIDE against PALESTINE Right Now!!! SAVE the CHILDREN!!!

(Save  before it is deleted) Original post: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8959965750721150 En ESPAÑOL aquí: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8959972657387126

Here is the information that the International Financial Elite ZlONlST ROTHSCHlLD does not want you to know and their media will never show you, you will find it in the following Report entitled " The Great R0THSCHlLD SCAMS and their well thought out CHRONOLOGY". Inside this Report, you will find various information that is sensitive to the elite and unknown to the public, but it is verified and objective information, which, after assimilating it, you will understand very well many issues about the Middle East conflict that you could not understand before acquiring this information, information such as, for example:

That the ZlONlSTS False Jewish give their alleged property rights over the lands of Palestine valid because of the meaning of the BALFOUR DECLARATION of 1917. To this we must detail something quite simple, but hidden, in this way, this FALSE HOAX falls by itself, let's see;


The letter written by Arthur BALFOUR's own hand and later called the BALFOUR DECLARATION precisely for that reason, because it was written by Arthur BALFOUR and was NOT the King's George V of the United Kingdom DECLARATION, assuming that what Arthur BALFOUR wrote in it was true, which I doubt, simply reflects a point of view of the King, who, furthermore, SUPPOSING that he had granted something to the Zl0NlSTS (to whom not only did he not grant ANYTHING, but he did not even mention the ZlONlSTS in his words), he had no power over PaIestine to GRANT absolutely NOTHING and the King knew it perfectly, for that reason he DIDN'T GRANTED ANYTHING, but he wanted to be courteous and for that reason he reflected his good wishes, but I repeat, King George V GRANTED NOTHING in that Letter or BALFOUR DECLARATION!!! He only offered his point of view and good wishes when asked about it by Arthur BALFOUR and this corrupt element, then he took the King's response out of context, adding on his own the word ZlONlSTS and all those words that he was interested in reflecting in his famous well-known letter like the BALFOUR DECLARATION, words, which were added under indication, in interest and synchronicity with the 2nd Lord ROTHSCHlLDLionel Walter ROTHSCHlLD, leaving them in writing in his famous letter for later, when they observed the opportune moment, to interpret this words at their convenience as already I have described previously, but they did it very especially after the death of King George V in January of the year 1936, so that he could no longer expose and clarify the False and Self-interested Interpretation given to his words by Lionel Walter ROTHSCHlLD, which would have immediately stopped his harmful and evil intention towards PaIestine and its original inhabitants, the paIestinians.



It should be noted in addition to what has already been stated, that in the BALFOUR DECLARATION, the King George V places great emphasis on the following: “it being clearly understood that nothing should be done that could harm the civil and religious rights of the non Jewish communities existing in Palestine” (Sic) In other words, the ZlONlSTS False Jewish did everything contrary to the opinion and good wishes of His Majesty, all of which was expressed in the BALFOUR DECLARATION, this and everything else, you can check with your own eyes inside the Report in question by observing the original of the BALFOUR DECLARATION, I mean, that the property rights for the lands of PaIestine that the False Jewish ZlONlSTS of lsraeI claim for themselves, endorsing themselves to the meaning of the BALFOUR DECLARATION, it is not valid either, since after understanding the real meaning of the DECLARATION itself, it would not give them any legitimacy for Palestine, quite the opposite, given the continued non-compliance with the BALFOUR DECLARATION itself over time, until reaching the present day. Although this was not the case, one important thing should always be clear; Neither the United Kingdom nor anyone else had legitimate power over Palestine to dispose of it in any way. The ZIlONlSTS False Jewish are like their father the Devil, who CHANGE the meaning of everything with premeditation and LIE MORE THAN SPEAK at their convenience, without scruples or Conscience to the detriment of everyone and everything... You can get the rest of this information at:


The Great ROTHSCHlLD SCAMS and their well thought out CHRONOLOGY, which, were the foundation to create the FALSE lsraeI stateThe BALFOUR DECLARATION, the LofN and the UN: https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html On Website  to avoid Censorship, if the link does not work, copy, paste and that's it. En ESPAÑOL aquí: https://www.fiapbt.net/declaracion.html - https://www.fiapbt.net/amorypaz.htm


The PALESTlNE REPARATION, It is the EVERYONE REPARATION!!! https://www.fiapbt.net/reparation.html And in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=423655563636658


God did not give you the land, nor England, nobody gave it to you…

Yesterday you lied to everyone with everything, today you lie and tomorrow you will lie, just like your father the devil.” (m.p.)

Original Post: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8884840608233665&set=a.1748933491824448 In Website  to avoid censorship: https://www.fiapbt.net/loveandpeace.html

STOP GENOClDE!!! https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8885675061483553&set=a.1748933491824448


KNOWING, UNDERSTANDING and ASSIMILATING this KNOWLEDGE will be the ZlONlSM end, the Humanity Cancer end

It didn't start on October, 7, 2023, no… https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8868726136511779&set=a.1748933491824448


It was a FALSE FLAG attack. October 7th was for the ROTHSCHlLD government of Israel, what September 11th was for the ROTHSCHlLD government of the USA, both with the same purpose, to have a cruel and FALSE JUSTIFICATION to seize THE LANDS AND THEIR NATURAL RESOURCES BY ELIMINATING THEIR OWNERS...

In the case of Gaza, among many other interests, the MEDITERRANEAN COAST, the OIL RESERVES and very especially the GAS RESERVES (the largest in the world) that are found in Gaza, are too tempting for these GENOCIDALS ROTHSCHlLD Thieves and their collaborators without Awareness not to steal it, but we are already in other times in which these GENOCIDALS do nothing but give blind blows, their time is already near and their worst sentence, ´Is that they know it! Of course, they will end up doing a lot of damage, they will end up killing, but they will end up, in fact, they are already finished...


“Spreading the truth generate to you enemies, but it feeds the Soul and your own AWARENESS. If we really want to change the world, we must start by changing ourselves.” (m.p.) 


To avoid censorship and so that this information can reach all interested parties, it would be great to share it.


Mariano Peinado

International APBT Federation (FIAPBT) & IADCRO Spain




Madrid, octuber 25, 2024. IT'S NOT A WAR, IT'S A GENOCIDE!!! ´STOP Israel's GENOCIDE against PALESTINE Right Now!!! SAVE the CHILDREN!!!

Global Social RESISTANCE HYMN in VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/videos/8822308384457922 Same VIDEO in YouTube: https://youtu.be/RR5dTQNcnXQ

Original Post: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=530425182959695

KNOWING, UNDERSTANDING and ASSIMILATING this KNOWLEDGE will be the Zionism end In Website  to avoid censorship: https://www.fiapbt.net/loveandpeace.html

STOP GENOClDE!!! https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8885675061483553&set=a.1748933491824448


It didn't start on October, 7, 2023, no…

Original Post: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8868726136511779&set=a.1748933491824448 En ESPAÑOL  aquí: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8868736343177425&set=a.1748933491824448





The HIDDEN HISTORY that affects Palestine since 1917. UNMISSABLE for TRUTH SEEKERS!!! In the REPORT shown below, you will find the PROOFS you needed to finally believe it All information that is here attached has been verified and checked as TRUE.



In the following link of THE BALFOUR DECLARATION, be add a Chronological REPORT of the first steps taken by the Khazarian ROTHSCHILD family from the year 1880, to gradually and very subtly materialize the Great Global Deception that the ROTHSCHILD family needed to justify to the International Community, the THEFT of the Palestine´s lands, the bastard adjudication of the Palestine´s lands by the ROTHSCHILD family to later baptize them with the name of Israel, doing it so to the disastrous detriment of the original Semitic citizens of Palestine, the PALESTINIANS and a minority of TRUE JEWS of 4% of the Palestinian population, who, from the beginning they were against the ZIONISTS FALSE JEWISH, since between the TRUE JEWS and the Palestinians lived in peace and harmony since the time of Jesus of Nazareth, 2024 years ago and who, by the way, Jesus was Palestinian because he was born in Bethlehem, Palestine´s land. The ROTHSCHlLD family and their ZIONIST (Khazar) False Jews, LIE MORE THAN THEY TALK, they TURN EVERYTHING AROUND to achieve any of their objectives in any way they need and to achieve this, they use Lies, Financial Power, Blackmail, Bribery, Intimidation, Victimhood, Crimes and even GENOClDE;


The BALFOUR DECLARATION of 1917: https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html  


PaIestine´s HISTORY: https://www.fiapbt.net/palestine.html


The PALESTINE REPARATION, It is the EVERYONE REPARATION!!! https://www.fiapbt.net/reparation.html And in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=423655563636658


“Spreading the truth generate to you enemies, but it feeds the Soul and your own AWARENESS. If we really want to change the world, we must start by changing ourselves.” (m.p.) 


To avoid censorship and so that this information can reach all interested parties, it would be great to share it.


Mariano Peinado

International APBT Federation (FIAPBT) & IADCRO Spain



“lsraeI's operation in Gaza is not aimed at destroying Hamas. In reality, it is a decades-long operation whose ultimate goal is to make the PaIestinian people disappear.” (Noam Chomsky. October 25, 2023)



@ Message addressed to my States friends; WAKE UP! https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=405861972082684&set=a.155145083821042


The ALTERNATIVE  to the current Corrupt and Rotten 2030 Agenda Social System: https://www.fiapbt.net/alternativa.html (In spanish write)




Madrid, octuber 20, 2024. IT'S NOT A WAR, IT'S A GENOCIDE!!! ´STOP Israel's GENOCIDE against PALESTINE Right Now!!! SAVE the CHILDREN!!!

It didn't start on October, 7, 2023, no…

Original Post: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8868726136511779&set=a.1748933491824448

En ESPAÑOL  aquí: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8868736343177425&set=a.1748933491824448 In Website to avoid censorship: https://www.fiapbt.net/loveandpeace.html



The HIDDEN HISTORY that affects Palestine since 1917. UNMISSABLE for TRUTH SEEKERS!!! In this REPORT and in the DOCUMENTARY VIDEO shown below, you will find the PROOFS you needed to finally believe it All information that is here attached has been verified and checked as TRUE.




In the following link of THE BALFOUR DECLARATION, be add a Chronological REPORT of the first steps taken by the Khazarian ROTHSCHILD family from the year 1880, to gradually and very subtly materialize the Great Global Deception that the ROTHSCHILD family needed to justify to the International Community, the THEFT of the Palestine´s lands, the bastard adjudication of the Palestine´s lands by the ROTHSCHILD family to later baptize them with the name of Israel, doing it so to the disastrous detriment of the original Semitic citizens of Palestine, the PALESTINIANS and a minority of TRUE JEWS of 4% of the Palestinian population, who, from the beginning they were against the ZIONISTS FALSE JEWISH, since between the TRUE JEWS and the Palestinians lived in peace and harmony since the time of Jesus of Nazareth, 2024 years ago and who, by the way, Jesus was Palestinian because he was born in Bethlehem, Palestine´s land. The ROTHSCHlLD family and their ZIONIST (Khazar) False Jews, LIE MORE THAN THEY TALK, they TURN EVERYTHING AROUND to achieve any of their objectives in any way they need and to achieve this, they use Lies, Financial Power, Blackmail, Bribery, Intimidation, Victimhood, Crimes and even GENOClDE;


The BALFOUR DECLARATION of 1917: https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html  


PaIestine´s HISTORY: https://www.fiapbt.net/palestine.html



It didn't start on October, 7, no, that day was a FALSE FLAG Terrorist attack like the one on September 11 in the USA, both orchestrated by the ZlONlST ROTHSCHlLD family and carried out from the shadows by the MOSAD and the ClA.

How Zionism Conquered JFK, America, and PaIestine; DOCUMENTARY VIDEO in YouTube: https://youtu.be/y6C5fl7DYS8

Mismo VÍDEO en ESPAÑOL: https://youtu.be/08FLpnSZB3w




Original Post: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8830812366969823&set=a.1748933491824448  

VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/3807180252833615 Same VIDEO in YouTube: https://youtu.be/pqamrjy68zM  





Madrid, octuber 15, 2024. IT'S NOT A WAR, IT'S A GENOCIDE!!! ´STOP Israel's GENOCIDE against PALESTINE Right Now!!! SAVE the CHILDREN!!!



VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/3807180252833615 Same VIDEO in YouTube: https://youtu.be/pqamrjy68zM  In Website  to avoid  censorship: https://www.fiapbt.net/loveandpeace.html


Original Post y en ESPAÑOL: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8830812366969823&set=a.1748933491824448

In Website  to avoid  censorship: https://www.fiapbt.net/loveandpeace.html


2 - copia


Joe Biden and the rest of the politicians in power in the US, UK and Germany governments, are ZIONISTS! It doesn't matter if they are Republicans or Democrats, it doesn't matter if they are Left or Right, they are ALL ZIONISTS, BRIBED accomplices working subtly for Israel, they are subject to the orders of the Bankers Zionist False Jewish ROTHSCHILD, these are the promoters and creators of the False State of Israel and the promoters not only of the GEN0ClDE of Palestine, no, but also, using their obedient PUPPETS, like Joe Biden, they are also the promoters of any WAR and GEN0ClDE that occurs around the world, such as, for example; The GEN0ClDE of the DR Congo; The GEN0ClDE of Sudan; The GEN0ClDE of Myanmar, etc.




Joe Biden and the rest of the ZIONIST politicians in the government, abandon the youth of their country to their fate and the rest of its citizens in their most basic and urgent needs, in this way, to be able to give the ZIONIST False Jews of Israel more BOMBS and more Weapons, thus, the ZIONISTS can continue with impunity their GEN0ClDE in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, etc., unscrupulously and INDISCRIMINATELY murdering Women, Elderly, Disabled, Civilian Men, Journalists, Health Workers, Humanitarian Personnel and very especially, to continue murdering, To the CHILDREN!!! which, are the FUTURE of Palestine to finally, finish STEALING all their ancestral lands and this same thing, the ZIONIST False Jews of Israel are already doing in the same way with the rest of the neighboring countries of the Middle East.




Unlike the GEN0ClDE committed by Hitler's Nazi Germany in 1939, in which the citizens of the world had little or no idea of ​​what was really happening, in this GEN0ClDE that is being committed right now on the threshold of 2025 by Netanyahu's Zionist Israel, ALL the citizens of the world are seeing with their own eyes the INDISCRIMINATE MASSACRES towards the civilian population that have been carried out by the already SENTENCED ZIONISTS criminals of Israel by the International Court of Justice, seeing it EVERY day in a continuous and sickening manner for more than a year. At this point, there are NO EXCUSES for saying that you know nothing about what is happening, you may be able to fool your fellow men and even yourself for a while, but you will NEVER succeed in fooling your SOUL or your AWARENESS because they will pursue you to be held accountable for your entire life for not having acted in one way or another within your possibilities, to do your part to help stop Netanyahu, just as Hitler was arrested for GEN0ClDAL, WHICH ONE ARE YOU???




Who is the REAL TERR0RlST? TERR0RlSM is created by those who generate TERR0R among the civilian population to achieve their bastard purposes, justifying themselves on the basis of LIES, as the Zi0nists GEN0ClDALS of lsraeI have been doing with the PaIestinians continuously since 1947. TERR0RlSTS are those who generate TERR0R and also those politicians, bankers, businessmen and citizens who collaborate and support it... WHICH ONE ARE YOU??? https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8672747839442944&set=a.1748933491824448

VÍDEO: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/491380420467541 Same Video in YouTube: https://youtu.be/kLh0NnbD7EI


@ KNOWING, UNDERSTANDING and ASSIMILATING this KNOWLEDGE will be the Zi0nism end and its many Tentacles in the world, the end of global Cancer Metastasis. Pass it on from Truth and the !!!


1) AdoIf Eichmann nicknamed as "the monster" and Adolf HitIer, were the architects  of the HoIocaust and of the current False lsraeI Zionist state.

En ESPAÑOL aquí: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8478350615549335&set=a.1748933491824448 Original Post: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=8478345115549885&set=a.1748933491824448


2) ANSWER to those who claim that HitIer did not collaborate with the R0thschiId Zi0nists to materialize the False State of lsraeI. Madrid, august 26, 2024.

En ESPAÑOL aquí: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8440736589310738&set=a.1748933491824448 Original Post: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8526362357414827&set=a.1748933491824448




B0MBS IN YOUR FAMILY'S HOME!!! B0MBS camouflaged in all kinds of computer devices; Mobile phones, Televisions, Refrigerators, Vehicles, etc.

Original Post y en ESPAÑOL: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8624437427607319&set=a.1748933491824448

VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/1053124072890700 Same Video in YouTube: https://youtu.be/yN74zwSiZ14


After the latest innovative but unjustifiable and cowardly terrorist attacks (massacres) carried out by Israel in the second half of September 2024 in Lebanon, causing hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries as a result of the thousands of explosions that occurred from various pocket electronic devices, explosions that were detonated without Conscience, in a Cruel, Evil and INDISCRIMINATE way by the Zionists of Israel against the civilian population of Lebanon, exactly as they have been doing with the Palestinians since 1947 massacre after massacre to displace the civilian population and keep their lands, now, they alone, the Zionists (Khazarians) False Jews of Israel, under FALSE excuses, because they LIE more than they talk, also blinded by their desire to continue STEALING other people's lands, now they want to take over the lands of Lebanon and have used this innovative and new METHOD to to massacre in a simple and INDISCRIMINATE manner, including CHILDREN, WOMEN and ELDERLY, with the aim of frightening the civilian population and making citizens leave their homeland in order to take it over and they do it shamelessly, in full view of the whole World and NO ONE does anything to help prevent it...


