*     AGILITY

 *   Video SKATE  (APBT in Scooter).

*   The American Pit Bull Terrier in the circus with many years ago in USA (Video)


We find ourselves with the breed dog of job by excellence, the American Pit Bull Terrier, therefore to carry out own all kinds of jobs of the epoch, was created already 500 years ago. The persons expert about dogs in Great Britain of long ago they utilized to our Spanish dog of prey, the Alano (nowadays already extinguished, therefore that some enthusiasts of the same one not it want to recognize), to carry out its different crossings with dogs of prey natives without already existing definite race in the country, to thus obtain a new breed dog "every land", which, developed to the perfection jobs in adverse enough circumstances that were needed for that epoch and the conventional breed dogs could not develop adequate. In this manner was originated the American Pit Bull Terrier, that in that epoch they called it "the Old English Bulldog", that does not have absolutely nothing that to see with the "English Bulldog" present. To this new breed dog they were entrusted it jobs as for example: - The greater hunt (permitting to be able to eat to hundreds of families), - The professional butchers utilized them as a valuable tool of job, trapping to them to laugh to facilitate it put of the tatoo, or well, to facilitate the sacrifice of the animal (providing a great security to the professionals butchers to the hour of exercising their profession and by another side, the considerable savings of time to perform the tasks), - The A. P. B. T. they were utilized to extract the coal of those difficult and dangerous mines of long ago, they manufactured a littel cars to measurement so that asi they could develop the job (precise of this, comes them what currently is carried out enough often, the Championships of weightpulling), - them they were utilized for the extermination of large you plague of rats (avoiding in this manner numerous epidemics and illnesses, that had whipped seriously upon being human), - AND other many jobs more itself them they utilized, always in benefit of the human being.

There is something in the history of this breed dog, to the same as in many other breed dogs, to keep in mind, I refer to the exemplars that they were utilized for the fights of dogs. This it began to occur some 330 years after to have created like breed dog to the American Pit Bull Terrier, around the 1830, but the majority of the exemplars of this race they continued developing in the anonymity the professional jobs that them were entrusted. Simply I do this small clause, to thus clear up to the amateurs of the dogs that this breed dog was not created to fight, as they think some ignorant in the matter, the unique and exclusive objective of the creation of the American Pit Bull Terrier as breed dog, was the result of to looking by the experts about dogs of long ago to find a good dog of job, and in its intentions not it entered that this new breed dog developed the fight canine. Besides, not there would be that to judge to no breed dog (as have been judged them unjustly) by the qualities and virtues that the mother nature has granted them, but well, there would be that to judge evil use that does the human of those qualities and virtues that possess the breed dogs.

With the course of the time evidently, the jobs that came developing with the American Pit Bull Terrier went modifying, being channeled to the needs of each epoch, finding us currently to the American Pit Bull Terrier as the best breed dog of job, (because has always been selected for such end, without keep in mind the beauty, thing this, that alwaysit brings degenerations of all types in the breed dogs that they are selected for esthetics), developing social all kinds of jobs as for example: - rescue of persons, - dogs police, - dogs for blind people and deaf, - dogs of terapys physical and psíquics since the children to the elders, - is also utilized them to help to be displaced persons Discapacitys physical, which, they are limited in their chairs of wheels, - and other many jobs more are utilized the noble American Pit Bull Terrier, always for benefit of the humanity. By this motive, the International A. P. B. T. Federation has offered to this breed dog the califiquation of "Breed Dog very Beneficial for the Humanity".

In Spain and other countries, even not they know the qualities that possess the A. P. B. T. to carry out these marvelous and merits social works, by being a breed dog whose image has been very badly considered in the middles of communication, having not given not even an alone opportunity to show it. Some of the Agencies that they utilize of continuous to the American Pit Bull Terrier for these works they are: - Connecticut K-9 Hearing (Colorado), - Delta Society (Washington), - Therapy Dogs Internationals (New Jersey), - Freedom Service Dogs (Colorado), - Canine Helpers for the Handicapped Inc. (New York), - Aid Dogs for the Handicapped (Pennsylvania), - Arlington Humane Society (Texas), - Assistance Dogs of America Inc. (Ohio), - Canine Companions for Independence (Florida), - etc.etc.

 Mending us to one of the many jobs for which the American Pit Bull Terrier was originated like breed dog, the greater hunt, I am able to afirm, that including nowadays itself it continuous working in this work already in disuse, showing that not no another capable dog exists of equalizing him.

