In the first place, we want to make clear that there are so many that make up this Confederacy and the INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION  and it's members in whole or in part, that have the honor of directing it's course,  are totally against the fighting of dogs.


In this section of the fighting of dogs, we wanted to inform you, so that the people who harm our breed by speaking of property harm or, above all,  refering to the attacks of dogs to persons, that the personage that prepares a dog to fight promotes him towards other dogs, but not toward the persons. With this I mean, that the dogs that are utilized in dog fights, are not responsible for the attacks that are produced toward humans, as they are showing,
I believe they speak with miscommunication and these supposed protectors of animals, speak of a theme in which they show a great ignorance, and are free to continue speading this misrepresentation without debate.
To understand better what they are exposing, we have to observe the dogs that they have attacked,  persons in our country, (none of them who were prepared to fight with other dogs), but if they were trained by bad trainers without proper instruction to attack people, or simply badly abused by their respective irresponsible owners, giving rise to all types of accidents.
In this section that of the trainers, since the International Federation has always assessed to all the Institutions that know it should prohibit the individuals to train it's dogs to attack to persons, being alone permitted, to the Strengths of Security and Special Bodies of the State that work with dogs, and to the trainers that they possess a official permit with a minimum of credibility.
To finish the section of the fighting of dogs, we wanted to explain that not all breeds of dogs fight but that many breeds that exist that were bred to fight, all the breeds in their origins, were created for some type of job. There were dogs that fought that were not a specific breed, belonging to a mongrel of dogs but as individuals and because of their owners, they prepared them to fight and later, if successful, they bred them and the offspring to fight. To make this more understandable we will put as an example;
Cars...an infinity of very diverse types of cars to be sure, but that does not signify that a certain type of cars is a race car, Simply and flatly, there are those cars that have been prepared to compete and later they have competed in races, What has catalogued them like individuals, is that being the  cars of certain types being raced. In this example, the cars of type that they use for racing, can be like the dogs of the fighting types.  All cars, all a certain make, but not all for racing, but always individual..

Who was it the responsible for creating the black list of the 14 dog breeds as "most dangerous"?


This it is a question that nobody has been able to find out and the press have passed over easily. Delving into this area we will be able to understand that there are no BREEDS of dangerous dogs that exist and also we will be able to understand that what motivated the person responsible for the creation of this happy black list, to fall so under, creating it.
manuel martín rodríguez president of the Society Canina of Spain, President of the Spanish Club of the German Shepherd of German Shepherds for but of thirty years, he is accredited to the Department of Agriculture, Fishing and Diet (M.A.P.A.), the person that created the black list of the 14  "dangerous" breeds on the day 1 of February of 1999, after that, He put his confidence in him to ask him for a list of  "dangerous" dog breeds, and by the way that he showed off (in that moment), as a supposed "professional" dogman, and thusly charged would put an end to the attacks of dogs to persons.

The breeds of dogs that this person catalogued as the most  dangerous, are the following:
American Pit Bull Terrier, Rottweiler, Dogo Argentine, brazilian Row, Prey Canario, Prey Mallorquín, Dogo of Burdeos, Doberman, Boxer, Bullmastiff, Mastín Napolitano, Dogo of the
Tibet, Staffordshire Bull Terrier and American Staffordshire Terrier.

All the writings relating to this matter, questioned or implied are with the International American Pit Bull Terrier Federation, to facilitate them to the ones who they could be of most interest to.  These same steps that have occurred in
Spain against some breeds of dogs, could be very similar, not necessarily identical, to the ones that they occur in other countries when their respective governments determine their measures against some breeds of dogs, and that the end result of all the negativity focused to some breeds, very well could be Economic.

The politicians of the M. A. P. A. in a meeting that ourselves undertook with them March 30, 1999, recognized that they did not have another idea about the dog fear, there fore they were put in contact with the person that they believed to be the one indicated so he could assess to them which were the "dangerous" breeds, which, to their satisfaction seemed correct,  and also, they recognized that later documentation was to be received first, but they had taken the decision of prohibiting in Spain the dog breed known as the American Pit Bull Terrier. 

That after studying to verify all the documentation that arrived to Mariano Peinado (this documentation is to the best of my recollection and a recopilatión of the testimonies of various titled professionals and various International Agencies of recognition inside the world professional dog people, ahead they will be able to read in this page of the Confederacy), they understood the serious error that were about to commit and they rectified it in full, because they understood the interests that motivated manuel martín rodríguez so that the happy black list of breeds of the most dangerous, and not alone, I have the "dangerous" breeds, but also I have friends that have raised the 14 "dangerous" breeds during the last 5 years, a thing that this totally prohibited by the Data Protection Law and ethically should not have been done without having consulted the one who allows it.
What has motivated manuel martín rodríguez to act that way, going to the M. A. P. A. with a list of 14 "dangerous" was unique and exclusive, so that if the M. A. P. A. were to the point of believing it and then to Legislate against those 14 breeds,( to be removed with  regard to its German Shepherds), before continuing, since the International A. P. B. T. Federation and all the ones that we are composed of want it manifested, that we are large lovers of all the dogs be of the breed that they be and of all the animal species, the ones that know us, know it very well, and if in some moment was at the matter of insulting, maligning or to qualify the German Shepherds as a dangerous breed, we, and the Institution that ourselves seriously fight in favor of the German Shepherds, that unique thing called masking the truth and that they understand perfectly the economic plot that manuel martín rodríguez is carrying out, upon creating the black list, (not that we have the remedy), but  to count all the truths and to do it without exclusion of the German  Shepherd breed, and truly tell them we have absolutely nothing against this breed, just the opposite, we are large admirers of the same one, as dogs that are.