However, the Zionists of Israel believe that are clever and do nothing but give blind blows one after another, they have clumsily REVEALED in an objective manner and without conspiracy theories in between, both to the "International Community" and to the citizens of the world (especially those citizens who still retain Criterion, COMMON SENSE, Discernment and a good Heart), this illegal, macabre and sinister METHOD  that the Zionist R0THSCHILD family  has (which are the promoters of 2030 Agenda) to ELIMINATE (kill) massively in a different way than the traditional one and when they please the civilian population in a simple way, in this way, they believe that they will be able to better develop their well-known and sinister NEW WORLD ORDER (NW0) through their 2030 Agenda, especially what said agenda refers to in its section on DEPOPULATION, but not only to the DEPOPULATION of Palestine and the of Lebanon, no, these countries are being an experiment to later better develop the aforementioned Global DEPOPULATION of the 2030 Agenda, if the results are effectively satisfactory for the Zionists, then give way to the massive and Global DEPOPULATION that marks said sinister agenda, using this and other METHODS to eliminate citizens, or said in another clearer way, try to REDUCE the POPULATION of the world of 8 billion citizens that exist today in the world, until leaving only 500 million people alive with a deadline of 2030 and to try to achieve this, the False Jewish Zionists R0THSCHILD of Israel have already been using for some time other very subtle but too slower METHODS of GEN0ClDE, which, they already have more experience and have them at their disposal, such as; "VlRUS" made to order to be fought with other poisons administered with False Vaccines; False wars; Air poisoning with CHEMTRAlLS; Food poisoning; Poisoning with various medications; Water poisoning; 5G antennas; HAARP; CERN; 440 Hz music; Geoengineering, DISINFORMATION and MK UItra promoted by their Media to easily MANIPULATE citizens, nullifying their WILL until turning them into "Zombies" in many cases, nullifying their UNIVERSAL VALUES of the person and generating FEAR, CONFUSION, DIVISION and CONFRONTATION among the citizens themselves to subtly instill the popular "DIVIDE and YOU WILL WIN"; etc., etc.


It should be known that the UN was created by the Zionist R0THSCHlLD Family to subtly favor their interests. It should be known that the president of the UN has his hands tied, even if he wanted to, HE CANNOT DO ANYTHING, the R0THSCHlLD have him as a puppet like the rest of the employees they have at the UN, NATO, WHO, UNESCO, etc., just like the ruling politicians of the various countries, the R0THSCHlLD have them BRIBED, whether they are left or right it does not matter, there is no DEMOCRACY, they even have BRIBED the opposition politicians to favor the interests of this sinister R0THSCHlLD family, they are simply there to appear, to give the credibility that the TRICKS and SOCIAL SCAMS of the R0THSCHlLD do not have, since at first glance everything seems very democratic, but then, they do what the R0THSCHlLD want and for this they use their favorite obedient puppets, the president of the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, etc.


The R0THSCHlLD family was the promoter of the creation of the FALSE Israel state. The R0THSCHlLD family is the promoter of the GEN0ClDE not only of Palestine, no, but also, it is the promoter of any WAR and GEN0ClDE that occurs around the world, such as; The GEN0ClDE of the DR Congo; The GEN0ClDE of Sudan; The GEN0ClDE of Myanmar, etc. The R0THSCHlLD family is the promoter of the great global economic scam, the FEDERAL RESERVE (the supposed bank of banks), the PUBLIC DEBT, etc. The R0THSCHlLD family is also the promoter of the sinister 2030 Agenda, etc. In short, the R0THSCHlLD family is the Cancer of Humanity which must be removed and the sooner the better for EVERYONE.


If we do not stop the GEN0ClDAL, it will not only eliminate Palestine and its citizens from the Map, no, it will also eliminate Democracy, Human Rights, Universal Values, Illusion and Hope in Humanity in short, for not having arrested the GEN0ClDAL and its collaborators without Conscience, today It has been the turn of the PaIestinians, tomorrow it will be our turn with any of the various ways that they have prepared for us from the R0THSCHlLD Agenda, yes, the 2030, the one that tells you to your face that you will have nothing, but you will be happy and we would deserve it for being unsolidary…


The PALESTINE REPARATION, It is the EVERYONE REPARATION!!! https://www.fiapbt.net/reparation.html And in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=423655563636658


“Spreading the truth generate to you enemies, but it feeds the Soul and your own AWARENESS. If we really want to change the world, we must start by changing ourselves.” (m.p.) 


To avoid censorship and so that this information can reach all interested parties, it would be great to share it.


Mariano Peinado

International APBT Federation (FIAPBT) & IADCRO Spain



“lsraeI's operation in Gaza is not aimed at destroying Hamas. In reality, it is a decades-long operation whose ultimate goal is to make the PaIestinian people disappear.” (Noam Chomsky. October 25, 2023)


@ The PALESTlNE HISTORY, ´Is the EVERYONE HISTORY!!! If PALESTlNE falls, ´We ALL Fall!!! ´We are ALL PALESTlNE!!! The PALESTlNE REPARATION, ´Is the EVERYONE REPARATION!!! Video  in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/1141438357129195 Same Video in YouTube: https://youtu.be/VtbJjiUYZDU



Some citizens still do not understand what is happening in Palestine, they are confused, uninformed, among other things because the Media that is servile to the Financial Power, that is, servile to the R0THSCHlLD Family, have mostly been in charge of hiding the information about what is happening and the little that has been reported has been to distort the Truth. Now is your chance to find out what is really happening in the Middle East if you don't already know. Below, I attach a Chronological INFORMATION of the PaIestine history and numbered from 1 to 4, in this way, so that, by yourself, under your Criterion, Common Sense and Free Will, you can draw your own conclusions about it, so you will understand in a simple and effective way what is really happening right now in PaIestine. Furthermore, this exercise will help you understand the rest of the social issues that are of your interest and that involve us all, not only with the issue of Palestine, I am referring very specifically to what is coming to us with the 20 30 Agenda of the R0THSCHlLD family, for this reason and although many still do not understand it; We are all PaIestine, because simply, We are all One.


Chronological INFORMATION on the PaIestine HISTORY until nowadays;


1) PaIestine´s HISTORY: https://www.fiapbt.net/palestine.html


2) The 3 Big R0THSCHlLD SCAMS that were the foundation to create the FALSE lsraeI state; The BALF0UR DECLARATION, the LofN and the UN: https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html  


3) Regarding the FALSE FLAG attack on 0ctober 7: https://www.fiapbt.net/hamas2.html 

NEWS from ABC, an important Spanish newspaper with national circulation; “H4MAS was created by lsraeI”: https://www.fiapbt.net/ABChamas.html


4) The PALESTlNE REPARATION, It is the EVERYONE REPARATION!!! https://www.fiapbt.net/reparation.html 


* Some issues related to the ZI0NIST FALSE JEWS BiIderberg, which, ´AFFECT US ALL!!!


@ DIFFERENCE between True and False Jews. The R0THSCHlLD familyhttps://www.fiapbt.net/true&fakejews.html


@ The WORLDWIDE SCAM of the FEDER4L R3SERVE: https://www.fiapbt.net/fed.html


@ The PUBLIC DEBT SCAM: https://www.fiapbt.net/deudapublica.html (In spanish write)


The 7 UNIVERSALS LAWhttp://www.iadcro.com/7universalslaws.html



Madrid, september 25, 2024. IT'S NOT A WAR, IT'S A GENOCIDE!!! ´STOP Israel's GENOCIDE against PALESTINE Right Now!!! SAVE the CHILDREN!!!

WHO IS THE REAL TERRORlST??? Those who DEFEND their lands, their home, their family and their neighbors are not TERRORlSTS, no, ´They are HEROES!!!

Original Post y en ESPAÑOL: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8672747839442944&set=a.1748933491824448

Who is the REAL TERRORlST? TERRORlSM is created by those who generate TERROR among the civilian population to achieve their bastard purposes, justifying themselves on the basis of LIES, as the Zionists GENOClDALS of lsraeI have been doing with the Palestinians continuously since 1947. TERRORlSTS are those who generate TERROR and also those politicians, bankers, businessmen and citizens who collaborate and support it... WHICH ONE ARE YOU???

VÍDEO: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/491380420467541 Mismo Vídeo en YouTube: https://youtu.be/kLh0NnbD7EI




BOMBS camouflaged in all kinds of computer devices; Mobile phones, Televisions, Refrigerators, Vehicles, etc. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8624437427607319&set=a.1748933491824448

VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/1053124072890700 Same Video in YouTube: https://youtu.be/yN74zwSiZ14

In Website to avoid censorship: https://www.fiapbt.net/loveandpeace.html


After the latest innovative but unjustifiable and cowardly terrorist attacks (massacres) carried out by Israel in the second half of September 2024 in Lebanon, causing hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries as a result of the thousands of explosions that occurred from various pocket electronic devices, explosions that were detonated without Conscience, in a Cruel, Evil and INDISCRIMINATE way by the Zionists of Israel against the civilian population of Lebanon, exactly as they have been doing with the Palestinians since 1947 massacre after massacre to displace the civilian population and keep their lands, now, they alone, the Zionists (Khazarians) False Jews of Israel, under FALSE excuses, because they LIE more than they talk, also blinded by their desire to continue STEALING other people's lands, now they want to take over the lands of Lebanon and have used this innovative and new METHOD to to massacre in a simple and INDISCRIMINATE manner, including CHILDREN, WOMEN and ELDERLY, with the aim of frightening the civilian population and making citizens leave their homeland in order to take it over and they do it shamelessly, in full view of the whole World and NO ONE does anything to help prevent it...




However, the Zionists of Israel believe that are clever and do nothing but give blind blows one after another, they have clumsily REVEALED in an objective manner and without conspiracy theories in between, both to the "International Community" and to the citizens of the world (especially those citizens who still retain Criterion, COMMON SENSE, Discernment and a good Heart), this illegal, macabre and sinister METHOD that the Zionist ROTHSCHILD family has (which are the promoters of 2030 Agenda) to ELIMINATE (kill) massively in a different way than the traditional one and when they please the civilian population in a simple way, in this way, they believe that they will be able to better develop their well-known and sinister NEW WORLD ORDER (NWO) through their 2030 Agenda, especially what said agenda refers to in its section on DEPOPULATION, but not only to the DEPOPULATION of Palestine and the of Lebanon, no, these countries are being an experiment to later better develop the aforementioned Global DEPOPULATION of the 2030 Agenda, if the results are effectively satisfactory for the Zionists, then give way to the massive and Global DEPOPULATION that marks said sinister agenda, using this and other METHODS to eliminate citizens, or said in another clearer way, try to REDUCE the POPULATION of the world of 8 billion citizens that exist today in the world, until leaving only 500 million people alive with a deadline of 2030 and to try to achieve this, the False Jewish Zionists ROTHSCHILD of Israel have already been using for some time other very subtle but too slower METHODS of GENOClDE, which, they already have more experience and have them at their disposal, such as; "VlRUS" made to order to be fought with other poisons administered with False Vaccines; False wars; Air poisoning with CHEMTRAlLS; Food poisoning; Poisoning with various medications; Water poisoning; 5G antennas; HAARP; CERN; 440 Hz music; Geoengineering, DISINFORMATION and MK UItra promoted by their Media to easily MANIPULATE citizens, nullifying their WILL until turning them into "Zombies" in many cases, nullifying their UNIVERSAL VALUES of the person and generating FEAR, CONFUSION, DIVISION and CONFRONTATION among the citizens themselves to subtly instill the popular "DIVIDE and YOU WILL WIN"; etc., etc.

It should be known that the UN was created by the Zionist ROTHSCHlLD Family to subtly favor their interests. It should be known that the president of the UN has his hands tied, even if he wanted to, HE CANNOT DO ANYTHING, the ROTHSCHlLD have him as a puppet like the rest of the employees they have at the UN, NATO, WHO, UNESCO, etc., just like the ruling politicians of the various countries, the ROTHSCHlLD have them BRIBED, whether they are left or right it does not matter, there is no DEMOCRACY, they even have BRIBED the opposition politicians to favor the interests of this sinister ROTHSCHlLD family, they are simply there to appear, to give the credibility that the TRICKS and SOCIAL SCAMS of the ROTHSCHlLD do not have, since at first glance everything seems very democratic, but then, they do what the ROTHSCHlLD want and for this they use their favorite obedient puppets, the president of the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, etc.



The ROTHSCHlLD family was the promoter of the creation of the FALSE Israel state. The ROTHSCHlLD family is the promoter of the GENOClDE not only of Palestine, no, but also, it is the promoter of any WAR and GENOClDE that occurs around the world, such as; The GENOClDE of the DR Congo; The GENOClDE of Sudan; The GENOClDE of Myanmar, etc. The ROTHSCHlLD family is the promoter of the great global economic scam, the FEDERAL RESERVE (the supposed bank of banks), the PUBLIC DEBT, etc. The ROTHSCHlLD family is also the promoter of the sinister 2030 Agenda, etc. In short, the ROTHSCHlLD family is the Cancer of Humanity which must be removed and the sooner the better for EVERYONE.

If we do not stop the GENOClDAL, it will not only eliminate Palestine and its citizens from the Map, no, it will also eliminate Democracy, Human Rights, Universal Values, Illusion and Hope in Humanity in short, for not having arrested the GENOClDAL and its collaborators without Conscience, today It has been the turn of the PaIestinians, tomorrow it will be our turn with any of the various ways that they have prepared for us from the ROTHSCHlLD Agenda, yes, the 2030, the one that tells you to your face that you will have nothing, but you will be happy and we would deserve it for being unsolidary…


The PALESTINE REPARATION, It is the EVERYONE REPARATION!!! https://www.fiapbt.net/reparation.html And in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=423655563636658


Some citizens, without any empathy towards their fellow man, especially CHILDREN, declare the following;

“The BOMBS inserted in computer devices by the Zionists and their collaborators without Conscience, do not affect me, because I am not against the Zionists, as far as I am concerned they can do whatever they want with the citizens of the world, since by deciding to act in this way under my Responsibility and my Free Will, not accusing the Zionists, that circumstance keeps me and my family safe from their sinister acts” (Sic)


ANSWER for those who think and declare similarly those last words;

In addition to the lack of EMPATHY and lack UNIVERSAL VALUES of the person that you show to lack, I ask you a simple question, ´Have you never in your life received a phone call by mistake??? Of course you have, many. The day you least expect it, your cell phone, your car, your neighbor's television or refrigerator will receive a message or a call, intentionally or by mistake, that doesn't matter, a call, which will activate the BOMB that these electronic devices manufactured not only in the West, no, also in the East, have already inserted, with the capacity to knock down even the building where you and your family are living as has happened on countless occasions and has been silenced, then, I suggest you do not look for excuses to feel safe from these people, NO ONE is safe from the Zionists, they are the Cancer of humanity and as such, for the good of ALL, it must be removed sooner rather than later, starting with the politicians who are in charge of the various countries and are bribed by the Zionists, working subtly and obediently for them, regardless of whether they are left or right, ´ALL! Even opposition politicians are bribed.



@ KNOWING, UNDERSTANDING and ASSIMILATING this KNOWLEDGE will be the Zionism end and its many Tentacles in the world, the end of global Cancer Metastasis. Pass it on from Truth and the !!!


1) AdoIf Eichmann nicknamed as "the monster" and Adolf HitIer, were the architects of the HoIocaust and of the current False lsraeI Zionist state.

En ESPAÑOL aquí: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8478350615549335&set=a.1748933491824448 Original Post: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=8478345115549885&set=a.1748933491824448


2) ANSWER to those who claim that HitIer did not collaborate with the RothschiId Zionists to materialize the False State of lsraeI. Madrid, august 26, 2024.

En ESPAÑOL aquí: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8440736589310738&set=a.1748933491824448 Original Post: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8526362357414827&set=a.1748933491824448


“Spreading the truth generate to you enemies, but it feeds the Soul and your own AWARENESS. If we really want to change the world, we must start by changing ourselves.” (m.p.) 


To avoid censorship and so that this information can reach all interested parties, it would be great to share it.


Mariano Peinado

International APBT Federation (FIAPBT) & IADCRO Spain



“lsraeI's operation in Gaza is not aimed at destroying Hamas. In reality, it is a decades-long operation whose ultimate goal is to make the PaIestinian people disappear.” (Noam Chomsky. October 25, 2023)


@ The PALESTlNE HISTORY, ´Is the EVERYONE HISTORY!!! If PALESTlNE falls, ´We ALL Fall!!! ´We are ALL PALESTlNE!!! The PALESTlNE REPARATION, ´Is the EVERYONE REPARATION!!! Video  in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/1141438357129195 Same Video in YouTube: https://youtu.be/VtbJjiUYZDU



Some citizens still do not understand what is happening in Palestine, they are confused, uninformed, among other things because the Media that is servile to the Financial Power, that is, servile to the ROTHSCHlLD Family, have mostly been in charge of hiding the information about what is happening and the little that has been reported has been to distort the Truth. Now is your chance to find out what is really happening in the Middle East if you don't already know. Below, I attach a Chronological INFORMATION of the PaIestine history and numbered from 1 to 4, in this way, so that, by yourself, under your Criterion, Common Sense and Free Will, you can draw your own conclusions about it, so you will understand in a simple and effective way what is really happening right now in PaIestine. Furthermore, this exercise will help you understand the rest of the social issues that are of your interest and that involve us all, not only with the issue of Palestine, I am referring very specifically to what is coming to us with the 2030 Agenda of the ROTHSCHlLD family, for this reason and although many still do not understand it; We are all PaIestine, because simply, We are all One.


Chronological INFORMATION on the PaIestine HISTORY until nowadays;


1) PaIestine´s HISTORY: https://www.fiapbt.net/palestine.html


2) The 3 Big ROTHSCHlLD SCAMS that were the foundation to create the FALSE lsraeI state; The BALFOUR DECLARATION, the LofN and the UN: https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html  


3) Regarding the FALSE FLAG attack on 0ctober 7: https://www.fiapbt.net/hamas2.html 

NEWS from ABC, an important Spanish newspaper with national circulation; “HAMAS was created by lsraeI”: https://www.fiapbt.net/ABChamas.html


4) The PALESTlNE REPARATION, It is the EVERYONE REPARATION!!! https://www.fiapbt.net/reparation.html 


* Some issues related to the ZIONIST FALSE JEWS BiIderberg, which, ´AFFECT US ALL!!!


@ DIFFERENCE between True and False Jews. The ROTHSCHlLD familyhttps://www.fiapbt.net/true&fakejews.html


@ The WORLDWIDE SCAM of the FEDERAL RESERVE: https://www.fiapbt.net/fed.html


@ The PUBLIC DEBT SCAM: https://www.fiapbt.net/deudapublica.html (In spanish write)




Madrid, 01 september, 2024. IT'S NOT A WAR, IT'S A GENOCIDE!!! ´STOP Israel's GENOCIDE against PALESTINE Right Now!!! SAVE the CHILDREN!!!

KNOWING, UNDERSTANDING and ASSIMILATING this KNOWLEDGE will be the end of Zionism and its many Tentacles in the world. Pass it on from the Truth and the !!!


Adolf Hitler and Adolf Eichmann nicknamed as "The Monster", were the architects of the Holocaust and of the False Israel Zionist state.


ANSWER to those who claim that HitIer did not collaborate with the RothschiId Zionists to materialize the False State of lsrael. Madrid, august 26, 2024.

En ESPAÑOL aquí: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8478350615549335&set=a.1748933491824448 Website to avoid censorship: https://www.fiapbt.net/loveandpeace.html

Original Post: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=8478345115549885&set=a.1748933491824448 - https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8440748942642836&set=a.1748933491824448


Dear friend, you and some others refer as evidence to what Hitler wrote while in prison in 1923 in his book entitled "Mein Kampf". Are you going to accept your theory of what Hitler did in his Nazi Germany when he was Chancellor from 1933 onwards, based on what he wrote in his book in 1923?


As you well know, Hitler was in prison in 1923. During that time he wrote his book in a mental state of indignation and helplessness due to the situation he found himself in.

Personally, I have seen several individuals in power governing their respective countries, who, in a short time after acquiring control of their country, in a few months, have completely changed their mind about what they had promised to do in advance and had been defending for a long time, not even months, in a single day it was enough to completely change their philosophy and political criteria, as for example the case of the Prime Minister of Greece Alexis Tsipras, who had a very clear ideology against the capitalism of the ROTHSCHILDs and I remember perfectly as if it were yesterday, when after a closed-door meeting held in Germany between Alexis Tsipras and it is not clear who or who, he left said meeting with very clear ideas to do the opposite of what he had been doing up to that point in his country, in that way, to clearly and manifestly begin to favor the ROTHSCHILDs capitalism to the detriment of his citizens. Alexis Tsipras changed his mind, ´In a single day!!!


With these examples I mean that what Hitler thought and wrote in 1923 in that book entitled "Mein Kampf" had little or nothing to do with what Hitler thought and did in 1933 when he was appointed Chancellor of Germany. I think that what you say about the book written by Hitler is not valid as proof that Hitler did not collaborate with the Zionists in his time. Unfortunately, in many cases, words are malleable and are carried away by the wind at the moment that circumstances change in one way or another for the life of the individual one, however, the documents that are recorded, and even, publicly shown at the time, that does not change, such as, for example, what is recorded in THE HAAVARA AGREEMENT and other records of various countries, where the collaboration that existed between Hitler and the Zionists is demonstrated, working together and in the ROTHSCHILD team, well synchronized to benefit later the creation of the State of Israel, poorly named on purpose at that time but with much intention as the Jewish State, as the Zionists named it in public to confuse and convince more and better the citizens, which, the majority did not fully understand about this matter, wanting the Zionists to gain popularity and followers to their Zionist cause wrapped and disguised as the Jewish cause, I am referring to the year 1937, just one year after the death of King George V of England, who is credited with the concession of Palestine to the Zionists through the BALFOUR DECLARATION, being categorically FALSE, a false Hoax, for that reason, the ROTHSCHILD Zionists waited for King George V to die in 1936 to begin to definitively materialize the False Jewish State, they did so, so that King George V would not reveal the Falsehood of the interpretation that the Rothschild Zionists had given to his words inside THE BALFOUR DECLARATION through Minister Arthur BALFOUR, a supremacist and Zionist, the obedient puppet of the Rothschild Zionists. We can see the latter in detail in the following link: https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html Specifically you can see it just below the Theodor Herzl´s photograph and where you clearly can read: 1st) The BALFOUR DECLARATION SCAM (1917)


- 00 00 00 00 00 00 TAMAÑO GRANDE INGLES - copia (2)


Obeying the instructions of the 3rd Baron Rothschild, Nathaniel Mayer Victor Rothschild, Hitler made an agreement with the Zionists called THE HAAVARA AGREEMENT. This Haavara Agreement consisted of populating the lands of Palestine by force, by transferring at least sixty thousand Jews from Nazi Germany to Palestine, to whom this transfer to Palestine was offered as a great opportunity for them, in exchange for their money and many of their assets and so that they would accept it without complaint, they showed them the transfer to Palestine as something imperative as to save their lives, when in reality, the objective of this transfer was not to save their lives, no, the objective of this forced transfer of at least sixty thousand Jews was a capitals rescue operation for Hitler's Nazi Germany and more especially, for to promote the creation of a Zionist State in the country of Palestine camouflaged as a Jewish State or State of Israel, doing so with impunity, without scruples, at the cost of genocide of the Palestinians, at the cost of stealing the lands of Palestine, stealing them little by little but without pause and deceiving everyone and everything, the Zionists lie more than they talk. The at least sixty thousand Jews relocated by THE HAAVARA AGREEMENT, were actually relocated not to save their lives, no, but rather because the ROTHSCHILD Zionists needed them to populate those lands of Palestine, but before populating it, they forcibly expelled from various villages and by means of massacres already at that time their original inhabitants, the Palestinians, in order latter, in 1948, to be able to justify face to international comunity the creation of a new country for those same relocated people, a bastard new country located in foreign lands with onwer called the Jewish State or State of Israel, but which in reality is the ROTSCHILD Zionist State, governed from the beginning until today by Zionists, there has never been a single True Jew in the lsrael government and there never will be, since the True Jews have always proclaimed the Falsehood of the State of Israel for going against their Holy Bible, the TORAH and for that reason, from the beginning of the creation of the False State of Israel, the True Jews have been victims in similar way like the Palestinians, by the Zionist beast, the King of Lies, like his father the Devil.


The REPARATION in Palestina INGLES.. - copia


I appreciate your answer, but I do not agree with it, sorry. As I told to your friend, it was already proven in THE HAAVARA AGREEMENT and also in other places of great credibility and historical relevance, that Hitler and the Zionists were partners working under the orders of the Khazarian Zionist ROTHSCHILD banking family. Hitler and the Zionists were against the True Jews, but the Zionists pretend since ever to pass themself off as to be like the true Jews in the eyes of the international global society that does not understand this issue, in this way, they can confuse everyone and thus, through VICTIMIZATION, make it easier for them to achieve their goals, because in addition, almost everyone also supports them simply because they are the owners of almost all the money and capitalism in the world through the ROTHSCHILDs, the politicians of most countries in the world are bribed or afraid of the ROTHSCHILDs and for these reasons, they will support them in everything they ask of them.


ZIONIST IS NOT THE SAME AS JEWISH, IT IS THE OPPOSITE! Israel is governed by Zionists, not by Jews, the True Jews are also VICTIMS of Zionism, and they have been publicly denouncing it for decades, it is nothing new, it is not so difficult to understand…



Hitler, as you well say, was indeed against the True Jews, exactly like Satanyahu is today. The Zionists and Hitler, also were against the True Jews, and they are also against all those people and countries from whom they want to steal everything they want, but they do it in a subtle way in most cases. For example, in nowadays the ROTHSCHILD Zionists do whatever they want, even genocide, to steal everything they want and wherever they want in the world, not only how as is happening in the Palestinian genocide, but also in the genocide of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, or in the Sudanese genocide in Darfur, or in the genocide of Myanmar, etc., etc.


The ROTHSCHILDs and all their Zionists, accomplices and collaborators, LIE MORE THAN THEY TALK, they turn everything around to try to get their way, but not now, no, for hundreds of years and in Hitler's time also did it. I mean, Hitler was indeed against the Jews, but against the True Jews as I said before, not to be confused with the Zionists, who are the FALSE JEWS and were the partners of Hitler's team to eliminate the TRUE JEWS. The ROTHSCHILD Zionists are those who had and currently have power in Israel from the shadows with their “leader” Netanyahu, and the TRUE JEWS, like the Palestinians, are also victims of this Zionist rabble, who have the nerve to pass themselves off as True Jews to make it easier for themselves to achieve a series of goals as I have already mentioned…



However, if you have any doubts, I recommend that you investigate and study this matter with open mind please, as there are several places where they mention the joint work and agreements between Hitler and the Zionists, like the already mentioned and well-known “THE HAAVARA AGREEMENT”, which as I said, is an agreement between Hitler's Nazis and the Zionists of that time promoted from subtlety by their boss, Nathaniel Mayer Víctor of the ROTHSCHILD family. For example, from the following book that I attach you entitled "ZIONISM in the Age of the DICTATORS", written by the American Lenni Brenner, it shows the many proofs of the relationship between Hitler's Nazism and Zionism, to such an extent that it can be proven that both worked well synchronized to advance the same macabre interests of the greatest Zionist of that time, the 3rd Baron Rothschild, Nathaniel Mayer Victor Rothschild, who handled at will and interest his Nazi puppets (Hitler) and his Zionist puppets, whose priority in the close and subtle relationship between Nazis and Zionists, among many other matters, was the creation of the False Jewish State, or the False State of Israel, but that in reality it would be about creating the Zionist (Khazar) ROTHSCHILD State of Israel on foreign lands owned by the country of Palestine, protected by a mere justification of the name and many other lies, even changing the history of humanity itself for their own benefit, doing it as they have always done, deceiving more and better, especially, so that through lies, they can gain the support of those who were not up to date on these subtle and complex issues, that is, the support of the majority of humanity; https://www.counterpunch.org/2014/02/24/zionism-in-the-age-of-the-dictators



The other coin that I show below on both sides, has been secretly hidden and seen by very few people, as it was too obvious and could compromise the interests and monopoly of the Rothschild elite, which managed and currently manages in the year 2024 the global Matrix, both the countries of the West and the countries of the East, making the global population believe that they are enemies, when in reality they work together and obey the same people, to the ROTHSCHILD Family.

The coin comes from an exclusive and limited issue produced in 1932 by Stewart-Warner Corporation, it was made to be delivered only for the obedient ROTHSCHILD´s distinguished collaborators, some of them are the leaders and their trusted men of the Patriarchy in where the symbolism of the evil Rothschild elite of his well-known PYRAMID of the ALL-SEEING EYE seen from above is captured, which, represents THE UNION PACT between all of them; The Zionists with his David´s Star; The Fascist Nazis with his Swastika; The Black Nobility of the Vatican, the Masons of the dark side and the Illuminati with their The All-Seeing Eye, etc. and all of it wrapped in the Four-Leaf Clover (lucky clover), which is associated with fortune, with riches and which the Rothschilds and their collaborators wanted to attract to themselves.



The coin celebrated the end of the economic depression that began in 1929. The message of the coin was clear and forceful, in addition to what was described above, it also gave the starting signal among bankers and businessmen to begin promoting the much-valued consumerism of Capitalism, which so benefits the Rothschilds and his collaborators without Conscience, mocking among themselves of the citizens so that they would stop crying about the dire consequences caused by said depression and thus, resume the beginning of their purchases.


Since the death of King George V of the United Kingdom in 1936, the Rothschilds had given the order among the Zionists to accelerate as much as possible the process for the creation of the State of Israel, because there already was nothing and no one that could prevent them from materializing their project of the False State of Israel at the expense of the Palestine Country and they were in a hurry to do so, but in order to do so, they first needed to create a citizenship to their False State of Israel, a False Country, a Rothschilds´ whim. On February 26, 1937, the high-ranking Zionist official Feival Polkes, of the criminal Zionist labor militia Haganah, under the instructions of the 3rd Baron Rothschild, Nathaniel Mayer Victor Rothschild, met with Adolf Eichmann in Berlin, which was Hitler's right hand. Eichmann was the main organizer of the Holocaust along with Hitler. The meeting between Polkes and Eichmann was to facilitate in every possible way the forced migration of the Jews from Germany to Palestine, especially Jewish youth. The report on their negotiations is found in the SS files found after the war, where the following can be read:

Polkes… pointed out that the aim of the Haganah is to achieve, as soon as possible, a Jewish majority in Palestine… he declared himself willing to work for Germany in the form of supplying information, provided this did not conflict with his own political objectives. Among other things, he would support German foreign policy in the Middle East. He would try to find sources of oil for the German Reich without affecting British spheres of interest if German monetary regulations for Jewish emigrants to Palestine were relaxed.” (Sic)



Adolf Eichmann nicknamed as "The Monster" and Adolf Hitler, were the architects of the Holocaust and of the False Israel Zionist state.


Also recorded were some curious and illustrative words from Adolf Eichmann, the main organizer of the Holocaust along with Hitler, when he said;

“If I had been a Jew, I would have been a fanatical Zionist. I could not imagine being anything else. In fact, I would have been the most ardent Zionist imaginable.” (Sic)

To the wise, words are superfluous, more clear that it, water…


Both Hitler and the Zionists of that time were very well aligned following the guidelines of the ROTHSCHILD agenda to the disastrous detriment and detriment of the True Jews, to the disastrous detriment and detriment of the Palestinians, to the disastrous detriment and detriment of the entire world and to the unjust benefit of the ROTHSCHILD, to the unjust benefit of their Zionists or FALSE JEWS, to the unjust benefit of their Accomplices (Media, scientists, religious, economists, etc.) and to the unjust benefit of their bribed collaborating Politicians of any political party, whether left or right, that is, in this way, step by step, very calmly, without haste, but without pauses, to reach what is happening today in 2024 in Palestine.


In short, Hitler, in a subtle way, was under the orders of the 3rd Baron Rothschild, Nathaniel Mayer Victor Rothschild, and collaborated directly with the Zionists so that the False State of Israel was created in 1948. In fact, the Second World War was a complete farce to achieve the creation of that False State of Israel and Zionist institutions such as the UN, NATO, WHO, etc., and also, as the ROTHSCHILDS have always done in their wars, with both sides in conflict benefited from the sale of their weapons to destroy, and when the war ends, with both sides in conflict also benefited from rebuilding what was previously destroyed, among many other issues. In other words, the Rothschild Zionists benefit from everything and everyone, no matter who wins or loses the war. The Rothschild Zionists and their unscrupulous collaborators are the ones who have always won with their bastardly, unjust and cruel acts, but now the matter has already begun to change to their detriment...




“Spreading the truth generate to you enemies, but it feeds the Soul and your own AWARENESS. If we really want to change the world, we must start by changing ourselves.” (m.p.) 


To avoid censorship and so that this information can reach all interested parties, it would be great to share it.


As I told you before, I do not want to convince nor to you, nor anyone of absolutely anything, I am the author of this information after many years under investigation by myself and I tell you that there could indeed be some error in the information, especially since I do not have a good command of the English language, but I can assure you that I am not a liar, I am not one of those, I could be wrong, of course, and the moment I become aware that I have made a mistake I rectify it at the moment, but from there to lying, that is something very different and as I was saying, I am not one of those who lie to advance their own interests, my only interest is that Truth and Justice prevail over everyone and everything, even above my own personal interests, since my personal interest is and has always been that, that Truth and Justice prevail, without wanting to enter into polemics or wanting to convince anyone of absolutely anything, only to present with humility and good intention my investigations and then let everyone take them as they see fit.


A cordial greeting from Madrid,


Mariano Peinado

International APBT Federation (FIAPBT) & IADCRO Spain



“Israel's operation in Gaza is not aimed at destroying Hamas. In reality, it is a decades-long operation whose ultimate goal is to make the Palestinian people disappear.” (Noam Chomsky. October 25, 2023)


@ The PALESTINE HISTORY, ´Is the EVERYONE HISTORY!!! If PALESTINE falls, ´We ALL Fall!!! ´We are ALL PALESTINE!!! The PALESTINE REPARATION, ´Is the EVERYONE REPARATION!!! Video  in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/1141438357129195 Same Video in YouTube: https://youtu.be/VtbJjiUYZDU



Some citizens still do not understand what is happening in Palestine, they are confused, uninformed, among other things because the Media that is servile to the Financial Power, that is, servile to the ROTHSCHILD Family, have mostly been in charge of hiding the information about what is happening and the little that has been reported has been to distort the Truth. Now is your chance to find out what is really happening in the Middle East if you don't already know. Below, I attach a Chronological INFORMATION of the Palestine history and numbered from 1 to 4, in this way, so that, by yourself, under your Criterion, Common Sense and Free Will, you can draw your own conclusions about it, so you will understand in a simple and effective way what is really happening right now in Palestine. Furthermore, this exercise will help you understand the rest of the social issues that are of your interest and that involve us all, not only with the issue of Palestine, I am referring very specifically to what is coming to us with the 20 30 Agenda of the ROTHSCHILD family, for this reason and although many still do not understand it; We are all Palestine, because simply, We are all One.


Chronological INFORMATION on the Palestine HISTORY until nowadays;


1) Palestine´s HISTORY: https://www.fiapbt.net/palestine.html


2) The 3 Big ROTHSCHILD SCAMS that were the foundation to create the FALSE Israel state; The BALFOUR DECLARATION, the LofN and the UN: https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html  


3) Regarding the FALSE FLAG terrorist attack on October 7: https://www.fiapbt.net/hamas2.html 

NEWS from ABC, an important Spanish newspaper with national circulation; “HAMAS was created by Israel”: https://www.fiapbt.net/ABChamas.html


4) The PALESTINE REPARATION, It is the EVERYONE REPARATION!!! https://www.fiapbt.net/reparation.html 


* Some issues related to the ZIONIST FALSE JEWS Bilderberg, which, ´AFFECT US ALL!!!


@ DIFFERENCE between True and False Jews. The ROTHSCHILD familyhttps://www.fiapbt.net/true&fakejews.html


@ The WORLDWIDE SCAM of the FEDERAL RESERVE: https://www.fiapbt.net/fed.html


@ The PUBLIC DEBT SCAM: https://www.fiapbt.net/deudapublica.html (In spanish write)


The 7 UNIVERSALS LAWhttp://www.iadcro.com/7universalslaws.html



Madrid, 21 july, 2024. IT'S NOT A WAR, IT'S A GENOCIDE!!! ´STOP Israel's GENOCIDE against PALESTINE Right Now!!! SAVE the CHILDREN!!!

WE ARE ALL ONE!!! Video in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/1012040963811031 Same Video in YouTube: https://youtu.be/2XvNfgVObLM

Post in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8188841484500251&set=a.1748933491824448




What's your level? Video in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/2254112698382161 Video in YouTube: https://youtu.be/Yo0NZufsjEk

The before video the Matrix (ROTHSCHILD Financial Power) does not want you to see it. The 7 levels of awakening consciousness to get out of the Matrix, ´ Which one are you in?



PYTHAGORAS in the same way of JESUS CHRISTBUDDHAMOHAMMEDCONFUCIUSKRISHNADIONISIO, ELIAS, ABRAHAM or BRAHMAZARATHUSTRATHALES of MILETOLAO TSEENOCTHOTHERMES TRISMEGISTOAPOLLONIUS OF TYANA, PARACELSUSSAINT GERMAIN, etc, they did NOT create any Religion, no, the dark elite took care of that by distorting and completely turning around the True message of each and every one of these wonderful and Divine envoys, which, each one of them in their respective epochs and in their own way and style, to facilitate the AWARENESS AWAKENING to citizens anywhere in the world, revealed “The Secret” of the LAW OF ATTRACTION in his days, which governing THE 7 UNIVERSALS LAWS, because the true God, Pure LOVE essence and good intentions towards the neighbor, is the same in all places but with different names.