We have to leave consistancy, for the time being, in this dire situation, to note that the German Shepherd breed, six years ago, started on the decline, after being the most popular breed of dog and with the greatest number of sales of all breeds existing, and since six years ago to the present time, this breed has been steadily increasing in popularity and sales precisely due to the 14 breeds that manuel martín rodríguez delivered to the M. A. P. A. qualifying them as the "dangerous" and making them responsible for all the attacks on humans.

Not satisfied, manuel martín with this bastard action of creating a list of "dangerous" breeds, that he also guaranteed the recuperation in popularity and sales of its breed, the German Shepherd.

I have created a list of the most most beneficial breeds for the humanity, in a writing delivered to the M. A. P. A. the day 15 of February of 1999. In said statement, the first breed qualified as very beneficial for the humanity, as you already might have guessed, was the breed manuel martín I indicated, if mister to the German Shepherd, and the following races went the ones that raised the persons that they formed part of their board of directors in the Society Canina of Spain, therefore manuel martín in that writing of the day 15.

I seek the endorsement of the of their meeting  Directive, to support and to have greater credibility before the M. A. P. A. to what I communicate February 1,  with it of the 14  "dangerous" breeds, that if, in the writing of the day 15, is already recommended to the

M. A. P. A. the absolute ban in the Spanish territory, of the American Pit Bull Terrier.
The of the board of directors, they knowing of the benefit that they would obtain supporting its leader signing such writing, not they were opposed or at all even knowing that such breeds existed as "dangerous", but still they supported it, when also they were told  that they would lose all its privileges, besides its charges, as has occurred in numerous occasions in time gone by.

The members of the board of directors that supported with their vote and their testimonies, included in some off record communication, being accomplices of this bastard plot, there goes as follows:
      -carlos collantes arnáiz
(vice president of the Society Canina of Spain),
      -carlos méndez garcía
(secretary of the Society Canina of Spain),
      -javier martínez martínez
(voice of the committee of direction of the Society Canina of Spain),
      -mariano púa morente
(technical director of the Society Canina of Spain),
      -pedro sánchez algaba
(international judge by the Society Canina of Spain),
      -ignacio sierra martínez
(he was presented to the M. A. P. A. as a great expert of the fear canine, a certain thing which receives enough privileges on the part of the Society Canina of Spain, not being less expert than the previous mentioned personages in the fear canine, but something that allows them to have even more crime).

Once performed the endorsement that needed manuel martín before the eyes of the M.A.P.A., this personage was seen to them as a very happy, and no longer alone by the economic theme, but also, the renewal as president of the Society would be assured that the Canine of Spain, could  manipulate thousands of millions of pesetas annually, therefore the majority of the associates of the Society Canina of Spain, are fruitful in and of German shepherds and associates, and at the same time of the Spanish Club of the German Shepherd, and these, in the majority but not all, being thanked by his leader by the beneficial work, but not less bastardly, that had carried out in favor of the German Shepherd, they would vote him to renew the charge of president of the Society Canina of Spain, and thusly this occurred. Myself as a person, respects totally to the Society Canina of Spain as Institution that it is, but the truth is that a great deal of shame it would give me to belong to a Society having to this type of directive.

Not "dangerous" BREEDS of dogs, but supposing that they did exist, why didn't manuel martín include in the list of the breeds most "dangerous" the German Shepherd?.
The German Shepherd, while not being a dangerous breed, is the dog breed, statistically in all the countries, that is the dog that most deaths in humans have been attributed to.

This data, manuel martín knew to perfection, further on you they will be able to read these statistics, but alone I want to show a single example of what I say. In only a year, concretely in 1985 in Germany five persons died, by the attacks of dogs, all were by German Shepherds.

Understanding the steps that manuel martín I carried out,  is understandable because of the social alarm.  In the first place he is represented as an aquaintance to the M. A. P. A. the supposed professional number one dogmaster called manuel martín. This deceiving bastardly to the M. A. P. A. and other Agencies Gubernamentales, obtains that be Legislated against the 14 races. Upon To Have Legislated against the 14 races with their corresponding names, in the middle of communication have the BASE exceeded for moments of "sensationalist press reports" to these noble dog breeds. After so much, of being bombarded with negativity toward these breeds in the middle of conversations, when it is already known what and how social alarm is produced, which, again brings with it a multitude of nasty consequences of all types, for the society of 14, as the abandonment, discrimination, physical aggressions, invasion of privacy and material no longer left alone to the owners of the 14 breeds, but to all the owners of any dog, thousands of positions of jobs are destroyed related to the dog trainer, kennels, all kinds of barbarisms to the poor animals are committed, many veterinarians by gaining money lose respect for the most essential principles of the life, upon getting a fee, sacrificing dogs for the 'cause', sacrificing healthy dogs and many more negative consequences for the society supposedly Civilized. All these injustices against the dogs be in the country that be, they are produced from a root for many manueles martíns, that the unique thing that interests them overall is their economic welfare.