LAW OF ATTRACTIONhttp://www.iadcro.com/lawofattraction.html


The 7 UNIVERSALS LAWhttp://www.iadcro.com/7universalslaws.html




CAN YOU FIND THE DIFFERENCES between the 2 Puppets without Awareness that you see in the next PHOTOGRAPHY?

There is only one Difference in the PHOTOGRAPHY; The G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E development they has evolved it into super effectiveness DESTRUCTIVE, due to the development of weapons and its illegal, unjust and immoral use and for having the ability to hide it from many citizens, by transmitting a FALSE REALITY to society coming from Junk Entertainment and from Social engineering carried out through the media of the ROTHSCHILD Financial Power and his 20 30 Agenda.


WHICH ONE ARE YOU??? https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8091187267599007&set=a.1748933491824448






TESTIMONIES coming from HEART and TRUTH; Video  in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/852453020082173 - https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/1195793168261448 Same Video in YouTube: https://youtu.be/wTjD0PPxUhc


Madrid, 13 june, 2024. IT'S NOT A WAR, IT'S A GENOCIDE!!! ´STOP Israel's GENOCIDE against PALESTINE Right Now!!! SAVE the CHILDREN!!!

@ Important issues to take into account in order to understand in nowadays what is happening between Palestine and the False State of Israel, the so-called MIDDLE EAST conflict...


e7f1332f-22c3-4307-ba20-85b1276269b0_alta-libre-aspect-ratio_default_0 - copia https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html 

BALFOUR DECLARATION From Great Britain, Gary John RESPONDS to one of my Reports with the photograph of the BALFOUR DECLARATION, marking the words supposedly said by King George V of England, thinking like many uninformed people, that those words Legitimize the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, being totally erroneous and I refer to the facts answering him with the following ANSWER.


- 00 00 00 00 00 RESPUESTA INGLES Original Post: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8019581614759573&set=a.1748933491824448

Photograph From left to right seated;

Dorothy ROTHSCHILD (Known as Dolly), she was the ROTHSCHILD Family liaison, she set all the guidelines to facilitate the creation the Israel state in the Palestine  lands to Jaim WEIZMANN (First Israel President in 1948, who was elected by the ROTHSCHILD Family to carry out said position), which, is the one sitting next to her, followed by Minister Arthur BALFOUR, famous for being the creator of the BALFOUR DECLARATION SCAM, which generated the unfortunate and popular MIDDLE EAST CONFLICT and lastly, there is the important Zionist Nahum Sokolow, four visible heads of the development and Zionism evolution, impossible to see it so clearly in a single photograph...



Dear friend, I am from Spain, I believe in God, but I do not believe in any religion, nor do I belong to any political party, they all seem the same to me, but with different color suits, obeying the financial power ROTHSCHILD instead of its citizens to whom they owe themselves, I mean, in this matter I am totally NEUTRAL, no I have interests of no kind in any of the parties involved in this matter of absolutely NOTHING, I do not wish to Convince Anyone of absolutely anything, I have only expressed my opinion on this matter for more than four decades and then everyone will draws their own conclusions about it if they wish to observe it. It is a job that I do with great pleasure and dedication for myself, and I do it for myself, to satisfy my own Awareness, based on the Knowledge acquired from my own very well contrasted and very especially, I express my opinion based on what comes to me from my Heart and from my Intuitions after assimilating that Knowledge acquired already mentioned, I owe myself to the Truth, especially I owe myself to my AWARENESS and my SOUL, which I would not betray for all the gold in the world, or for anything of anything, because otherwise, I would understand that it would be like selling my SOUL to the Devil, something that unfortunately happens so much nowadays, well.


What you point out about the letter written by Arthur BALFOUR's own hand and later called the BALFOUR DECLARATION precisely for that reason, because it was written by Arthur BALFOUR and was NOT the King's George V of the United Kingdom DECLARATION, assuming that what Arthur BALFOUR wrote in it was true, which I doubt, simply reflects a point of view of the King, who, furthermore, SUPPOSING that he had granted something to the Zionists (to whom not only did he not grant ANYTHING, but he did not even mention the Zionists in his words), he had no power over Palestine to GRANT absolutely NOTHING and the King knew it perfectly, for that reason he DIDN'T GRANTED ANYTHING, but he wanted to be courteous and for that reason he reflected his good wishes, but I repeat, King George V, GRANTED NOTHING in that Letter or BALFOUR DECLARATION!!! He only offered his point of view and good wishes when asked about it by Arthur Balfour and this corrupt element, then he took the King's response out of context, adding on his own the word Zionists and all those words that he was interested in reflecting in his famous well-known letter like the BALFOUR DECLARATION, words, which were added under indication, in interest and synchronicity with the 2nd Lord ROTHSCHILD, Lionel Walter ROTHSCHILD, leaving them in writing in his famous letter for later, when they observed the opportune moment, to interpret this words at their convenience as already I have described previously, but they did it very especially after the death of King George V in january of the year 1936, so that he could no longer expose and clarify the False Interpretation given to his words by Lionel Walter ROTHSCHILD, which would have immediately stopped his harmful and evil intention towards Palestine and its original inhabitants, the palestinians.


I repeat, what you are marking and highlighting on that paper, the letter from the corrupt Arthur Balfour obedient to the mafia and evil financial elite ROTHSCHILD Family, is simply and plainly the King's point of view taken out of context on purpose and at the convenience of Lionel Walter ROTHSCHILD, to which the corrupt Arthur owed himself in obedience and that is why Arthur made such confusion inside his "wonderful" letter later known as "THE BALFOUR DECLARATION", to later, under the instructions and direction of the 3rd Lord ROTHSCHILD, Nathaniel Victor ROTHSCHILD, use that letter, the First Public SCAM called “BALFOUR DECLARATION”, together with the support of two other Public SCAMS more, to "declare" the False state of Israel in 1948, doing so under the False interpretation the False interpretation of that letter, which, due to how ill-intentioned, deceptive and false it is, is the only true value that it possessed, it is that of its role, to have lit the fire in the fireplace with that paper on a winter day, not to mention another use, which would have been even more appropriate...


Thanks to the Consciousness expansion in nowadays, all this information is already coming to light and in a short time Palestine will be REPAIRED, it will recover its Dignity and its Lands, the Complete RESTORATION of it. If you wish, in the following information that I attach you can check it, look; https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html And in Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=7905409276176808&set=a.1748933491824448 


@ The 3 Big ROTHSCHILD SCAMS that were the foundation to create the FALSE Israel state; The BALFOUR DECLARATION, the LofN and the UN: https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html  


The PALESTINE REPARATION, It is the EVERYONE REPARATION!!! https://www.fiapbt.net/reparation.html And in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=423655563636658


@ DIFFERENCE between True and False Jews. The ROTHSCHILD familyhttps://www.fiapbt.net/true&fakejews.html


A cordial greeting,


Mariano Peinado



Some citizens still do not understand what is happening in Palestine, they are confused, uninformed, among other things because the Media that is servile to the Financial Power, that is, servile to the ROTHSCHILD Family, have mostly been in charge of hiding the information about what is happening and the little that has been reported has been to distort the Truth. Now is your chance to find out what is really happening in the Middle East if you don't already know. Below, I attach a Chronological INFORMATION of the Palestine history and numbered from 1 to 4, in this way, so that, by yourself, under your Criterion, Common Sense and Free Will, you can draw your own conclusions about it, so you will understand in a simple and effective way what is really happening right now in Palestine. Furthermore, this exercise will help you understand the rest of the social issues that are of your interest and that involve us all, not only with the issue of Palestine, I am referring very specifically to what is coming to us with the 20 30 Agenda of the ROTHSCHILD family, for this reason and although many still do not understand it; We are all Palestine, because simply, We are all One.


Chronological INFORMATION on the Palestine HISTORY until nowadays;


1) Palestine´s HISTORY: https://www.fiapbt.net/palestine.html


2) The 3 Big ROTHSCHILD SCAMS that were the foundation to create the FALSE Israel state; The BALFOUR DECLARATION, the LofN and the UN: https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html  


3) Regarding the FALSE FLAG terrorist attack on October 7: https://www.fiapbt.net/hamas2.html 

NEWS from ABC, an important Spanish newspaper with national circulation; “HAMAS was created by Israel”: https://www.fiapbt.net/ABChamas.html


4) The PALESTINE REPARATION, It is the EVERYONE REPARATION!!! https://www.fiapbt.net/reparation.html 


On the Website to avoid censorship: https://www.fiapbt.net/loveandpeace.html And PYTAGORAS with PALESTINE in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2039517516093697


@ Al-Nuseirat MASSACRE. The Rescue of 4 hostages from Israel has been other MONTAGE pure FAKE!!! VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/1190864922269157 - https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=7999221756795559&set=a.1748933491824448


@ NETANYAHU and his Collaborators without Awarenness, ´CONDEMNED by G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E!!! NETANYAHU is in SEARCH and CAPTURE by order of the INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/840708351430855 - https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=7894116297306106&set=a.1748933491824448


@ The ROTHSCHILD Family and their  20 30 Agenda: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/945847963691203


@ Message addressed to my States friends; WAKE UP! <3 https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=405861972082684&set=a.155145083821042


The ALTERNATIVE  to the current Corrupt and Rotten 20 30 Agenda  Social System: https://www.fiapbt.net/alternativa.html (In spanish write)


“Spreading the truth generate to you enemies, but it feeds the Soul and your own AWARENESS. If we really want to change the world, we must start by changing ourselves.” (m.p.) 


To avoid censorship and so that this information can reach all interested parties, it would be great to share it.


International APBT Federation (FIAPBT) & IADCRO Spain



* Some issues related to the ZIONIST FALSE JEWS Bilderberg, which, ´AFFECT US ALL!!!


@ The WORLDWIDE SCAM of the FEDERAL RESERVE: https://www.fiapbt.net/fed.html


@ The PUBLIC DEBT SCAM: https://www.fiapbt.net/deudapublica.html (In spanish write)


“Israel's operation in Gaza is not aimed at destroying Hamas. In reality, it is a decades-long operation whose ultimate goal is to make the Palestinian people disappear.” (Noam Chomsky. October 25, 2023)



Madrid, 10 june, 2024. IT'S NOT A WAR, IT'S A GENOCIDE!!! ´STOP Israel's GENOCIDE against PALESTINE Right Now!!! SAVE the CHILDREN!!!


The Rescue of 4 hostages from Israel has been other MONTAGE pure FAKE!!! Chronological INFORMATION on the Palestine HISTORY until nowadays

zzzzzzRESCATE REHENES  FAKE https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=7999221756795559&set=a.1748933491824448

       VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/1190864922269157


That False rescue of 4 hostages from Israel has been a FAKE rescue. The 4 supposed hostages, They were not Hostages!!!, were actually 4 Zionists and they were already inside that truck, They are 4 ACTORS!!! The 4 were in PERFECT PHYSICAL AND MENTAL CONDITION, when the Palestinians themselves are TRAUMATED and STARVING because fault the Zionists Israeli. That Rescue has been a montage, a film to JUSTIFY ANOTHER MASSACRE IN THEIR FALSE W4R in the eyes of the International Community, because in reality it is a clear G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E and incidentally, continue murdering with impunity that entire civilian population Palestinian. This new massacre has been promoted and carried out by the authorities of Israel and the USA on June 8 in Al-Nuseirat, a massacre as always directed at the civilian population, especially women and CHILDREN, so, to can continue justifying from VICTIMISM their G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E with the desire to eliminate the TRUE owners of the Palestine´s lands and thus be able to finish STEALING 100% the  Palestine´s lands, the Zionists (Khazarians) False Jews and their collaborators without AWARENESS are WOLVES disguised as lambs.


I repeat, THOSE 4 WERE NOT KIDNAPPED by HAMAS, they are 4 ZIONIST ACTORS, everything has been another ISRAHELL´s MONTAGE, THEY LIE MORE THAN THEY SPEAK. Needless to say, they will carried out more attacks like this, even more bloodthirsty, on the civilian population, with the FALSE excuse that they do it to rescue Hostages (ZIONIST ACTORS)


@ NEWS from ABC, an important Spanish newspaper with national circulation; HAMAS was created by Israel: https://www.fiapbt.net/ABChamas.html  


I am pleasantly and very surprised to discover in the current year 2024, that at least since 2009 the Media already knew that HAMAS was created by Israel to have that organization as a good tool to carry out its sinister project, that of eliminating from the map not only the country of Palestine, no, but also its civilian population. However, at the same time I also feel disgust for the Media, understanding that even though the Media knows that HAMAS was created by the Zionists False Jewish of Israel, this fact is so important and vital to solving the problem of the Middle East that is being experienced precisely at this moment, THEY HAVE HIDDEN IT!!! Doing it in a subtle way with the omission of information, in obedience to the Family to which they are subject, to the Global Financial Power of the ROTHSCHILD family. The Media, by acting in this very servile and disgusting way, currently hiding and distorting the Truth from its readers and the citizens in general to as who was actually the creator of HAMAS, it makes them in the G-E-N-O-C-I-D-A-L ACCOMPLICES!!!, because the G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E was the creator of HAMAS. The disgusting attitude of the Media, makes it easier for the current G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E of Palestine and the theft of 100% of its lands to be carried out with impunity under the planning of the Zionists False Jewish ROTHSCHILD, using HAMAS as their JUSTIFICATION in the face of global society for doing something as cruel and unfair today as this G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E.


It goes without saying, in addition to the many existing evidence attesting to it, that the Terrorist act of October 7 on the border of Gaza and Israel was a FALSE FLAG Terrorist act carried out by a group Mercenaries and without Awarenness and paid and led by the Zionists of Israel. For example, saying that the hostages were either killed a long time ago by the Zionists, or that the Zionists have them well hidden, since the Zionists believe that this is the Justification for continuing with their G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E, it is their master key to do whatever they want, including a G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E and that is NOT Correct.


@ On October 7, 2023, Netanyahu, TRAITOR of his people, THIEF, FAKE and GEN0CIDAL, through a small well-paid army of MERCENARIES (ISIS, formerly Al Qaeda) and some deceived members of HAMAS, under a Terrorist act of FALSE FLAG, he order the murder of citizens of your own country and holding the hostages hidden under his total control, in this way, getting a pretext to do just what he is doing right now; https://www.facebook.com/reel/315845471163015


Since the end of October 2023, in a PREMEDITATED manner, the Zionists False Jewish of Israel have been selling houses on the beachfront of the Mediterranean Sea on the coast of Gaza to citizens of the USA, Canada and other countries. That is not SELF-DEFENSE, nor is it SELF-DEFENSE bombing and destroying schools, mosques, residential housing blocks, hospitals, Universities, consciously killing CHILDREN, raping GIRLS and their mothers and then killing them, all promoted under consign and rewarded by their leader, the Zionist Netanyahu and the rest of his government team, that is NOT SELF DEFENSE!!! We have all been fooled from the beginning. The Zionists LIE MORE THAN THEY SPEAK, THEY TURN EVERYTHING AROUND to get their way to the detriment of EVERYONE and EVERYTHING...


COMPLEMENT to ABC NEWS: HAMAS was created by Israelhttps://www.fiapbt.net/hamas2.html 


Some citizens still do not understand what is happening in Palestine, they are confused, uninformed, among other things because the Media that is servile to the Financial Power, that is, servile to the ROTHSCHILD Family, have mostly been in charge of hiding the information about what is happening and the little that has been reported has been to distort the Truth. Now is your chance to find out what is really happening in the Middle East if you don't already know. Below, I attach a Chronological INFORMATION of the Palestine history and numbered from 1 to 4, in this way, so that, by yourself, under your Criterion, Common Sense and Free Will, you can draw your own conclusions about it, so you will understand in a simple and effective way what is really happening right now in Palestine. Furthermore, this exercise will help you understand the rest of the social issues that are of your interest and that involve us all, not only with the issue of Palestine, I am referring very specifically to what is coming to us with the 20 30 Agenda of the ROTHSCHILD family, for this reason and although many still do not understand it; We are all Palestine, because simply, We are all One.


Chronological INFORMATION on the Palestine HISTORY until nowadays


1) Palestine´s HISTORY: https://www.fiapbt.net/palestine.html


2) The 3 Big ROTHSCHILD SCAMS that were the foundation to create the FALSE Israel state; The BALFOUR DECLARATION, the LofN and the UN: https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html  


3) Regarding the FALSE FLAG terrorist attack on October 7: https://www.fiapbt.net/hamas2.html 

NEWS from ABC, an important Spanish newspaper with national circulation; “HAMAS was created by Israel”: https://www.fiapbt.net/ABChamas.html


4) The PALESTINE REPARATION, It is the EVERYONE REPARATION!!! https://www.fiapbt.net/reparation.html 


On the Website to avoid censorship: https://www.fiapbt.net/loveandpeace.html And PYTAGORAS with PALESTINE in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2039517516093697


@ The ROTHSCHILD Family and their  20 30 Agenda: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/945847963691203


Message addressed to my States friends; WAKE UP! https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=405861972082684&set=a.155145083821042


The ALTERNATIVE  to the current Corrupt and Rotten 20 30 Agenda  Social System: https://www.fiapbt.net/alternativa.html (In spanish write)


“Spreading the truth generate to you enemies, but it feeds the Soul and your own AWARENESS. If we really want to change the world, we must start by changing ourselves.” (m.p.) 


To avoid censorship and so that this information can reach all interested parties, it would be great to share it.


Mariano Peinado

International APBT Federation (FIAPBT) & IADCRO Spain



* Some issues related to the ZIONIST FALSE JEWS Bilderberg, which, ´AFFECT US ALL!!!


@ The WORLDWIDE SCAM of the FEDERAL RESERVE: https://www.fiapbt.net/fed.html


@ The PUBLIC DEBT SCAM: https://www.fiapbt.net/deudapublica.html (In spanish write)


“Israel's operation in Gaza is not aimed at destroying Hamas. In reality, it is a decades-long operation whose ultimate goal is to make the Palestinian people disappear.” (Noam Chomsky. October 25, 2023)



Madrid, 06 june, 2024. IT'S NOT A WAR, IT'S A GENOCIDE!!! ´STOP Israel's GENOCIDE against PALESTINE Right Now!!! SAVE the CHILDREN!!!


MOHAMED ALI´s MESSAGE: https://www.fiapbt.net/ali..html

MOHAMED ALI from heaven sends a message to ALL good citizens of the World;


En ESPAÑOL aquí: https://www.fiapbt.net/ali.html - https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=7982490371802031&set=a.1748933491824448


zzzzzzzzzz ALI MESSAGE https://www.fiapbt.net/ali..html

It did'nt start on October 7...

"The U.S. is the stronghold of Zionism and imperialism. I declare support for the Palestinian struggle to liberate their homeland and oust the Zionist invaders." - Mohammad Ali, 1974.


Half a century latter the declaration of the great Mohamed Ali, now in the year 2024, we find Netanyahu like the right hand of the ROTHSCHILD Family and this sinister Family, uses his two hands and everything at his disposal to complete the theft of 100% of the lands of Palestine and the extermination of its inhabitants. originating, through the G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E that is developing, a G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E supported by the Bribed authorities, Amoral, Cowardly and without AWARENESS authorities of some countries, especially the Bribed authorities of the USA whom Mohamed Ali knew very well, doing it in the eyes of the whole world with impunity, wanting to NORMALIZE what is Wrong and Criminalize what is Right among Global society to try to get their way, but they will not succeed because they are out of place, at this point they no longer do anything but flounder from one place to another, they have already lost the game and are fleeing, they cannot fleeing back due to all the damage they have already caused, they are making an fleeing forward, but in the end they will be Arrested and Condemned, they have no possible escape and their worst sentence is, What do they know it!!! However, we must know that until that moment desired by all good citizens arrives, until the Game will be Over for these BAD PEOPLE arrives and they will be ARRESTED, they will do a lot of damage and die killing...


Some citizens still do not understand what is happening in Palestine, they are confused, uninformed, among other things because the Media that is servile to the Financial Power, that is, servile to the ROTHSCHILD Family, have mostly been in charge of hiding the information about what is happening and the little that has been reported has been to distort the Truth. Now is your chance to find out what is really happening in the Middle East if you don't already know. Below, I attach a Chronological INFORMATION of the Palestine history and numbered from 1 to 4, in this way, so that, by yourself, under your Criterion, Common Sense and Free Will, you can put together your own puzzle and in the end you can draw your own conclusions about it, so you will understand in a simple and effective way what is really happening right now in Palestine. Furthermore, this exercise will help you understand the rest of the social issues that are of your interest and that involve us all, not only with the issue of Palestine, I am referring very specifically to what is coming to us with the 20 30 Agenda of the ROTHSCHILD family, for this reason and although many still do not understand it; We are all Palestine, because simply, We are all One.


Chronological INFORMATION on the Palestine HISTORY until nowadays;


1) Palestine´s HISTORY: https://www.fiapbt.net/palestine.html


2) The 3 Big ROTHSCHILD SCAMS that were the foundation to create the FALSE Israel state; The BALFOUR DECLARATION, the LofN and the UN: https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html


3) Regarding the FALSE FLAG terrorist attack on October 7: https://www.fiapbt.net/hamas2.html

NEWS from ABC, an important Spanish newspaper with national circulation; “HAMAS was created by Israel”: https://www.fiapbt.net/ABChamas.html


4) The PALESTINE REPARATION, It is the EVERYONE REPARATION!!! https://www.fiapbt.net/reparation.html 


On the Website to avoid censorshiphttps://www.fiapbt.net/loveandpeace.html And PYTAGORAS with PALESTINE in Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/2039517516093697


The ROTHSCHILD Family and their  20 30 Agenda: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/945847963691203


Message addressed to my States friends; WAKE UP! https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=405861972082684&set=a.155145083821042


The ALTERNATIVE  to the current Corrupt and Rotten 20 30 Agenda Social System: https://www.fiapbt.net/alternativa.html (In spanish write)


“Spreading the truth generate to you enemies, but it feeds the Soul and your own AWARENESS. If we really want to change the world, we must start by changing ourselves.” (m.p.) 


To avoid censorship and so that this information can reach all interested parties, it would be great to share it.


Mariano Peinado

International APBT Federation (FIAPBT) & IADCRO Spain



* Some issues related to the ZIONIST FALSE JEWS Bilderberg, which, ´AFFECT US ALL!!!


@ The WORLDWIDE SCAM of the FEDERAL RESERVE: https://www.fiapbt.net/fed.html


@ The PUBLIC DEBT SCAMhttps://www.fiapbt.net/deudapublica.html (In spanish write)


“Israel's operation in Gaza is not aimed at destroying Hamas. In reality, it is a decades-long operation whose ultimate goal is to make the Palestinian people disappear.” (Noam Chomsky. October 25, 2023)



Madrid, 04 june, 2024. IT'S NOT A WAR, IT'S A GENOCIDE!!! ´STOP Israel's GENOCIDE against PALESTINE Right Now!!! SAVE the CHILDREN!!!


Daniella Weiss VIDEO INTERVIEW, leader of the Zionist Settlers of Israel movement, responds in this way to the BBC journalist, Orla Guerin.

    VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/474000658349694


- 00 00 00 Daniella Weiss INTERVIEW



The bewildered Journalist, not believing what she was hearing, during the INTERVIEW she mentions the G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E carried out by Israel to the Palestinians and Daniella Weiss agrees and, among other pearls, answers the following;

Daniella Weiss; “Call it what you want: apartheid, ethnic cleansing, but we must push the Palestinians, non-Jews, to leave Gaza and INSTALL JEWS IN THEIR PLACE

Journalist; How are you going to push them to leave?

Daniella Weiss; “NOBODY in their right mind can live in hell


Now we know clearly what was actually hiding the supposed SELF-DEFENSE that Netanyahu and the Zionists of Israel proclaimed so much, what happened on October 7 was an EXCUSE, another SCAM of the many already perpetrated on humanity by the Zionists to finish Stealing 100% of the lands of the country Palestine, eliminating its civilian population originally from the region through a cruel G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E, and then placing the Zionist Settlers of Israel in their place, but to try to achieve this, first they had to carry out the FALSE FLAG terrorist attack of the October 7, in order to generate a Justification for the International Community face, but time, sooner or later, in one way or another puts everyone in their place and they are already unmasked in the sight of EVERYONE.


In the final part of this video you can see what kind of hell the mentally ill G-E-N-O-C-I-D-A-L Daniella Weiss, which, she is the left hand of the ROTHSCHILD Family, refers to, a hell developed and executed by MERCENARIES for hire and without AWARENESS, Mentally Ill Psychopaths, which, are DISGUISED as soldiers, but in reality they are Scum, Shit, the Worst thing that can come out of humanity, which, celebrate with laughter, jokes and laughter the KILLING CHILDREN and entire Innocent and Defenseless families in cold blood...


Netanyahu is the other hand, the right hand of the ROTHSCHILD Family and this sinister Family uses his two hands and everything at his disposal to complete the theft of 100% of the lands of Palestine and the extermination of its inhabitants. originating, through the G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E that is developing, a G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E supported by the Bribed authorities, Amoral, Cowardly and without AWARENESS authorities of some countries, especially the Bribed authorities of the USA, doing it in the eyes of the whole world with impunity, wanting to NORMALIZE what is Wrong and Criminalize what is Right among Global society to try to get their way, but they will not succeed because they are out of place, at this point they no longer do anything but flounder from one place to another, they have already lost the game and are fleeing, they cannot fleeing back due to all the damage they have already caused, they are making an fleeing forward, but in the end they will be Arrested and Condemned, they have no possible escape and their worst sentence is, What do they know it!!! However, we must know that until that moment desired by all good citizens arrives, until the Game will be Over for these BAD PEOPLE arrives and they will be ARRESTED, they will do a lot of damage and die killing...


Some citizens still do not understand what is happening in Palestine, they are confused, uninformed, among other things because the Media that is servile to the Financial Power, that is, servile to the ROTHSCHILD Family, have mostly been in charge of hiding the information about what is happening and the little that has been reported has been to distort the Truth. Now is your chance to find out what is really happening in the Middle East if you don't already know. Below, I attach a Chronological INFORMATION of the Palestine history and numbered from 1 to 4, in this way, so that, by yourself, under your Criterion, Common Sense and Free Will, you can put together your own puzzle and in the end you can draw your own conclusions about it, so you will understand in a simple and effective way what is really happening right now in Palestine. Furthermore, this exercise will help you understand the rest of the social issues that are of your interest and that involve us all, not only with the issue of Palestine, I am referring very specifically to what is coming to us with the 2030 Agenda of the ROTHSCHILD family, for this reason and although many still do not understand it; We are all Palestine, because simply, We are all One.


Chronological INFORMATION on the Palestine HISTORY until nowadays;


1) Palestine´s HISTORY: https://www.fiapbt.net/palestine.html


2) The 3 Big ROTHSCHILD SCAMS that were the foundation to create the FALSE Israel state; The BALFOUR DECLARATION, the LofN and the UN: https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html


3) Regarding the FALSE FLAG terrorist attack on October 7: https://www.fiapbt.net/hamas2.html 

NEWS from ABC, an important Spanish newspaper with national circulation; “HAMAS was created by Israel”: https://www.fiapbt.net/ABChamas.html


4) The PALESTINE REPARATION, It is the EVERYONE REPARATION!!! https://www.fiapbt.net/reparation.html 


On the Website to avoid censorship: https://www.fiapbt.net/loveandpeace.html And PYTAGORAS with PALESTINE in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2039517516093697


@ The ROTHSCHILD Family and their 2030 Agenda: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/945847963691203

The ALTERNATIVE  to the current Corrupt and Rotten Social System: https://www.fiapbt.net/alternativa.html (In spanish write)


“Spreading the truth generate to you enemies, but it feeds the Soul and your own AWARENESS. If we really want to change the world, we must start by changing ourselves.” (m.p.) 


To avoid censorship and so that this information can reach all interested parties, it would be great to share it.


Mariano Peinado

International APBT Federation (FIAPBT) & IADCRO Spain



* Some issues related to the ZIONIST FALSE JEWS Bilderberg, which, ´AFFECT US ALL!!!


@ The WORLDWIDE SCAM of the FEDERAL RESERVE: https://www.fiapbt.net/fed.html


@ The PUBLIC DEBT SCAM: https://www.fiapbt.net/deudapublica.html (In spanish write)


“Israel's operation in Gaza is not aimed at destroying Hamas. In reality, it is a decades-long operation whose ultimate goal is to make the Palestinian people disappear.” (Noam Chomsky. October 25, 2023)



Madrid, 21 may, 2024. IT'S NOT A WAR, IT'S A GENOCIDE!!! ´STOP Israel's GENOCIDE against PALESTINE Right Now!!! SAVE the CHILDREN!!!


@ The 3 Great ROTHSCHILD SCAMS that were the foundation to create the FALSE Israel state; The BALFOUR DECLARATION, the LofN and the UN: https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html


Top of the photograph From left to right seated;

Dorothy ROTHSCHILD (Known as Dolly), she was the ROTHSCHILD Family liaison, she set all the guidelines to facilitate the creation the Israel state in the Palestine  lands to Jaim WEIZMANN (First Israel President in 1948, who was elected by the ROTHSCHILD Family to carry out said position), which, is the one sitting next to her, followed by Minister Arthur BALFOUR, famous for being the creator of the BALFOUR DECLARATION SCAM, which generated the unfortunate and popular MIDDLE EAST CONFLICT and lastly, there is the important Zionist Nahum Sokolow, four visible heads of the development and Zionism evolution, impossible to see it so clearly in a single photograph...


- 00 00 00 00 00 00 TAMAÑO GRANDE INGLES - copia https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html


                         NETANYAHU and his Conscienceless Collaborators,

              CONDEMNED by GENOCIDE!!!



NETANYAHU is in SEARCH and CAPTURE by order of the INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT of May 21, 2024. There is finally Light at the end of the tunnel... THANK YOU!!! VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/840708351430855

FIRST: The right of self-defense does not give a state a license to use unlimited violence; no, the right of self-defense can never extend to a right to inflict massive and indiscriminate violence and hunger collectively upon an entire people.

SECOND: Nothing, no self-defense or anything, can ever be justified in genocide. The prohibition of genocide is absolute. A peremptory norm of international law.

THIRD: The Court ruled in 2004 that there is no right of self-defense on the part of an occupying State against the territory it occupies.”


Madrid, 09 may, 2024. IT'S NOT A WAR, IT'S A GENOCIDE!!! ´STOP Israel's GENOCIDE against PALESTINE Right Now!!! SAVE the CHILDREN!!!

@ The PALESTINE REPARATION, It is the EVERYONE REPARATION!!! https://www.fiapbt.net/reparation.html And in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=423655563636658


@ HAMAS was created by Israel: https://www.fiapbt.net/hamas2.html And in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=423436143658600


Madrid, 24 february, 2024. IT'S NOT A WAR, IT'S A GENOCIDE!!! ´STOP Israel's GENOCIDE against PALESTINE Right Now!!! SAVE the CHILDREN!!!

ISRAEL HAS BEEN CONDEMNED!!! VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/videos/928864638851338

ISRAEL HAS ALREADY BEEN INTERNATIONALLY CONDEMNED, once more, one of the many times they have already done and for many years ago and Israel has NEVER rectified nor obeyed in ANYTHING and even less so now. Netanyahu, the Executing and Obedient Puppet of Jacob de ROTHSCHILD, is not going to obey any order or Law, he has NEVER done it and now even less, he wants the total extermination of Palestinian civilians so that later there will be no one to claim the Palestine lands that Israel has stolen. This MENTALLY ILL G-E-N-O-C-I-D-A-L, like HITLER, can only be stopped in one way and it is not with words, as all politicians do in this moments to look good, or to give the G-E-N-O-C-I-D-A-L the time it needs to end the his work, no, ONLY he can be stopped, WITH THE FORCE OF THE ARMY and RIGHT NOW!!!


Another PROOF more!!! VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/775699651107018



International Community COMMUNICATE and especially to its members in individual way; If you really still exist, STOP THE GENOCIDIE RIGHT NOW!!! The CHILDREN who do not die from the Bombs, from the shots of the UNWORTHY soldiers of Israel, or when they try to sleep and are crushed by the rubble of their own houses destroyed by the bombs launched by the monster GENOCIDAL, or from infections, or by the cold, then, they are dying of HUNGER and THIRST, and this, is happening at this very moment on February 24, 2024. If you do not act now, then, you are clearly, ACCOMPLICES of the GENOCIDAL!!!


What is the point of “SANCTIONING” Israel with matters that do not determine an IMMEDIATE CEASE FIRE, such as, for example, not providing Israel with weapons and similar matters, when in reality, at this moment ISRAEL ALREADY HAS ALL THE WEAPONS NECESSARY TO ELIMINATE TO ALL CITIZENS OF THE WORLD IF THEY WILL BE PROPOSED IT???? You are equally  obedient PUPPETS without AWARENNES moved by the Jacob de ROTHSCHILD tentacles, you are COWARDS and UNWORTHY as people and of the positions of RESPONSIBILITY that you hold, just like Netanyahu, you are GUILTY of GENOCIDE. The majority of you support the GENOCIDAL by granting it your SILENCE or NEUTRALITY and the few who “ACT” (THEATRE), do nothing more than speak, give their opinion, act with words as a supposed “SANTION” to look well in the social gallery face, but in reality it is worth nothing and even less for what is really urgently needed at this time, which is an IMMEDIATE CEASE FIRE and ASSIST the civilian population (more than 1 million people, mostly CHILDREN) with THE FIRST BASIC SURVIVAL NEEDS, if you do not do this RIGHT NOW, you confirm your GENOCIDE complicity in playing the game that interests Netanyahu, ENTERTAIN, CONFUSE and offer FALSE HOPES to the good citizens around the world and if it is true that you are incapable of doing it, or that you do not dare, RESIGN RIGHT NOW!!! Abandon your position of social responsibility so that other one else can do it. THEY TAKE US FOR FOOLS AND ALSO THEY TELL US TO THE FACE!!!


Already there are no valid excuses, ALL the presidents of government of any country and all the political leaders and important positions regardless of their field; USA, UK, EU countries, China, Russia, India, Pakistan, etc. or any International Organization; UN, ROYAL HOUSES, ICC, NATO, CIA, WHO, NASA, FEDERAL RESERVE IMF, WB, ECB and the rest of the Banks, BIackR0ck, Vanguard and everyone in general, who have been governing or active during the course of this unpunished GENOCIDE developed for Israel, they are equally, GUILTY of GENOCIDIE!!! They are ACCOMPLICES of GENOCIDAL ROTHSCHILD!!! WHICH ONE ARE YOU???


“Those who speak in terms of War and Neutrality, are in the side of the GEN0CIDAL, since there is no W4r, it is GEN0CIDE, and in the face of GEN0CIDE there is no Neutrality that is valid. The Confusion, Terror and HATE that Netanyahu generates in his Palestine GEN0CIDE, only can be defeated with Knowledge, Kindness and LOVE. The worst ACCOMPLICES of the GEN0CIDAL, are those who provide him Neutrality and not CONDEMNATION, WHICH ONE ARE YOU??? (m.p.) https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=323657790303103&set=a.155145083821042


WE ARE ALL FREE PALESTINE!!! For Palestine, WE ARE ALL ONE!!! "Without the freedom of Palestine, ours is incomplete"


"You will recognize them by their actions." Netanyahu and his collaborators without AWERENESS, have been recognized for their GENOCIDE acts by citizens around the world, they are cornered, now it is only a matter of time before they are arrested and taken to where they deserve... VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/345680321419112 Same VIDEO in YouTube: https://youtu.be/AJIjfp31aMM


@ PALESTINE, an old country with tradition - The BALFOUR DECLARATION of 1917 - The ROTHSCHILD Family and their Puppets without Conscience, developing their New World 0rder through their 2030 Agenda.



After acquiring the Knowledge given below, some will already be able to understand quite a few issues, which, before knowing the mentioned information, they could not understand in any way. That is the purpose and intention of this report, to spread from humility, good intention and love, the hidden Knowledge that exists behind the MIDDLE EAST CONFLICT, in this way, doing our bit to find an adequate and quick solution for all parties involved, especially to find an adequate and quick solution with regard to the Safety and Well being of the most vulnerable, the CHILDREN. In order to find peace in the Middle East sooner rather than later, it is of utmost importance to be aware of the Knowledge attached in this report. Knowledge, good intention (will) and love is Power, it is the weapon most feared by the evil ones and the GENOCIDALS, more powerful even than 100 atomic bombs exploding at the same time, not even the most powerful army in the world would have a minimal chance of victory against that weapon. (m.p.)