The Association veterinary of Madrid (A.M.V.A.C.) and the Association veterinary of Barcelona (A.C.U.A.C.), They have manifested publically that not breeds exist that are dangerous dogs, included the American Pit Bull Terrier, that all will depend so that the dogs be dangerous or not, of the education that their owners they provide them.

The etología Is a branch of the animal psychology. As science of the customs, studies the behavior of the animals in its half natural one, in this case, that of the breed dogs and the crossbred among them. Many etólogos Spanish they have manifested publically that not  exist breed dogs dangerous, that all will depend so that the dog be dangerous or not of the around in which be raised, and of course of the education received. Also the etólogos they underline, the not convenience of classifying breed dogs that be catalogued them of no negative way.

Many naturalist Spanish they have been manifested exactly the same as the etólogos.

The professors specialized in genétic animal, also they have been manifested publically to the regarding telling exactly the same thing that the etólogos and adding that in rare circumstances, in spite of to have given a good education to the dog, this would be able to be aggressive by nature independently of the breed dog to the one that belong, therefore this same occurs with all the animal species and of course also with the species Human, therefore where a brain exists gives rise to the possibility of some type of  bad mental.

The Endangered Breed Associatión, International Agency of recognition has been pronounced to the respect manifesting, that not no exists breed dogs dangerous and is but, has catalogued to the American Pit Bull Terrier as a breed dog in danger of extinction, for two motives:

1º- By the great one persecución injustificatily that suffers in some countries so that be extinguished under very rigorous laws.

 2º- By the great quantity of crossings that they are carried out with other very similar races physically to the American Pit Bull Terrier, and that then they are sold like American Pit Bull Terrier authentic.

The American Society of Exams of Temperament Canine With relation to the persons, is also shown enough surprised when receives the news that some country that another takes measured severe against some specific breed dogs. Its President, Mr. Alfons Stels has manifested in some middles of communication, the not dangerous existence of breed dogs and if there was that to catalogue some breed dogs as dangerous, that serious one without no type of doubts the human race. After to have carried out this temperament exams Society evaluating to the dogs the relation, sociability and equilibrium with the persons, to 122 breed dogs, the most popular than circulate in any country and of course also they are included the American Pit Bull Terrier, its President says the following thing; The stocking of approved in all the breed dogs to relate to the human being is of a 77%, however, the stocking of approved of the American Pit Bull Terrier is of the 97%, to stressing that these exams have been performed to the American Pit Bull Terrier authentic and not to the dogs crusaders that then they call them American Pit Bull Terrier and by another side to stress, that that 3% of American Pit Bull Terrier that they suspend in the exams in spite of very well gifted physically, they are enough less aggressive than the 23% of the suspenses of the other breed dogs.

After observing the exams carried out by the American Society of Exams of Temperament Canine and especially to the American Pit Bull Terrier (A.P.B.T.), they can appreciate on the one hand that not exist dangerous breed dogs and by another side they can understand that the character from the A. P. B. T. (After so to have been bombarded by the middles of communication catalogue as very dangerous and including of murderers) cataloguing this very sociality, good and loving with the persons. To understand better, if fits, and with all the severity zoo technical, we have to explain the politics that I am utilized in the selection of breeding of this breed dog since was created like breed dog already 500 years ago.

Since the A. P. B. T. was originated like breed dog 500 years ago, so much the fruitful of long ago as the fruitful of nowadays, ALWAYS they took like LAW the to reject of the breeding those copies that could show the most minimum gesture of agresividad without any motive toward the human being. By this same and after 500 years under this Law, is especially strange that a individual of A.P.B.T. attack upon being human, since that goes against its own nature.

The A. P. B. T. was created to develop adverse enough all kinds of jobs (not being in the mind of the cinófolos of long ago that this new breed dog was utilized to fight with the of their species) that in the times of long ago they were needed with great need and the conventional dogs could not develop adequate, jobs as for example:

1º- The greater hunting (permitting to hundreds of families to be able to eat).

2º- Extermination of large you plague of rats (avoiding of that way a without end of epidemics and illnesses that had whipped to the society).

3º- them they were utilized to extract the coal of the difficult mines of long ago, manufacture littel cars to measurement so that they could carry out its job (precise of this job comes them the sport of the drag of weight pull, that nowadays so much is manufacturing themd).

4º- The butchers utilized them to trap to their to laugh, well to put them the tatoo corresponding, or well, to give them sacrifice (saving them enough time to finalize their task and offering them great security for these professionals).

5º- they Carried out various more more own jobs of the epoch, where the A. P. B. T. always they worked for benefit of the humanity.

We have dear to show the origins of the A.P.B.T., so that thus be known that this breed dog not was originated to fight, as many ignorant afirm, but was created unique and exclusively for the job that the human wanted to entrust him, combining it with the equilibrium and sociability toward the human being.

Given the qualities and virtues that possess the A. P. B. T. and their facility of to mould for any type of job, by very rare that he could seem, given the great intelligence that possess the copies of this breed dog, evidently nowadays no longer they are utilized to the A. P. B. T. for the jobs for which was created them in long ago, but if them they are utilized forYou agree to the times in which we live and very beneficial for the society, as for example:

1º- Rescue of persons (saving the life to many persons annually).

2º- intervention Dogs for the police (stopping delinquents through the impact to the body).

3º- Dogs for persons blind and deaf (they give the view and the ear to these incapacitated physicists).

4º- Dogs of aid to diminished physicists and psíquicos (they do to recuperate the happiness of living to these diminished).

5º- Terapys with elders and children autists (offer them all besides their company).


And many jobs more but, always in benefit of the humanity. For all this, the International American Pit Bull Terrier Federation has declared officially and publically to the breed dog American Pit Bull Terrier as "BREED DOG VERY BENEFICIAL FOR THE HUMANITY".
The A. P. B. T. is the breed dog of job by excellence, and including nowadays I know the continuous one selecting for the values of the heart, equilibrium, sociability, job, etc. and thanks to God is not selected it for the beauty, therefore if it he was selected for the same one, inevitably he would lose in not many years all the values of the heart and we would speak of a race extinguished, therefore the A. P. B. T. at the moment that to stop being for what he was created, the job, no longer serious TO. P. B. T. Some of the Agencies that they work with the A. P. B. T. in these jobs of the times in which we live, as commented in the previous paragraph they are:

Connecticut K-9 Hearing (Colorado).

Delta Society (Whashington).

Therapy Dogs Internationals (New Jersey).

Freedom Service Dogs (Colorado).

Canine Helpers for the Handicaped (Pennsylvania).

Arlington Humane Society (Texas).

Assistance Dogs of America Inc. (Ohio).

Canine Companions for Independence (Florida), etc.

Understanding this last, we would ask to all you that when they listen to speak negatively upon the good and noble American Pit Bull Terrier, or of any another breed dog, be critics and objective to the hour of analyzing the news, therefore the ones that understand a little dogs we know that if dangerous dogs as individuals exist, independently of the race that be and also we know that those poor dangerous dogs the one that not races, have been the first victims of the human being upon to have received a very bad education on the part of its irresponsible owners and there would be that to punish the owner and far from it to the race to the one that the animal aggressor belong.


To understand because the A.P.B.T., or the Rottweiler and some few races more have a bad fame injustificatily before the citizens from on foot of street, we have to keep in mind that in Spain to the the same as in all the other countries, they exist a stocking of eight attacks of dogs to persons daily. This stocking is not of nowadays, unfortunately comes occurring does enough years, for which is necessary to put a joust, quick and efficient legislation, to reduce the possible stocking the most maximum thing, with a Law that foment to the RESPONSIBLE owner and that itself to stop removing black lists where enumerate breed dogs catalogue of an or another way, because of unfortunately thus, the unique thing that itselfIt obtains is to aggravate the situation, for the citizens and for the animals.

At the end of a month, they are produced in Spain some 250 attacks of dogs to persons approximately, and in these social moments of alarm around the dogs, if the alone middles of communication are of the attacks that they produce the Rottweillers and of the "supposed" A.P.B.T., by the fact that there was a person in Spain, (in this case manuel martín, that gave them the bastard of doing them to believe it of the dangerous breed dogs), a part of the citizens from on foot and with "mentality of holders", they will believe and they affirmed that alone these two breed dogs are the ones that attack upon being human. Inside the 250 attacks of dogs to persons that are produced in a month in Spain, all kinds exist breed dogs, large, medium, small and crossings of these, of which, the middles of communication are do not to the hour of focusing the news of the attacks of dogs to persons, by the fact, that these races or crossbreed have not interest, and therefore does not sell to the people to see the T.V.

As dogs that they are, the A. P. B. T. and the Rottweillers, also they have a possibilities percentage minimum of attacking persons, all will depend on the owner, as also depends on the owners of the dogs of other breed dogs when they attack, and we are the first in affirming, that if is shown the not recuperation in which there is socialización refers with the human being of the animal that it has attacked, there would be that to begin to sleep, independently to the breed dog that belong, but not seeing to the animal as guilty of the facts, but seeing it like a victim of the human being by the very bad education received on the part of its irresponsible owner. By this same not they should fall in the error of thinking that yes dangerous breed dogs of dogs exist, inside the species "canine", because of believing it thus and by this same rule of three, also we would be able to think as dangerous to some races of persons inside the species "Human", by the fact, that some criminal as individual inside its corresponding race exist, and I createThat you they will be in agreement with us, that to think of that way to a race of person because of some individual, serious a great barbarity. Therefore this great barbarity is what they are occurring to the A. P. B. T. and to the Rottweillers and to all the dogs in general be of the race that they be.

This great barbarity and by the same rule of three, would be able to be applied to the cars that they circulate for the highways and autopists. If the irresponsible driver of a car of it marks Seat Ibiza, by putting an example, he knocks down a person and he kills it, the middles of communication, neither nobody that this in his healthy judgment, he would occur to throw the faults of the accident to the car, and less even, to be baited negatively in all the cars that be of it he marks Seat Ibiza, therefore the unique responsible one and guilty of theThe person in question, has been the IRRESPONSIBLE DRIVER and not the car. In this example, the cars are the dogs as individuals, and you mark them of the cars are the different breed dogs. Certainly, in terms of training canine, the one that handles or simply carries to stroll to a dog, it is called driver.