Addressed to the Unbelievers, to the Ignorant and especially to the ACCOMPLICES of the GENOCIDAL Beast, who offer to him their Silence, their Neutrality or directly their Collaboration. PROOFS of GENOCIDE by Israel against the citizens of Palestine;


In the year 2001, with very Bad Intention, in a PREMEDITATED manner and without NETANYAHU knowing that he was being recorded on camera, it is DEMONSTRATED and PROVEN to the world in the following VIDEO starting at minute 4':31'', as NETANYAHU (Obedient Puppet Executor of Jacob de ROTHSCHILD) to finish stealing all the lands of Palestine through a cruel GENOCIDE, culminating it in the present day of 2024; VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/videos/404325072064592





And in the following VIDEO, we can observe how Netanyahu's army, the Israeli army, develops this G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E, with greater cruelty and effectiveness than the Hitler's GENOCIDE; VIDEO: https://vimeo.com/914303455 In Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/100064268365811/videos/1549807339138720 - https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=374276058574609&set=a.155145083821042 Politicians do not clarify, they talk and do nothing; The International Criminal Court does not clarify itself, it talks and does nothing; The UN does not clarify itself, it talks and does nothing; The NATO does not clarify itself, it talks and does nothing; And the rest of the International organisms are more of the same, blah, blah and blah and they do nothing, so, ´What do you think? Is it or isn't it GENOCIDE? The choice is yours!!! Watch the VIDEO above and find the ANSWER for yourself. Note; All the men and CHILDREN that you see half naked are not Terrorists nor are they from HAMAS, no, they are Palestinian civilian citizens, most of them are fathers of families, workers, who are in the previous moments before being thrown into one of the hundreds of COMMONS or MASS GRAVES


A simple QUESTION to ALL the authorities in the world; USA, UK, EU countries, China, Rusia, India, Paquistán, UN, ICC, NATO, CIA, WHO, NASA, FEDERAL RESERVE, IMF, WB, ECB and the rest of the Banks, BIackR0ck, Vanguard and everyone in general, Do you know anything about HUMAN RIGHTS and the GENOCIDE??? Why don't you stop talking (acting) and GET TO WORK NOW TO STOP THE GENOCIDE?


The Israeli army makes SNUFF VIDEOS with Palestinian civilians with the COMPLACENT view of the highest authorities of the USA, UK, EU countries, China, Rusia, India, Paquistán, UN, ICC, NATO, CIA, WHO, NASA, FEDERAL RESERVE, IMF, WB, ECB and the rest of the Banks, BIackR0ck, Vanguard and everyone in general, SHAME!!! VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/reel/1387277858819519 The Israeli army is caught for spreading SNUFF VIDEOS and in the face of evidence, they end up recognizing it... And what does the International Community do in the face of these atrocities against HUMAN RIGHTS, in the face of this G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E?????


Jacob de ROTHSCHILD, (The Beast) and one of his Obedient Puppet Executors, NETANYAHU: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/posts/pfbid02utgTkdH8S8mMVttpHGWNowgBQVKyxUxmLceLwR6t9gCfTocN7ssNpEbTY2qV5ySRl


You said it Manu Pineda Euro Deputy, THE PEOPLE SAVE THE PEOPLE, but forget about governments saving their citizens, they are not going to do it, they would have already done it, the governments are obedient to NETANYAHU and his government team, all of them Zionists FALSE JEWS, these in turn, are the Obedient Puppets of Jacob de ROTHSCHILD... It's easy to understand, I imagine that from your position as Euro Deputy you must already know it, I don't know, look; For many years, all politicians in all governments in the world have been in need of money, they are eager to get money in any way, regardless of whether it is legitimate or not, eager to get the money that Jacob de ROTHSCHILD and his family subtly shows, money that this evil and sinister family INVENTS illegitimately, printing at their convenience and on demand everything they want from their PRIVATE COMPANY called THE FEDERAL RESERVE located in the USA, FEDERAL RESERVE endorsed by the US government, which , is subject to do everything indicated by the ROTHSCHILD family, and that from that PRIVATE COMPANY, they have all the money in the world and for that very reason, to gain Control of the entire world through Financial power, they have as much money as whoever wishes to INVENT, are SCAMMERS without Conscience in all the known areas that have existed and will exist on earth since their origins in the 7th century AD. in Khazaria, from a nomadic tribe called the Khazars, when the ROTHSCHILD of today were once known as the BAUER.


@ The 2030 Agenda. THE ALTERNATIVE to the current Corrupt and Rotten Rothschild´s Social System: https://www.fiapbt.net/alternativa.html (In spanish write)




Jacob de ROTHSCHILD, through his many collaborators without Conscience and in the same way that his ancestors did, lends himself to subtly offering money in a very affordable, very simple, very greedy way, irresistible as not be accepted by the CORRUPT without Conscience in the power, whether they are Political Leaders, the owners of Media, the leaders of national and International Institutions, whether public or private, Journalists, Leaders from any social sphere, etc., etc., and he offers it as a BRIBE knowing that it they will accept, in exchange for various favors; Land; Properties; The exclusivity in their pharmaceutical products to experiment or negotiate them with the citizens of their respective countries; Free way for their exploitation of various resources in protected places on Mother Earth; etc., all of this being NATIONAL HERITAGE, that is, the citizens of the respective countries are the true owners of everything that is sold or granted so lightly by the Corrupt political leaders subjected to Jacob de ROTHSCHILD and his family, since all those properties and other privileges that they give to Jacob de ROTHSCHILD and his family, the politicians are NOT the owners to give them to anyone, not even to dispose of them, giving them or selling them in exchange for the money or other favors that he brings them. carry out this ROTTEN CORRUPTION in favor of Jacob of ROTHSCHILD and to the detriment of the citizens, is a Public SCAM as big as a Cathedral.


With this shameful and immoral dynamic of acting, Jacob de ROTHSCHILD and his family have achieved that today, in the year 2024, they are the ones who subtly pull the strings of most of the world's governments, since the leaders of the governments they will do everything the Rothschild family asks of them, including even their Support, or at least their Neutrality or their Silence these moments of the year 2024 with the immoral G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E who is performing his Obedient Puppet Executor NETANYAHU to the Palestinian civilians, in order to appropriate Gaza and the West Bank, the last lands that Palestine had left since they began to be stolen in 1948 (1948 was the year of the catastrophe that began to normalize the widespread theft of Palestinian lands and the extermination of its citizens through of a continued GENOCIDE), thanks to the maneuver carried out by another member of the ROTHSCHILD family, called Lionel Walter ROTHSCHILD, when he, from FALSEHOOD and MANIPULATION, in the year 1917, the year that the Ottoman Empire abandoned Palestine to begin to be governed by the UK, requested the British monarchy for the lands of Palestine, a request delivered to the British Foreign Minister, Arthur Balfour, hence the name of the Declaration, so that the ROTHSCHILD family could use them to carry out a project that he called , THE CREATION OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL, which, in reality, had already begun this project since the ROTHSCHILD family had founded the World Zionist Organization at the first Zionist Congress in Basel in 1897, thus originating Zionism (FALSE JEWS) and creating in that same Congress, the idea of the need for the creation of a “Jewish” State. Theodor Herzl, obeying the indications indicated by the ROTHSCHILD family, worked for the creation of a Jewish state, giving political weight to FALSE Jewish nationalism even going against the Bible of the True Jews, their Holy Book, The TORAH, which PROHIBITS CREATE A NATION OR STATE FOR ISRAEL, this is the big difference between the true and the false Jews (the Khazars and Zionists) but the thing is that the history of humanity and the TRUTH itself did not care to them, since the Khazars, Zionists FALSE JEWS ROTHSCHILD, they are experts in LIES, in TERGIVERSATION and FALSEHOOD, they are usurpers of IDENTITIES and whatever it takes to get their way and carry out their bastard projects, THEY LIE more than they speak just like their father the Devil, clear examples of this are for example; Having posed as True Jews when they are not even close; The Zionists FALSE JEWISH are always VICTIMIZED with the ANTISEMITES, but it must be known that the true anti-Semites are themselves, since the Zionists False Jewish are the ones who are eliminating through the GENOCIDE the true Semites, who are all the Palestinians and also many of the true Jews originating from the region and who are also persecuted and eliminated by the False Jewish Zionists for publicly demonstrating their lies and the hoax of the False State of Israel (The Zionists False Jewish are not Semites, they come from their Most of the countries of Europe, have nothing to do with the Semitic, they VICTIMIZE themselves with the anti-Semitic to deceive more and better at their convenience, but in reality it is another trick of the Zionists False Jews ROTHSCHILD, they turn it around to EVERYTHING to CONFUSE and DECEIVE, thus making it easier to get your way); They INVENT a bank called the FEDERAL RESERVE from where they invent and get all the money in the world without working, printing as much money as they want, for that reason they are the owners of Financial Power in the world; They INVENT PUBLIC DEBT in any country, to gradually take over all the countries in the world; They INVENT the False State of Israel, thus facilitating the appropriation of the lands of Palestine, EVEN CHANGING THE HISTORY of Palestine to their convenience, in this way, justifying the unjustifiable and trying to deceive more and better, etc., etc. before the complacent and submissive gaze of the supposed International Community, which is neither the International Community nor is it anything by allowing, without doing anything to prevent it, the GENOCIDE that Israel carries out with impunity against the civilians of Palestine. ALL, the presidents of governments of any country and all political leaders and important positions regardless of their field, USA, UK, EU countries, China, Russia, India, Pakistan, UN, ICC, NATO, CIA, WHO, NASA, FEDERAL RESERVE IMF, WB, ECB and the rest of the Banks, BIackR0ck, Vanguard and everyone in general, who have been governing during the course of the unpunished GENOCIDE developed by Israel, are equally Guilty of GENOCIDE!!! They are COMPLICES of the GENOCIDE!!! They are Accomplices of the ROTHSCHILD family, a clear example;


“Humans are only capable of telling small lies and do not conceive big lies. Therefore, if you really want to hide something from the population, deceive them with a lie SO BIG that, even if they discover it, they will not believe it.” (Rothschild family & Hitler)


This maxim was taken into account and developed by Hitler as his own, who was one of the puppets of the ROTHSCHILD, in this way, facilitating one of the main objectives of the family of Zionists False Jewish ROTHSCHILD, the creation of the False state of Israel. Hitler was put in power in Germany by the ROTHSCHILD thanks to the financial support they offered him in his political campaign and also, thanks to the fact that the ROTHSCHILD paid for favorable propaganda for Hitler in the media at that time, thus catapulting him to the power in a subtle way and later facilitate achieving his bastard purposes through the Victimism generated during the time that Hitler ruled in Nazi Germany, lying, for example, in falsifying the figures of the murdered Jews, approximately 50,000 (and they are not a few, hey ), to 6 million. Just as the family of Zionists False Jewish ROTHSCHILD are doing right now from the shadows, but in reverse, moving their tentacles so that third parties offer the figures of the Palestinians murdered by Israel, offering ridiculous figures of between 20 and 30 thousand dead since some of their camouflaged NGOs, in this way, make observers from outside Palestine think that this number of deaths is real and that it is not that big of a deal and thus minimize the tragedy, but knowing of the existence of 2.3 million Palestinians before the GENOCIDE, no matter how much they want to distort, camouflage or deceive regarding those killed, the truth will be easy to know at the end of the GENOCIDE, simply by counting those who survived and seeing how many are missing from that number of 2.3 million Palestinians. However, the ROTHSCHILD family has a serious drawback, and that is that no matter how much effort they put into censoring 100% of their traditional media (media of Manipulation and Confusion), on the Internet they can only do so by 70% and in That 30% that they cannot manipulate is more than enough for the images on mobile phones to go viral on social networks around the world, showing evidence of the GENOCIDE that is happening in Gaza. Just taking into account that the residential buildings of Gaza have practically disappeared in their entirety and hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians, mostly CHILDREN, have been crushed under their rubble by the enormous amount of Radioactive Dosed Atomic Energy Bombs that Israel has launched at them to materialize more quickly their GENOCIDE towards the Palestinian civilians, they give us the necessary clues to understand that these figures of murdered people are FALSE and laughable, and they are cruelly and vilely murdered before the Cowardly and COMPLICENT gaze of the rest of the countries that do not act to prevent it, under some exception such as the brave and honorable Yemen, which also, for its laudable actions in trying to stop the GENOCIDE of Israel, the cowardly accomplices of the GENOCIDAL bomb it, calling it a Terrorist, this being exactly what the thief thinks, that they are all of his condition. And on the other hand, the thousands of half-naked Palestinians EXECUTED IN MASS GRAVES and many of them buried alive, and also taking into account the thousands of citizens who are dying of HUNGER, THIRST, COLD, INFECTIONS, VIRUSES, DISEASES, etc., etc., for not having their most primary needs covered as a result of the original plan and also because of Israel, well then, no matter how much you want to square those figures that lightly offer between 20 and 30 thousand dead, once study it, look at it with a magnifying glass and in all kinds of detail the circumstances surrounding these misleading figures, you will realize that it is another lie of the many that they are told in this matter.


The DESTRUCTIVE POWER of the ATOMIC BOMB PROHIBITED with DOSED ENERGY and used by Israel in Palestine and Yemen;

https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1092519295417526 -- https://clipchamp.com/watch/IbI1sATzdFg


REPORT of the SCIENTIFIC STUDY where it is PROVEN that RADIOACTIVE WEAPONS PROHIBITED were used by Israel in Palestine and Yemen: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/posts/pfbid02VpJzCuXRzXcmQojmfepKSN1WRqaDnYfd7HCRK9iMZ5mh4gKYgrJDcyxL4AwQHtqpl

Stop the Beast in its TOTAL G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E in Gaza: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=363724036296478&set=a.155145083821042


In addition to the financial aid that the ROTHSCHILD family provided to Hitler, this one also received other enormous help from other Zionists Jewish False, associates and collaborators of the ROTHSCHILD, I am referring to the ROCKEFELLER family and the BUSH family, that help consisted of provide him with all the Oil he needed to maintain his army in World War II. In fact, after the Second World War in 1945, the ROTHSCHILD family created a PRIVATE COMPANY, masked as if it were a public service without being one and called the United Nations (UN) (as it already did in the year 1913 creating his PRIVATE COMPANY masked as if it were a public service without being one and called the FEDERAL RESERVE, or in 1919 creating his PRIVATE COMPANY masked as if it were a public service without being one and called LEAGUE or SOCIETY OF THE NATIONS, likewise and in a subtle way creating many more for their interest and convenience, masked as if they were a public service without being as they are: NATO; The ICC; The CIA; The WHO; The IMF; etc.), from which and only three years after its creation in 1948, with the flag of Victimism, “Internationality” and Lies, the UN, as it could not be otherwise, “endorses” the false State of Israel that the Zionists FALSE JEWS proclaim in the lands of another country without its permission, which is one of the oldest and most traditional countries that exist on the planet, PALESTINE. The Hoax of the creation of the false State of Israel of the ROTHSCHILD family, at that time in 1948, seems “fulfilled”, but it will not be for long, since the Truth will sooner or later, in one way or another always PREVAILS. All the good people with sufficient Knowledge know very well the geographical delimitations of PALESTINE, which are from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, PALESTINE has been, is and will be forever, for over bad people and over all...


Some will not believe that the ROTHSCHILD family could direct or manipulate Hitler himself at their convenience. However, after acquiring adequate and well proven Knowledge, observing in detail the indications that come from within the Heart and taking into account the Common Sense of the circumstances, sometimes, putting all this together you can come to understand and balance many issues, which, before all that, seemed impossible to believe, for example; Hitler, during his colonial expansion, had a reputation for destroying everything he stepped on, for murdering everyone who got in his way and for stealing everything from others that could serve to further his war purposes for the benefit of his colonial expansion. Well, when Hitler cross Switzerland, HE DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING!!! Switzerland, not having an army, was very easy to conquer and, in addition, Switzerland was home to the bigest bank in the world at that time. Hitler did not loot that bank, for the simple reason that the Zionists False Jewish ROTHSCHILD were the ones who controlled that Bank and also those who controlled Hitler, simple.

In January 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor, but not by DEMOCRATIC means, no, he was appointed Chancellor in a subtle way and from the shadows by decision of the ROTHSCHILD family. Many do not know that Hitler is a descendant of a genetic branch of the ROTHSCHILD family, etc., etc.


Returning to the main topic, it was that same year of 1917 when the catastrophe for Palestine and its citizens began in politics, since the ROTHSCHILD family, in order to carry out their bastard purposes with the land of Palestine, were not interested to them in take into account the wishes expressed by the highest authority of England in his RESOLUTION reflected in the BALFOUR DECLARATION, therefore, as they always do and with everything, THEY TERGIVERTED the true meaning of the BALFOUR DECLARATION and thus, in that simple way, to be able to carry out everything that they wanted to do with Palestine and its citizens, subtly camouflaging their cruel and unjust tricks that would lead to the detriment of Palestine and its citizens, cruel and unjust tricks endorsed under their PRIVATE COMPANY called the League of Nations (later and when they observed the appropriate moment as previously noted, in 1945, they changed their PRIVATE COMPANY League of Nations for a similar one called the United Nations Organization (UN), in order to better camouflage themselves in their new false identity, which would facilitate them from the subtlety to carry out their bastard purposes in a simpler way, this being the modus operandi in everything that the Khazarian Zionists False Jews ROTHSCHILD) be proposed from their origins to the present day, LYING and TERGIVERTING at their convenience the true meaning of the content of the RESPONSE of the British monarchy to the request that the ROCHSCHILD had made to them, in this way and without any haste, to appropriate the lands of Palestine through a FALSE Bastard Justification before the ignorant eyes, using for that purpose the popular and already mentioned DECLARATION DE BALFOUR, having the nerve to use the same DECLARATION OF BALFOUR in the face of the global social gallery, as the political foundation, which would “LEGITIMATE” the ROTHSCHILD family and their collaborators without Conscience to carry out their sinister project, the robbery impunity of all lands and the extermination of the population of Palestine by means of GENOCIDE.