This same example of the cars, comes like ring to the finger to the hour of seeking the adequate solution and above all joust and efficient, to the hour of legislating around the dogs. The General Direction of Trafic (D.G.T.), has tax a legislation and a Laws that regular equally to all the owners or drivers of vehicles, without keep in mind if the vehicle cost more or less money, or if is of an or another marks. The Laws is the same for the driver of a Seat six hundred, that for the driver of a Seat Ibiza, because the irresponsible driver that conducts a six hundred, is able to cause a death, to the the same as the irresponsible driver of a Seat Ibiza.

This is the key one under ours modest opinion, so that any referring type of legislation to the control of the dogs, be successful. Not it should be done DIFFERENTIATE of breed dogs and all the Laws that have to carry out, be imposed to all the specie canine equally, because thus on the one hand, WE KNOW GAVE GREATER PROTECTION TO ALL THE DOGS they be of the breed dog that they be, or as if they are crossbreed, and by another side WE KNOW GAVE A GREATER PROTECTION TO ALL THE CITIZENS. Besides, legislating in this manner to would put an end to the SOCIAL ALARM and its very bads consequences of all types that suffer the animals and the citizens.

In a first moment, when exploited the social alarm in Spain in around some breed dogs, they were enough the Communities Autonómics that after the bastard assesorament on the part of manuel martín, they created black lists where they reflected the names of the breed dogs, that was legislated very bad and unjustly alone for them. Including the Department of Agriculture, Fishing and Diet (M.A.P.A.), they was pronounced in some middles of communication, that was going to prohibit to the American Pit Bull Terrier, but after that Mariano Peinado facilitated the information to the respect, they called to a meeting March 30, 1999 (besides, that meeting was recommended for the President of the Spanish Government) and in that same one Meeting, they recognized that after to have studied and verified all the information that Mariano facilitate, was a serious error to prohibit no breed dog and the not convenience of creating black lists cataloguing to no race as dangerous, or as potentially dangerous. Of fact, in the Official Bulletin of the State one (B.O.E.), December 23, 1999, reflects the Law upon the posesions of dogs and in none moment reflects none ready black, neither quotes to no breed dogs.

This same information in defense of the bredd dogs and the dogs in general, Mariano also facilitated it to all those Communities Autonómics that had legislated creating black lists, and in most cases they rectified of full, and today for the present, the legislation around the posesions of dogs is for all the species canine equally, where is a matter of promoting to the proprietary responsible for dogs. Nowadays, the only Communities Autonómicas that have not had the humility of recognizing the great error to the hour of carry out the black lists, enumerating to a series of breed dogs as the dangerous, they are:

-   The Generalitat of Cataluña,

-         The Junta of Castilla and Lion,

-         The Generalitat Valenciana.

By this lack of humility on the part of these three Communities, they are showing on the one hand their great ignorance in the section of the dogs, therefore of all is known that to rectify is of wise and by another side, that after to have facilitated all the to legislate adequate necessary information in this theme, could be, that their leaders had interests created economically speaking, to be removed out of the way to the races that they appear in their respective black lists.

In the last years, some countries are presume of it very advanced that are, they show it very backward that they are found culturally speaking, when they treat upon the polemics of itself really races exist "dangerous". Not they understand that the culture goes couple with the feeling and love toward the animals, especially by the dogs. Not they should miss, that in some countries they have created black lists around some races of dogs, therefore after to have studied the process that arrives to the creation of the black list in some countries, all have been practically of the same form that in Spain, always we find us like advisors of the respective Governments to the ones that they direct the respective Administration Canines of its country, and these personages are amateurs of all the life of a concrete race canina, the German Shepherd, which, as already they have verified is out in popularity and sales by those breed dogs that are introduced in the black lists, to thus remove the competence in a moment. This deceit, the different Administrations not it to should pass for high, and to take letters in the matter to punish the attitude of those that after having placed all their confidence in them so that they assessed them in the fear canine, by economic interests they deceived them.

The one that some Countries exist, Communities and city Halls belonging to the European Union, that have created black lists, damaging in great measurement to these breed dogs, its owners, fruitful and lovers of the animals in general, has motivated to the Internationa A. P. B. T. Federation to denounce it the President of the Commission of Petitions of the European Parliament, Romano Prodi, which, for the time being has accepted to tramite the petition of the Federation in penalty those Countries, Communities or member city Halls of the European Union, that have created black lists cataloguing negatively to some breed dogs, therefore these black lists, they are totally anticonstitucionales, antidemocrátics and racists, and of course, they are a VIOLATION, in every rule of the Right of the property of the citizen, in this case, of thousands of citizens belonging to the European Union.

Calling to the lovers of the animals.
The American Pit Bull Terrier is a dog breed in danger of extinction, as thus has catalogued it the Endangered Breed Associatión, (Association of Species in Danger of Extinction), American Agency of International recognition, by the persecution and injustices,  that they are suffering in some specific countries, and also by the great quantity of crossings that many fruitful opportunists, are carrying out and then selling them as authentic, in detriment of the pure race. By this same, the International A.P.B.T. Federation, does a calling to the lovers of the animals in general, so that they can defend the APBT or any other dog race, because if we do not defend them now, then who will.....WHO DOES IT GO TO?






This it is the composed letter of two papers, that remitted manuel martín to the M. A. P. A. with its firm of fist and letter the day 1 of February of 1999, in which, does them to be evident a list of 14 breed dogs as the dangerous. Also it facilitates a relation by provinces of the breeders of these breed dogs and by last also notifies to the M.A.P.A., the ignorance of the existence of our institution, being false, therefore manuel martín have called by telephone the President of our Institution in more than one occasion, with previous dates to the letter remitted to the M.A.P.A., therefore knew the existence of our Institution.

With this letter, manuel martín rodríguez create the black list of breed dogs dangerous, the day 1 of February of 1999.











This it is the other composed letter of four papers, where manuel martín as president of the Society Canine of Spain, deliver to the M. A. P. A. and to the Autonomous Community of Madrid (C.A.M.), the day 15 of February of 1999. In this letter, manuel martín itself defend his backs upon having "obliged" to sign the leaders of its board of directors of the Society Canine of Spain, all the false testimonies around the breed dogs that had communicated to the M. A. P. A. the day 1 of February. In this same letter where they can observe the sings of fist and letter of all these “persons”, is suggested to the M. A. P. A. and to the C. A. M. the prohibition absolute of the breed dog American Pit Bull Terrier in all the Spanish territory.

In this happy letter of February 15, manuel martín not comply with the black list of dangerous breed dogs that had created and delivered to the M. A. P. A. the day 1 of February, does to create another list, but this of white color, with the name of the breed dogs more beneficial for the humanity, placing in the first place of the list to its breed dog by excellence, the Shepherd German place to the breed dogs that raise precise the ones that signed the letter, that is to say, the breed dog that raise the of their board of directors.

The shot left for the back to manuel martín, when thought that in this way so bastard was going to recuperate the predominance in popularity and sales of its German Shepherds, therefore the social alarm around the dogs that manuel martín  provoke for the creation of the black list, to damage no longer alone to the breed dogs that name in the black list, if not also to the breed dog Shepherd German, and including to small, medium, large all kinds of dogs and crossbreed. Nowadays they can corroborate that manuel martín did not obtain at all its purpose, by the fact that the German Shepherds with their corresponding pedigrees, they are giving them or to the most greatest thing they sell them for 5000 or 10.000 Ptas ($35), having also to damage largely in this manner, to the breeders of German shepherds. Also manuel martín, has been thrown many stones upon their roof, the roof of the Society Canina of Spain, therefore in the year 1999, they had some lost of the almost 4%, and in the year 2000 them lost they ascended to the almost 35%. Of insurance that in the year under way, the 2001, said lost they will ascend at more than the 50%, and not they should miss at all, in a prompt resignation of manuel martín as president of the Society Canina of Spain, upon seeing impeded of being able to handle the thousands of millions of pesetas, that handling to its craving until does very little time.

In this same letter of 15 of February, one of the singnaters does not belong to the Society Canina of Spain, but if has privileges granted by his president manuel martín, we refer to ignacio sierra. This he was presented to the M. A. P. A. as a great one understood of the he fear canine, thing that do not put in doubt, therefore they can corroborate, and is more, when speech of the dogs in the middle of communication, the truth is that does it very well, giving the sensation to who they can listen him, of the love that corroborate its for the animals in general. This sensation that removes to who not they know it, they can affirm that is totally false. Given to the very good relations that maintained with our President of the International A.P.B.T. Federation, before to occur all this filthy matter, he same comment to our President after to have signed the letter, of it very badly the future situation for the breed dog American Pit Bull Terrier in Spain, without commenting him the firm that had carried out. How is it able one to be lover of the animals, after signing so that themselves endanger the A.P.B.T.?, and the knowledge that possesses upon the dogs, they do it to have even more crime by signing something even knowing that was not certain.

Villa Liberty´s "Red Antonia". This puppie female is of the breed dog American Pit Bull Terrier, looking at to its eyes and to ask you where can be found the danger of "Antonia", or the danger of the breed dog that she represents.

   For any consultation is able contactar with the Confederacy in:

                    You can to contact with the Federation in:



   F    I    A    P    B    T  

           FIAPBT  FIAPBT






                                 FIAPBT Pedigree  www.fiapbtpedigree.com


En esta sección del  REGISTRO GENEALOGICO DE SEGURIDAD DE LA FIAPBT llamado FIAPBT Pedigree, podrán ustedes estudiar las diferentes ramificaciones genéticas de esta maravillosa y noble raza canina, el American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT); Ver fotografías históricas de ejemplares de APBT nunca vistas anteriormente en publico; Participar en foros privados con diferentes temáticas en torno al APBT; Ayudar a combatir la criminalización que realiza la Ley PPP y la BSL; Crear fácilmente el pedigree online de su ejemplar o de las camadas que usted tenga; etc.

Para poder disfrutar de estos servicios, simplemente deben registrarse a través de www.fiapbtpedigree.com con opción del idioma en español o en ingles, como usted prefiera. Esta nueva sección del REGISTRO GENEALOGICO DE SEGURIDAD DE LA FIAPBT, la FIAPBT Pedigree, estará en continuo desarrollo por parte de la FIAPBT, para su mejora constante.