Therefore, and as we have been saying, the ROTHSCHILD family and if no one does anything to prevent it, will steal these last lands of Palestine and will do so, even if it is through GENOCIDE, as in fact it is doing at this very moment in the year 2024 without scruples or conscience, and they executes it; With the support of their Obedient Puppets, COMPLICES and Co-Authors all of them from GENOCIDE, the Presidents together with their respective government teams of Israel, USA, UK, EU countries, China, Russia, India, Pakistan, UN, ICC, NATO , CIA, WHO, IMF FEDERAL RESERVE, WB, ECB and the rest of the Banks, BIackR0ck, Vanguard and everyone in general; Deceiving your convenience; Creating Laws at your convenience; Modifying the Constitutions of the various countries at their convenience; etc., etc., their Puppets obeying without question in EVERYTHING that their master on duty, the Zionist FALSE JEWISH Jacob de ROTHSCHILD asks of them, and they obey him thanks to their Financial power, which is a Financial power INVENTED from their RESERVE FEDERAL, is a public GLOBAL SCAM, which generates another enormous global SCAM, I am referring to the PUBLIC DEBT of any country and thus, through financial power the ROTHSCHILD family can carry out its New World Order developed through subtle and sinister Agenda 20 30.

The FEDERAL RESERVE, for example, was the true cause for which President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, since this good man wanted with all his soul to dismantle the entire sinister network of the ROCHSCHILD FEDERAL RESERVE, which, he Kennedy himself considered this family and its sinister projects to be the HUMANITY CANCER.


To these Khazarian, Zionist, False Jewish elements, such as the ROTHSCHILD family, the Zionist FALSE JEW Lionel Walter ROTHSCHILD, or today, the Zionist FALSE JEW Jacob de ROTHSCHILD, nor any other of his sinister ROTHSCHILD family, NO ONE HE HAS VOTED DEMOCRATICLY IN GENERAL ELECTIONS so that we all, no matter what country we are in the world, have to obey and do what this MENTALLY ILL person without AWARENESS pleases, Ánd they say that we live in a DEMOCRACY??? The current Social System can be called anything but not that.


                           The BALFOUR DECLARATION SCAM (1917)


The British Minister Arthur BALFOUR, after having heeded the Baron ROTHSCHILD indications, made and sent the popular letter (Declaration) to Baron Lionel Walter ROTHSCHILD, so that he could dispose of it at his convenience. Lionel Walter ROTHSCHILD was the head of the English branch of a powerful banking family, leader and Zionism creator through Theodor Herzl, an employee of the Rothschild family.


                                             Arthur LIONEL WALTER ROTHSCHILD INGLES


Before delving into the BALFOUR DECLARATION SCAM step by step, I think it is appropriate and interesting to know some details about the little-known attitude and character of the protagonist of the Declaration in question, the British Minister Arthur Balfour, to After reading, let everyone draw their own conclusions regarding the issue.


Arthur Balfour, who had been British Prime Minister from 1902 to 1905, was a known supremacist. In a debate in the House of Commons in 1906 about the black natives of South Africa, in which the majority of MPs agreed that depriving blacks of their rights was inhumane, Lord Balfour said:


“We must face the facts: men are not born equal, the white and black races are not born with the same abilities: they are born with different abilities that education and will cannot change.” (Sic)


Balfour's racism was not limited to black Africans. He was anti-Semitic towards the True Jews, however, towards the Zionist False Jews that suited to him he was quite friendly and accommodating. Precisely, at the end of the 19th century, the different waves of pogroms against the Jews in Eastern Europe caused waves of Jewish migration to the United Kingdom and the United States. This increased the anti-immigration reactions of British citizens among whom Balfour aroused great sympathy. And in 1905, while still Prime Minister, Balfour approved the Aliens Act, which imposed restrictions on immigration for the first time and placed a special focus on Jews.


It seems shocking to think that someone so deeply anti-Semitic could support Zionism, this demonstrates in a different way what many already know, that Zionists are False Jews, there being no greater anti-Semite than the Zionists, since they persecute and mistreat the True Jews in a similar way to the Palestinians, since they publicly denounce the Zionists for the crimes they carry out in their name, and likewise, the Zionists constantly Victimize themselves in the name of the True Jews, when in reality the Zionists are the Abusers and criminals, they turn everything around to confuse, deceive to get their way in any way necessary, that is the essence of the Khazars, the original roots of the Zionists.


I believe that the Balfour Declaration was a declaration of intentions by ill-intentioned people, but without any legal effect, a huge SCAM, a false Hoax adjusted into history with shoehorned and by force, as we will see next.

                           The BALFOUR DECLARATION from 1917

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The Balfour Declaration actually it was a letter sent by the British Foreign Secretary, Arthur Balfour, to Lionel Walter ROTHSCHILD. Before choosing the final letter, 5 drafts were previously made. The text states:

Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have great pleasure in sending to you, on behalf of Her Majesty's Government, the following statement of support for the aspirations of Zionist Jews which has been submitted to and approved by Cabinet.

“His Majesty's Government views favorably the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people and will use its best efforts to facilitate the attainment of this objective, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which would prejudice the civil and religious rights of the existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

I will be grateful if you make this declaration of knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Arthur Balfour


Some out of mere ignorance and others to justify the big lie, claim that the Royal House gave or handed over Palestine to the Zionists False Jews ROTHSCHILD through the BALFOUR DECLARATION of 1917, the same year that the United Kingdom took over of the lands of Palestine after the Ottoman Empire (The Turks) abandoned it, but make no mistake, that was another tall tale, another trick of the family of Zionists False Jews ROTHSCHILD, when Lionel Walter ROTHSCHILD, after having lectured to his accomplice and puppet on duty, the Foreign Minister of the British government Arthur BALFOUR, to request to King George V of the United Kingdom on his behalf, that Palestine will be assigned to the True Jews as their own country, omitting at his convenience the word Zionists, which, in fact are about the False Jews, in this way, making to King believe that the request was directed for the benefit of the True Jews. However, the King George V did not take the bait and DID NOT GRANT IT. This was demonstrated, after the British Royal House in response to REQUEST from Lionel Walter ROTHSCHILD had expressed and showed in writing its simple opinion and the good wishes of the King, so that the True Jews originating from the region, not the Zionist False Jews originating mostly from the countries from Europe, whom he did not even mention, they had a foster home (adoption) in Palestine, but not like his own country or even close to it, politely offering them his good wishes for good luck so that they would be welcomed and NOTHING ELSE.


The intentional CONFUSION of something so simple comes from the fact that Minister Arthur BALFOUR, in obedience to Lionel Walter ROTHSCHILD, reflected said CONFUSION in his popular BALFOUR DECLARATION, thus, at the appropriate time, being able to facilitate a subsequent interpretation of the true meaning of the King's response and molded to the convenience of the interests of Lionel Walter ROTHSCHILD, since not having received an affirmative response and in accordance with his wishes from King George V, then, his obedient puppet, the Minister Arthur BALFOUR, skillfully added in his own handwriting with intentionality and great subtlety, his own words at the beginning of the Declaration, just before His Majesty's opinion and other words just after His Majesty's opinion, already at the end of the Declaration dismissed the applicant, Lionel Walter ROTHSCHILD, leaving the King's words wrapped in his own, giving a subtle but FALSE appearance, as if all the text seen in the BALFOUR DECLARATION came from the King himself through a play on words key and in a subtle way, but in reality, they give it a meaning totally opposite to what was expressed by the King, also adding in the BALFOUR DECLARATION with great intention and on two occasions the word Zionists, written by Minister Arthur BALFOUR and not written by the King of course, thus, in this way, trying by all possible means to give overtones of officiality to the Zionists False Jewish by being present in the BALFOUR DECLARATION, making them believe what in reality was not, but I repeat, If one reads with sufficient attention the answer given by the King and which is clearly seen in the original BALFOUR DECLARATION, one will immediately observe the trick to which I am referring, that the King has good wishes for everyone, that he DOES NOT grant lands, that Above all, he vindicates the rights of the Palestinians and the rest of the non Jewish citizens, so that they are RESPECTED at all times and in addition, it does not even mention the Zionists as they would have us believe. This TRICK was made by the British Minister who bears the name of the BALFOUR DECLARATION and he did it in obedience to Lionel Walter ROTHSCHILD and NOT in obedience to whom he owed by professional and moral obligation, to his King George V.


We must be clear about something important and that is the CONFUSION that the Zionists False Jewish generate on purpose and at their convenience with the BALFOUR DECLARATION. This confusion comes from the fact that the BALFOUR DECLARATION is made up of two sections; One made by the opinion of the Foreign Secretary of the British government Arthur Balfour; And the other section, the one made by the opinion of His Majesty from the British Royal House, both sections are found within the BALFOUR DECLARATION, which, must be understood to avoid misunderstandings, both sections should not be mixed so as not to modify nor distort the real meaning of the BALFOUR DECLARATION, since the true meaning of the BALFOUR DECLARATION is found in the opinion and good wishes of good luck conferred by His Majesty, offered from the British Royal House and NOT in the words of the Minister Arthur Balfour, being here where the Zionists False Jews ROTHSCHILD have mixed for their benefit and interest the meaning of the BALFOUR DECLARATION at the discretion of their convenient and False interpretation and have done so to deceive, confuse and distort at their convenience the real meaning of the BALFOUR DECLARATION, simple.


The important section to take into account within the BALFOUR DECLARATION is the RESPONSE of the British Royal House, the RESPONSE that His Majesty offers to the requester, Lionel Walter ROTHSCHILD, who requested to subtly “appropriate” Palestine. Her Majesty's RESPONSE is the one that appears inside the BALFOUR DECLARATION in quotes, only that part, and there is nothing more of value or meaning to the rest of the BALFOUR DECLARATION; The other section of the BALFOUR DECLARATION is the presentation, opinion of Minister Arthur Balfour and delivering the BALFOUR DECLARATION in response to his previous request to Lionel Walter ROTHSCHILD, this part is the part of courtesy and subtlety to distort meanings, but in reality, this part neither adds nor takes away any value or meaning from the content of the meaning conferred by His Majesty in the BALFOUR DECLARATION.


LIONEL WALTER ROTHSCHILD en 1930 Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild in 1930.


Reading the BALFOUR DECLARATION carefully, it is clear that His Majesty, as a representative of Great Britain, makes a Declaration of moral SUPPORT, to help, NOT even remotely making a Declaration of CONCESSION, the British Royal House does not give the Zionists no land, it's just that he doesn't even mention them. In the BALFOUR DECLARATION the Zionists are mentioned twice only in what was written by Minister Arthur Balfour and in complicity with Lionel Walter ROTHSCHILD, in order to later be able to take it out of context, confuse and try to achieve their bastard purposes more easily, as always do the Zionists False Jews, Misrepresentations, Lies, Confusions to carry out everything that suits those who pull the strings in the world from the shadows, I am referring to the ROTHSCHILD family and in this specific case, to the enormous lie that Lionel Walter Rothschild gave to the true meaning of His Majesty in the BALFOUR DECLARATION, to the enormous lie that Lionel Walter Rothschild gave to the TRUTH itself. This enormous lie by Lionel Walter ROTHSCHILD served to politically inaugurate the MIDDLE EAST CONFLICT, the theft of Palestine marked by an a TRICK in politics. At that time the Palestinian citizens, all of them Semites because they belonged to the region since they settled more 5000 years ago coming from the Arabian Peninsula, were not yet affected by the ill intentioned TRICK of the ROTHSCHILD, the same thing was true of the True Jews, Semites also because they were originally from the same region since they settled 3000 years ago coming from India, they were a minority but they lived perfectly, without problems, together and in harmony with the Palestinians since always, but 31 years after that the BALFOUR DECLARATION was created, the False Jewish Zionists began to develop the theft of land, abuses, genocide, etc., justifying themselves by having declared the False State of Israel in 1948, “endorsed” by the False and convenient Interpretation given by the ROTHSCHILD family to the alleged words of King George V in the BALFOUR DECLARATION and also “endorsed” by their PRIVATE COMPANY, the UN. The UN was created by the ROTHSCHILD family as a PRIVATE COMPANY in 1945, just 3 years before the creation of Israel as a false country, in this well calculated way, to offer supposed LEGITIMACY and credibility to a false country within the lands of a true country supportive, compassionate and with tradition, Palestine.


I insist, the letter written by Arthur BALFOUR's own hand and later called the BALFOUR DECLARATION precisely for that reason, because it was written by Arthur BALFOUR and was NOT the King's George V of the United Kingdom DECLARATION, assuming that what Arthur BALFOUR wrote in it was true, which I doubt, simply reflects a point of view of the King, who, furthermore, SUPPOSING that he had granted something to the Zionists (to whom not only did he not grant ANYTHING, but he did not even mention the Zionists in his words), he had no power over Palestine to GRANT absolutely NOTHING and the King knew it perfectly, for that reason he DIDN'T GRANTED ANYTHING, but he wanted to be courteous and for that reason he reflected his good wishes, but I repeat, King George V, GRANTED NOTHING in that Letter or BALFOUR DECLARATION!!! He only offered his point of view and good wishes when asked about it by Arthur Balfour and this corrupt element, then he took the King's response out of context, adding on his own the word Zionists and all those words that he was interested in reflecting in his famous well-known letter like the BALFOUR DECLARATION, words, which were added under indication, in interest and synchronicity with the 2nd Lord ROTHSCHILD, Lionel Walter ROTHSCHILD, leaving them in writing in his famous letter for later, when they observed the opportune moment, to interpret this words at their convenience as already I have described previously, but they did it very especially after the death of King George V in january of the year 1936, so that he could no longer expose and clarify the False Interpretation given to his words by Lionel Walter ROTHSCHILD, which would have immediately stopped his harmful and evil intention towards Palestine and its original inhabitants, the palestinians.


It should be noted in addition to what has already been stated, that in the BALFOUR DECLARATION, the King George V places great emphasis on the following: “it being clearly understood that nothing should be done that could harm the civil and religious rights of the non Jewish communities existing in Palestine” (Sic) In other words, the Zionists False Jewish did everything contrary to the opinion and good wishes of His Majesty, all of which was expressed in the BALFOUR DECLARATION previously added, I mean, that the property rights for the lands of Palestine that the False Jewish ZIONlSTS of Israel claim for themselves, endorsing themselves to the meaning of the BALFOUR DECLARATION, it is not valid either, since after understanding the real meaning of the DECLARATION itself, it would not give them any legitimacy for Palestine, quite the opposite, given the continued non-compliance with the BALFOUR DECLARATION itself over time, until reaching the present day. Although this was not the case, one important thing should always be clear; Neither the United Kingdom nor anyone else had legitimate power over Palestine to dispose of it in any way. The ZIONISTS False Jewish are like their father the Devil, who CHANGE the meaning of everything with premeditation and LIE MORE THAN SPEAK at their convenience, without scruples or Conscience to the detriment of everyone and everything...


To help understand the latter, we recommend acquiring the information from the following link: https://www.fiapbt.net/true&fakejews.html


We have already seen how Government and International Institutions Obey and work from subtlety for the Zionists, even the International Criminal Court works for the Zionists, you have already seen it the other day, this supposed International Criminal Court has just pronounced itself and handed down its ruling on the matter to the G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E  of Palestine and not only has it NOT called for the end of the G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E, It's just that it has not even REQUESTED A CEASE FIRE so that humanitarian aid can reach the wounded, ALL International Institutions and ALL governments will pretend to try to save the Palestinians by offering FALSE HOPES, but in In reality, it is not to save the Palestinians, no, but to be accomplices of the g-e-n-o-c-i-d-a-l, confusing and entertaining the citizens of the world to get the time that the g-e-n-o-c-i-d-a-l needs to materialize its extermination of all Palestinians and thus, finish stealing 100% of the lands of Palestine, but nothing more. After the martyrdom of the Palestinian citizens, it is the turn of the citizens of Taiwan and after these, it is the turn of the citizens of the entire world through the New World 0rder developed through its “wonderful” Agenda 20 30. There is only one path Manu Pineda Euro Deputy, the one that you yourself have already pointed out, THE PEOPLE SAVE THE PEOPLE, either we become aware of this and act NOW, or we all go to hell, one after the other. WE ARE ALL FREE PALESTINE!!! WE ARE ALL ONE!!!


ANSWER to the members of the International Criminal Court and to whoever may be interested: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=7398191820231892&set=a.1748933491824448 Original Post to spread the word and SPREAD


@ The 20 30 Agenda. THE ALTERNATIVE to the current Corrupt and Rotten Rothschild´s Social System: https://www.fiapbt.net/alternativa.html (In spanish write)


@ SCIENTIFIC ESTUDY REPORT that SHOW the EVIDENCE the RADIOACTIVE WEAPONS was used by Israel in Palestine and Yemen:  https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/posts/pfbid02VpJzCuXRzXcmQojmfepKSN1WRqaDnYfd7HCRK9iMZ5mh4gKYgrJDcyxL4AwQHtqpl

Stop the Beast in his TOTAL  G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E in Gaza: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=363724036296478&set=a.155145083821042


After reading and acquiring the Knowledge attached to the Web site to avoid Censorship of the report at the bottom, titled; DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TRUE AND FALSE JEWS. The ROTHSCHILD family, some will already be able to understand many issues, which, before knowing the information mentioned, they could not understand in any way. That is the purpose and intention of this report, to spread from humility, good intention and love, the hidden Knowledge that exists behind the Middle East conflict, in this way, doing our bit to find an adequate and quick solution. for all parties involved, especially to find an adequate and quick solution with regard to the Safety and Well-being of the most vulnerable, the CHILDREN. In order to find peace in the Middle East sooner rather than later, it is of utmost importance to be aware of the Knowledge attached in this report. Knowledge, good intention (will) and love is Power, it is the weapon most feared by the evil ones and the G-E-N-O-C-I-D-A-L, more powerful even than 100 atomic bombs exploding at the same time, not even the most powerful army in the world would have a minimal chance of victory against that weapon. (m.p.)




@ DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TRUE AND FALSE JEWS. The ROTHSCHILD family: https://www.fiapbt.net/true&fakejews.html - https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=355501720452043&set=a.155145083821042

The TRUE JEWS in nowadays, EVIDENCING to the Zionists FALSE JEWS and their TRICKS. VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/videos/3350578315234563


IT'S NOT A W4R, IT'S A GEN0CIDE!!! ´STOP Israel's GEN0CIDE against PALESTINE Right Now!!!


On the Website to avoid censorship: https://www.fiapbt.net/loveandpeace.html And in FREE PALESTINE in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3858558827588058


Israel, ´SELF-DEFENSE or G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E? https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=7228090417242034&set=a.1748933491824448

VIDEO in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/881713846729068 VIDEO in YouTube: https://youtu.be/ztU5JN2m1Kc


“Spreading the truth generate to you enemies, but it feeds the Soul and your own AWERENESS. If we really want to change the world, we must start by changing ourselves.” (m.p.) 