Para que ustedes puedan tener un ejemplo a la vista, e irse familiarizando con la base de datos de la FIAPBT, les mostramos el enlace de CH “PATCHES”:


Villa Liberty´s CH “Patches  http://www.fiapbtpedigree.com/imprimir_ficha.php?idm=es&criterio=50879 (en español)


Villa Liberty´s CH “Patches”  http://www.fiapbtpedigree.com/imprimir_ficha.php?idm=en&criterio=50879 (en ingles) 



   F    I    A    P    B    T









                             FIAPBT Pedigree  www.fiapbtpedigree.com


In this FIAPBT GENEALOGICAL SECTION REGISTRY OF SECURITY called FIAPBT Pedigree, you will be able to study the different ramifications genetic of this wonderful and the noble breed dog, the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT); To see APBT historical pictures never seen previously in publish; To participate in forums deprived with different thematics around the APBT; To help to fight the criminalization that the BSL realises; To create easily the pedigree online of your dog or the litters that you have; etc.

In order to be able to enjoy these services, simply you must to register through www.fiapbtpedigree.com with the option the Spanish and English language. This new FIAPBT GENEALOGICAL SECTION REGISTRY OF SECURITY, the FIAPBT Pedigree, will be in continuous development by the FIAPBT, for its constant improvement.


So that you can have an example in view, and go away familiarizing with the data base of the FIAPBT, we showed you the link of CH “PATCHES”:


Villa Liberty´s CH “Patches”  http://www.fiapbtpedigree.com/imprimir_ficha.php?idm=en&criterio=50879 (in english) 


Villa Liberty´s CH “Patches  http://www.fiapbtpedigree.com/imprimir_ficha.php?idm=es&criterio=50879 (in spanish)






In the FIRST IADCRO INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS about BSL, has been demonstrated scientifically the nonexistence of Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous breeds dogs. The SCIENTIFIC CONGRESS message has VALIDED for all the languages and all the countries.  http://www.iadcro.com/informationcongress.html


How can I help to defense the discriminations breed dogs by the BSL?    http://www.villaliberty.org/howcanido2.html




ALERTS  http://www.iadcro.com/alert.html


COUNTRIES with BSL WE MUST DOING BOYCOTT  http://www.iadcro.com/boicot.htm

NEWS BOLETIN  http://www.villaliberty.org/newsboletin.html

IADCRO  http://www.iadcro.com  http://www.iadcro.com/information.html

Statistics: http://www.fiapbt.net/statistics.htm  - MEMBER LIST OF IADCRO. http://www.villaliberty.org/iadcrolist.htm

Breed specific legislation failing globally:

VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQ9Te3A17LQ






En el PRIMER CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE IADCRO, se ha demostrado científicamente la no existencia de razas Peligrosas o Potencialmente Peligrosas. 

En el Congreso se habló en español y lo más importante, es que el mensaje de los CIENTIFICOS ETOLOGOS allí reunidos AFIRMANDO la NO EXISTENCIA DE RAZAS CANINAS PELIGROSAS, TIENE VALIDED para todos los idiomas y para todos los países.  http://www.iadcro.com/informacioncongreso.html 


¿Cómo puedo ayudar a defender a las razas discriminadas por las Leyes?  http://www.villaliberty.org/howcanido.html






Si lo desea, sírvase de las cartas que encontrara dentro de las Alertas como modelo para hacer la suya propia, para enviárlas a las autoridades que usted crea conveniente. La carta que seleccione para realizar la suya propia, sugerimos escoja las más actual, ya que cuanto más actual sea, mejor y más actualizada estará la información en su contenido.


ALERTAS  http://www.iadcro.com/alert.html


NEWS BOLETIN  http://www.villaliberty.org/newsboletin.html


IADCRO SOLICITA AL GOBIERNO http://www.iadcro.com/iadcrosolicita.html


PAISES CON BSL QUE DEBEMOS HACER BOICOT. http://www.iadcro.com/boicot.htm 


IADCR1 Planeta Tierra en movimiento  http://www.iadcro.com  http://www.iadcro.com/information.html


Estadísticas: www.fiapbt.net/estadisticas.html MIEMBROS DE IADCRO. http://www.villaliberty.org/iadcrolist.htm


La Ley PPP o BSL falla Globalmente:  

VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQ9Te3A17LQ

A cerca de la “agresividad” en algunas razas caninas determinadas. http://www.iadcro.com/agresividad.html







IADCRO and the FIAPBT thank so much to all representatives, members and collaborators, for the important effort that they are doing in the diffusion of all related with the defense of the discriminated breed dogs and continue doing everything what are in his hands and within of his possibilities, to secure the objectives of this just cause, by many disadvantages that are in the way . The diffusion of the IADCRO information, is what it really gives the force to us to be able to press suitably to the Governments of the countries that contemplate the BSL and in this way, to be considered. Consequently to this last, we would have more possibilities so that the Law was annulled or modified according to our request, in right terms for the dogs of any breed or cross.