To avoid censorship and so that this information can reach all interested parties, it would be great to share it.



                   Mariano Peinado

International APBT Federation (FIAPBT) & IADCRO Spain

https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBThttps://www.fiapbt.net https://www.IADCRO.com


* Some issues related to the ZIONIST FALSE JEWS Bilderberg, which ´AFFECT US ALL!!!


@ The WORLDWIDE SCAM of the FEDERAL RESERVE: https://www.fiapbt.net/fed.html


@ The PUBLIC DEBT SCAM: https://www.fiapbt.net/deudapublica.html (In spanish write)


“Israel's operation in Gaza is not aimed at destroying Hamas. In reality, it is a decades-long operation whose ultimate goal is to make the Palestinian people disappear.” (Noam Chomsky. October 25, 2023)


Madrid, 11 february, 2024. IT'S NOT A WAR, IT'S A GENOCIDE!!! ´STOP Israel's GENOCIDE against PALESTINE Right Now!!! SAVE the CHILDREN!!!

CAUTION. Strong images, not suitable for sensitive people please. VIDEO: https://vimeo.com/911586894 In Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=374276058574609&set=a.155145083821042

Politicians do not clarify, they talk and do nothing; The International Criminal Court does not clarify itself, it talks and does nothing; NATO does not clarify itself, it talks and does nothing; And the rest of the International organisms are more of the same, blah, blah and blah and they do nothing, so, ´What do you think? Is it or isn't it G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E? The choice is yours!!! Watch the VIDEO above and find the ANSWER for yourself. Note; All the men you see half naked are not Terrorists nor are they from HAMAS, no, they are Palestinian civilian citizens, most of them are fathers of families, workers, who are in previous moments before being thrown into one of the hundreds of COMMONS or MASS GRAVES


A simple QUESTION to ALL the authorities in the world; UN, ICC, NATO, USA, UK, EU countries, and everyone in general, Do you know anything about HUMAN RIGHTS and the G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E??? Why don't you stop talking (acting) and GET TO WORK NOW TO STOP THE G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E?


The Israeli army makes SNUFF VIDEOS with Palestinian civilians with the COMPLACENT view of the highest authorities of the USA, UK, EU, UN, NATO, CIA, RUSSIA, CHINA, ICC, etc. SHAME!!! VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/reel/1387277858819519


The Israeli army is caught for spreading SNUFF VIDEOS and in the face of evidence, they end up recognizing it...

And what does the International Community do in the face of these atrocities against HUMAN RIGHTS, in the face of this G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E????? After observing and understanding the latest events that have occurred in Palestine, with its civilian citizens and especially with the CHILDREN of a clear and evident violation of HUMAN RIGHTS in the view of the supposed International Community, we have reached the following CONCLUSION;


That the current Global Social System, imposed subtly and from the shadows by the ROTHSCHILD family, False Jewish Zionists (Promoters of the New World Order developed by the Agenda 20 30) and their evil collaborators, is Rotten from the Root to the tips, for Therefore, when we come to understand the incapacity and bad intention of the authorities of the various countries that currently manage it, because they are mentally ill or because they are subjected in obedience to the ROTHSCHILD family, WE DO NOT RECOGNIZE THE AUTHORITIES OF THE COUNTRIES that currently manage the current Global Social System ROTHSCHILD, and we will use all the means we have on our part, to restore in Palestine as soon as possible, Love, Peace, Beauty, Harmony, Truth and the Light among its citizens, being returned to the country all its lands stolen with impunity by Israel, the invader G-E-N-O-C-I-D-A, to the point that Palestine remains as it was throughout the history of humanity, one of the countries with the most tradition and most ancient that exist today, their Geographical delimitations being well known by the all good citizens, MARKED FROM THE RIVER (JORDAN) TO THE SEA (MEDITERRANEAN) Palestine, was, is and will be, no matter who likes it...”


@ The ALTERNATIVE to the current Corrupt and Rotten Social System: https://www.fiapbt.net/alternativa.html (In spanish write)


ISREAL G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E in 2024: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/701945092114707 


´SHAME!!! of the Media and the International Community OBEDIENT puppets of the ZI0NISTS, who manage at their convenience the elite of the West and the elite of the East, (USA, UK, EU, Russia, China, BIackRock, Vanguard, UN, NATO, WHO, NASA, FEDERAL RESERVE, IMF, ECB, etc.) If you want to be informed, see and learn first-hand without manipulation or censorship of what is really happening in Palestine, look for Palestine groups on Facebook, etc., and you will see for yourself that it is indeed a G.E.N.O.C.I.D.E in the year 2024… Investigate for yourself! The media Manipulate and Lie more than they talk.


Those who speak in terms of War and Neutrality, are in the side of the Genocidal, since there is no War, it is Genocide, and in the face of Genocide there is no Neutrality that is valid. The Confusion, Terror and HATE that Netanyahu generates in his Palestine Genocide, only can be defeated with Knowledge, Kindness and LOVE. The worst ACCOMPLICES of the GEN0CIDAL, are those who provide him Neutrality and not CONDEMNATION, Which one are you???” (m.p.) https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=323657790303103&set=a.155145083821042


@ SCIENTIFIC ESTUDY REPORT of RADIOACTIVE WEAPONS used by Israel in Palestine and Yemen: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/posts/pfbid02VpJzCuXRzXcmQojmfepKSN1WRqaDnYfd7HCRK9iMZ5mh4gKYgrJDcyxL4AwQHtqpl



In ENGLISH here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1092519295417526



Evidence document prepared by Eng. Expert and Scientist, which, for its security signs his  Scientific Report like, "Forensic Expert Citizen". Auditor and scientific investigator and in this topic that we deal with, would demonstrate that Israel indeed would be using the lethal and prohibited atomic weapons, the "DOSED ENERGY ATOMIC BOMB" in its attack on the innocent and defenseless Palestinian civilian population and now also in Yemen, doing it at the same time with other prohibited weapons, like are the CLUSTER BOMBS and the WHITE PHOSPHORUS BOMBS.

This must be evaluated by the International Court, in the process that was opened to the terrorist state of Israel, sued by the heroic and brave South African nation, since there is more than evidence that the Zionism of the FALSE JEWS BILDERBERGS ROTHSCHILD (Promoters to humanity of his “wonderful” 20 30 Agenda) would be using atomic weapons in Gaza and the West Bank, therefore this authority of International Law, must order the legal necropsy of deceased in places where the aforementioned Radioactive Weapon is suspected to have been detonated, and more so after what the Israeli minister Amichai Eliyahu said, when he stated; "Launching a nuclear bomb against Gaza would be a possibility that must be taken into account." (Sic) Therefore, in an arrogant but very unintelligent way, to the fortune of good citizens in the world, the Israeli government has revealed and recognized that it has nuclear weapons and atomic bombs, this being another issue of the many issues that Israel It is prohibited, like the rest of the countries by the UN conventions and other internationals entities of the same caliber, and Israel happily skips it with impunity, laughing at everyone and everything, with the complicit assistance and silence of many presidents of government of various countries, which know it perfectly and we are also going to ask them for RESPONSIBILITY for their complicity in the face of this G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E  that we are suffering in humanity live in the year 2024.


The aforementioned professional and Scientific Researcher states; "The launching of a nuclear bomb in Yemen is one of the countless signs of impunity committed by Israel." The plaintiff country, South Africa, would be in time to attach it for the arguments that both will present in writing. Said claimant country reserved the right to expand and present more evidence. This is another type of bomb https://x.com/mhdksafa/status/1745704475036106943?s=20 It is pertinent and important to take into account the reach that this bomb has and the way in which those exposed to it die, dying without an apparent external scratch, but internally the damage is total, especially if we take into account that Israel is bombing the Palestinians during the night when they sleep, taking them by surprise, many die from the explosion and many others are crushed by the rubble of the buildings residences packed with thousands of refugees trying to rest during the night. Due to the above, autopsies would need to be performed to really see what happens inside the body of the deceased. South Africa or any other plaintiff country must ask the judge to order autopsies, in the event that a judgment is obtained for this reason.


@ After reading and acquiring the Knowledge attached to the Web site to avoid Censorship of the report at the bottom, titled; “DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TRUE AND FALSE JEWS. The ROTHSCHILD family”, some will already be able to understand many issues, which, before knowing the information mentioned, they could not understand in any way. That is the purpose and intention of this report, to spread from humility, good intention and love, the hidden Knowledge that exists behind the Middle East conflict, in this way, doing our bit to find an adequate and quick solution. for all parties involved, especially to find an adequate and quick solution with regard to the Safety and Well-being of the most vulnerable, the CHILDREN. In order to find peace in the Middle East sooner rather than later, it is of utmost importance to be aware of the Knowledge attached in this report. Knowledge, good intention (will) and love is Power, it is the weapon most feared by the evil ones and the G-E-N-O-C-I-D-A-L, more powerful even than 100 atomic bombs exploding at the same time, not even the most powerful army in the world would have a minimal chance of victory against that weapon. (m.p.)




DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TRUE AND FALSE JEWS. The ROTHSCHILD family: https://www.fiapbt.net/true&fakejews.html - https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=355501720452043&set=a.155145083821042


The TRUE JEWS in nowadays, EVIDENCING to the Zionists FALSE JEWS and their TRICKS. VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/videos/3350578315234563

Original Post: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=355501720452043&set=a.155145083821042


“All the CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY that HITLER committed in Germany, being legal, are what NETANYAHU is carrying out today in the year 2024 with Palestinian civilian citizens, especially women and CHILDREN, but in comparison, with a destructive effectiveness multiplied by 10” (m.p.) https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=7163811547003255&set=a.1748933491824448


@ No friends, no, from the beginning and until now, this has NEVER been about SELF DEFENSE as they wanted doing to believe all us the FAKE JEWISH ZI0NISTS. In reality, it is a COLONIALIST OCCUPATION by Israel as everyone already knows today, eliminating its natural population through G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E, with crude FALSE FLAG excuses.

Israel, ´SELF-DEFENSE or G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E? https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=7228090417242034&set=a.1748933491824448

VIDEO in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/881713846729068 VIDEO in YouTube: https://youtu.be/ztU5JN2m1Kc


@ SCIENTIFIC ESTUDY REPORT that SHOW the EVIDENCE the RADIOACTIVE WEAPONS was used by Israel in Palestine and Yemen:  https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/posts/pfbid02VpJzCuXRzXcmQojmfepKSN1WRqaDnYfd7HCRK9iMZ5mh4gKYgrJDcyxL4AwQHtqpl

Stop the Beast in his TOTAL  G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E in Gaza: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=363724036296478&set=a.155145083821042


After reading and acquiring the Knowledge attached to the Web site to avoid Censorship of the report at the bottom, titled; DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TRUE AND FALSE JEWS. The ROTHSCHILD family, some will already be able to understand many issues, which, before knowing the information mentioned, they could not understand in any way. That is the purpose and intention of this report, to spread from humility, good intention and love, the hidden Knowledge that exists behind the Middle East conflict, in this way, doing our bit to find an adequate and quick solution. for all parties involved, especially to find an adequate and quick solution with regard to the Safety and Well-being of the most vulnerable, the CHILDREN. In order to find peace in the Middle East sooner rather than later, it is of utmost importance to be aware of the Knowledge attached in this report. Knowledge, good intention (will) and love is Power, it is the weapon most feared by the evil ones and the G-E-N-O-C-I-D-A-L, more powerful even than 100 atomic bombs exploding at the same time, not even the most powerful army in the world would have a minimal chance of victory against that weapon. (m.p.)


IT'S NOT A W4R, IT'S A GEN0CIDE!!! ´STOP Israel's GEN0CIDE against PALESTINE Right Now!!!


On the Website to avoid censorship: https://www.fiapbt.net/loveandpeace.html And in FREE PALESTINE in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3858558827588058


Israel, ´SELF-DEFENSE or G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E? https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=7228090417242034&set=a.1748933491824448

VIDEO in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/881713846729068 VIDEO in YouTube: https://youtu.be/ztU5JN2m1Kc


“Spreading the truth generate to you enemies, but it feeds the Soul and your own AWERENESS. If we really want to change the world, we must start by changing ourselves.” (m.p.) 


To avoid censorship and so that this information can reach all interested parties, it would be great to share it.


Mariano Peinado

International APBT Federation (FIAPBT) & IADCRO Spain

https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT https://www.fiapbt.net https://www.IADCRO.com


* Some issues related to the ZIONIST FALSE JEWS Bilderberg, which ´AFFECT US ALL!!!


@ The WORLDWIDE SCAM of the FEDERAL RESERVE: https://www.fiapbt.net/fed.html


@ The PUBLIC DEBT SCAM: https://www.fiapbt.net/deudapublica.html (In spanish write)


“Israel's operation in Gaza is not aimed at destroying Hamas. In reality, it is a decades-long operation whose ultimate goal is to make the Palestinian people disappear.” (Noam Chomsky. October 25, 2023)


Madrid, 29 january, 2024. IT'S NOT A WAR, IT'S A GENOCIDE!!! ´STOP Israel's GENOCIDE against PALESTINE Right Now!!! SAVE the CHILDREN!!!


Netanyahu alone, and without knowing that he was being recorded, unmasks the plans of the Rothschild family to take over all the lands of Palestine under GENOCIDE. Vídeo: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/videos/404325072064592


                                  Jacob de Rothschild the Beast.

1 JacobRothschild (1)


You said it Manu Pineda Euro Deputy, THE PEOPLE SAVE THE PEOPLE, but forget about governments saving their citizens, they are not going to do it, they would have already done it, the governments are obedient to Netanyahu and his government team, all of them Zionists FALSE JEWS, these in turn, are the Obedient Puppets of Jacob de Rothschild...


We have already seen how Government and International Institutions Obey and work for the Zionists, even the International Criminal Court works for the Zionists, you have already seen it the other day, this supposed International Criminal Court has just pronounced itself and handed down its ruling on the matter to the G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E of Palestine and not only has it NOT called for the end of the G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E, It's just that it has not even REQUESTED A CEASE FIRE so that humanitarian aid can reach the wounded, ALL International Institutions and ALL governments will pretend to try to save the Palestinians by offering FALSE HOPES, but in In reality, it is not to save the Palestinians, no, but to be accomplices of the g-e-n-o-c-i-d-a-l, confusing and entertaining the citizens of the world to get the time that the g-e-n-o-c-i-d-a-l needs to materialize its extermination of all Palestinians and thus, finish stealing 100% of the lands of Palestine, but nothing more. After the martyrdom of the Palestinian citizens, it is the turn of the citizens of Taiwan and after these, it is the turn of the citizens of the entire world through the New World 0rder developed through its “wonderful” Agenda 20 30. There is only one path Manu Pineda Euro Deputy, the one that you yourself have already pointed out, THE PEOPLE SAVE THE PEOPLE, either we become aware of this and act NOW, or we all go to hell, one after the other. WE ARE ALL FREE PALESTINE!!! WE ARE ALL ONE!!!




ANSWER to the members of the International Criminal Court and to whoever may be interested: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=7398191820231892&set=a.1748933491824448 Original Post to spread the word and SPREAD


@ The 20 30 Agenda. THE ALTERNATIVE to the current Corrupt and Rotten Social System: https://www.fiapbt.net/alternativa.html (In spanish write)




@ SCIENTIFIC ESTUDY REPORT that SHOW the EVIDENCE the RADIOACTIVE WEAPONS was used by Israel in Palestine and Yemen:  https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/posts/pfbid02VpJzCuXRzXcmQojmfepKSN1WRqaDnYfd7HCRK9iMZ5mh4gKYgrJDcyxL4AwQHtqpl

Stop the Beast in his TOTAL  G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E in Gaza: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=363724036296478&set=a.155145083821042


After reading and acquiring the Knowledge attached to the Web site to avoid Censorship of the report at the bottom, titled; DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TRUE AND FALSE JEWS. The ROTHSCHILD family, some will already be able to understand many issues, which, before knowing the information mentioned, they could not understand in any way. That is the purpose and intention of this report, to spread from humility, good intention and love, the hidden Knowledge that exists behind the Middle East conflict, in this way, doing our bit to find an adequate and quick solution. for all parties involved, especially to find an adequate and quick solution with regard to the Safety and Well-being of the most vulnerable, the CHILDREN. In order to find peace in the Middle East sooner rather than later, it is of utmost importance to be aware of the Knowledge attached in this report. Knowledge, good intention (will) and love is Power, it is the weapon most feared by the evil ones and the G-E-N-O-C-I-D-A-L, more powerful even than 100 atomic bombs exploding at the same time, not even the most powerful army in the world would have a minimal chance of victory against that weapon. (m.p.)




@ DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TRUE AND FALSE JEWS. The ROTHSCHILD family: https://www.fiapbt.net/true&fakejews.html - https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=355501720452043&set=a.155145083821042

The TRUE JEWS in nowadays, EVIDENCING to the Zionists FALSE JEWS and their TRICKS. VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT/videos/3350578315234563


IT'S NOT A W4R, IT'S A GEN0CIDE!!! ´STOP Israel's GEN0CIDE against PALESTINE Right Now!!!


On the Website to avoid censorship: https://www.fiapbt.net/loveandpeace.html And in FREE PALESTINE in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3858558827588058


Israel, ´SELF-DEFENSE or G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E? https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=7228090417242034&set=a.1748933491824448

VIDEO in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/100001234420465/videos/881713846729068 VIDEO in YouTube: https://youtu.be/ztU5JN2m1Kc


“Spreading the truth generate to you enemies, but it feeds the Soul and your own AWERENESS. If we really want to change the world, we must start by changing ourselves.” (m.p.) 


To avoid censorship and so that this information can reach all interested parties, it would be great to share it.


Mariano Peinado

International APBT Federation (FIAPBT) & IADCRO Spain

https://www.facebook.com/FIAPBT https://www.fiapbt.net https://www.IADCRO.com


* Some issues related to the ZIONIST FALSE JEWS Bilderberg, which ´AFFECT US ALL!!!


@ The WORLDWIDE SCAM of the FEDERAL RESERVE: https://www.fiapbt.net/fed.html


@ The PUBLIC DEBT SCAM: https://www.fiapbt.net/deudapublica.html (In spanish write)


“Israel's operation in Gaza is not aimed at destroying Hamas. In reality, it is a decades-long operation whose ultimate goal is to make the Palestinian people disappear.” (Noam Chomsky. October 25, 2023)


Madrid, 27 january, 2024.