How can I help in this just cause, as is the defense of the dogs pertaining to certain breed dogs? http://www.villaliberty.org/howcanido2.html


We can spread, pass it on to all our contacts, to mass media, in public forums of Internet (dogs forums, animal, nature, human rights, etc.) and all the ways that we will can think to spread the more effectively possible the information that appears in the IADCRO Web site, to try to humbly secure to the collaboration and help that could contribute to us the fans and lovers of the animal rights. Without this collaboration and help, the situation will not allow us to acquire the force that we needed to secure the objective.


The information with that you can begin to spread would be by priorities. At the moment most urgent to spread is the Venezuela and Denmark information for being present, then that is the information with which it would begin to bomb in your diffusion, after this either the more calmly, would be taking more IADCRO  information always in the high-priority way the more in your opinion or criterion of each: http://www.iadcro.com/information.html


Some times, you would watch the cover of the IADCRO Web site www.iadcro.com  or FIAPBT www.fiapbt.net , since if they leave new alert would reflect in that place. Also we can watch in the section of the last news to acquire this information: http://www.villaliberty.org/ultimasnoticias.html  based on the priority that has this alert of help, is in the way that we would guide ourselves at the time of the diffusion help. I hope that with these slight knowledge, it serves to orient to all those that are showing interest in helping in this right cause and they do not know like doing it. However, any type of doubt, you can write to:


Mariano Peinado: iadcro@iadcro.com  fiapbt@fiapbt.net  villaliberty@villaliberty.org


Iñaki Goya Delegations Coordinator: inakigoya@yahoo.es 


In the FIRST IADCRO INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS against BSL, has been demonstrated scientifically the nonexistence of Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous breeds dogs. That is valid for all countries of the world. 


Thanks to all for being like you are, making good the proverb that says; “United we stand". Without your endorsement and help, this just cause we would have lost it since the beginning. Your not change never.


      Mariano Peinado

IADCRO: http://www.iadcro.com & FIAPBT: http://www.fiapbt.net 





IADCRO y la FIAPBT agradecen mucho a todos sus representantes, miembros y colaboradores, el esfuerzo tan importante que realizan en la difusión de todo lo relacionado con la defensa de las razas discriminadas y haciendo todo lo que esta en su mano y dentro de sus posibilidades, para conseguir los objetivos de esta justa causa, a pesar de las trabas e inconvenientes que sufren en su contra, por parte de algunos que no les gusta que aflore la verdad y lo justo. La difusión de la información de IADCRO, es lo que realmente nos da la fuerza para poder presionar adecuadamente a los Gobiernos de los países que contemplan Leyes del tipo PPP o BSL y de esta manera, ser tenidos en cuenta. Consecuentemente a esto último, tendríamos más posibilidades para que la Ley fuera anulada o modificada conforme a nuestra petición, en términos justos para los perros de cualquier raza o mestizo. 


¿Cómo ayudar en esta justa causa, como es la defensa de los perros pertenecientes a unas ciertas razas caninas? http://www.villaliberty.org/howcanido.html


Podemos difundir, corriendo la voz a todos nuestros contactos, a los medios de comunicación, en foros públicos de Internet (foros de perros, animales, naturaleza, derechos humanos, etc.) y de todas las maneras que se nos pueda ocurrir para difundir lo más eficazmente posible la información que aparece en la Web de IADCRO, para intentar conseguir humildemente la colaboración y ayuda que nos podrían aportar los aficionados y amantes de los derechos de los animales. Sin esta colaboración y ayuda, la situación no nos permitirá adquirir la fuerza que necesitamos para conseguir el objetivo.


La información con la que pueden comenzar a difundir sería por prioridades. En estos momentos lo más urgente a difundir es lo de Venezuela, lo de Dinamarca por ser lo más actual, entonces esa es la información con la que comenzaría a bombardear en mí difusión, después de esto ya más tranquilamente, iría cogiendo más información de IADCRO siempre de la manera más prioritaria en mi opinión, esto ya a criterio de cada uno: http://www.iadcro.com/informacion.html


De vez en cuando, miraría la portada de la Web de IADCRO www.iadcro.com  o de la FIAPBT www.fiapbt.net , ya que si salen nuevas alertas de socorro reflejarían en ese lugar. También podemos mirar en la sección de últimas noticias para adquirir dicha información: http://www.villaliberty.org/ultimasnoticias.html en función de la prioridad que tengan dichas alertas de socorro, es en la manera que nos guiaríamos a la hora de la difusión de ayuda. Espero que con estas nociones, sirva para orientar a todos aquellos que están mostrando interés en ayudar en esta justa causa y no saben como hacerlo. No obstante, cualquier tipo de duda, pueden dirigirse a:


Mariano Peinado: iadcro@iadcro.com  fiapbt@fiapbt.net  villaliberty@villaliberty.org


Iñaki Goya coordinador Delegaciones: inakigoya@yahoo.es 


Gracias por estar ahí y ser como sois, haciendo bueno el refrán que dice; “En la unión esta la fuerza”. Sin vuestro respaldo y ayuda, esta justa causa la tendríamos perdida desde el comienzo. No cambiéis nunca.


                                                                                            Mariano Peinado

IADCRO: http://www.iadcro.com & FIAPBT: http://www.fiapbt.net 






                        IADCRO    IADCRO