My good friend Mr. Sergio Chivato, great lover of the American Pit Bull Terrier and of the greater hunt, in concrete, of the hunt of the hard and dangerous one wild boar, the possibility offers us of being able to inside us nowadays in this job.

The modality in which Mr. Sergio moves to develop this task, is it called, the "salteo" or "hunts to the encounter", one of the but hard and dangerous for its physical integrity, therefore develops it on foot and to full light of the day, and so alone assembled of its knife "genuine" or of you row you. This modality upon performing it on foot, has the advantage of being been able to develop in any type of land, and does not do lack to count on a rehala complete (many dogs all together), because the dogs that utilizes are American Pit Bull Terrier, and with their two dogs is but that sufficient, which, they are called Villa liberty´s "Jason" (Dibito) and Villa Liberty´s “Bambi”(La niña), this last Mr. Sergio is not his owner.

For this type hunting, normally two classes of dogs should be utilized, the ones that seek the prey and the dogs of getting. In the case of the American Pit Bull Terrier, aside from the great intelligence, physical fortress, valour and I throw that they possess to be faced to the most adverse circumstances, to possess to the perfection these two modalitys, therefore are some large tracker with an exceptional one get.

The epoch of summer is the but indicated to hunt in this modality, seeking to the wild boar in them you sow when responds in search of food. Once chosen the land, leaves Mr. Sergio with its two American Pit Bull Terrier, trying to carry the looking air, in order to not airing and to frighten hunts it. In the place and loose, opportune moment to its two dogs so that begin the track of the wild boar, with the called track silent. Mr. Sergio as good "rondador" will be attentive of their dogs, being maintained to certain distance to not commit errors, which, they would be able to be fatal for him.º

Once produced the "started" of the wild boar, is "Jason" always the first one in performing the get, which, already has the experience of suffering the accident in their leg back produced by the knives of the pig in other seasons, to the few seconds is support by “Bambi”, and among the two they obtain to exhaust and to stop to the powerful one wild boar.

It is the moment of the "rondador" when took splits direct in the throw, being done present in the get and entering with prudence, Mr. Sergio with decision nails its knife in the codillo of the wild boar, for thus to finish off and to give for finished this journey hunting.

This, to tell thus, could seem very simple to first view, but behind all this, a good quantity of experience is required, knowledge of the land and courage. Without these conditions is not swum recommendable to be ventured in this job, due to that the danger existing toward the dogs and the own one "rondador", they could bring very bad consequences for the unskilled one.

The American Pit Bull Terrier, after observing this report, leaves patente that is a breed dog of great utility for the human being. Provided to please their owner, will carry out to the perfection all those jobs that be entrusted it, by very strange that they seem. Because of it, is the breed dog of job by excellence. Besides, as race "every land", does it to be a magnific dog of company or family, given their great intelligence to learn, their little size, little hair and that not slaver they become it one of them preferred in the homes of many countries.

It wanted to thank to Mr. Sergio Chivato watered down and to its dogs, that they have facilitated us to all to be able to inside us in this unknown job that is carried out with the American Pit Bull Terrier. Also it wanted to thank to Mr. Juan José Lameiro Santamaria, by to have exercised like photographer in this report, keeping in mind the risk and the great difficulty that found to be able to carry out its job.


In this photograph, we can contemplate to Villa Liberty´s "Jason" being the first one in doing prey to the wild boar.

In this photograph we can observe as the powerful one wild boar puts to test the courage and the value of Villa Liberty´s “Bambi”, when for a moments is to shake vigorously by the wild boar.


Finally Villa Liberty´s "Jason" with the aid of Villa Liberty´s “Bambi, they obtain to reduce to the powerful one wild boar, to the wait of the “rondador”.

Villa Liberty´s "Jason" possesses in his genétic a 50% of Villa Liberty´s "Tudor Dibo", and also almost the 50% of "Red Pit of Villa Liberty".

Mr. Sergio and his best friends, Villa Liberty´sJasón and Villa Liberty´s “Bambi.


In Memory of Villa Liberty´s “Red Virtudes”.


Villa Liberty´s “Red Virtudes”, she was a dog that also passage by the hands of Mr. Sergio Chivato, but the owner of she was a very good friend of Mr. Sergio called Mr. Oscar Alvarez. “Red Virtudes” make this hard and dangerous work, as it is the greater hunting, of a very effective and brave way. Indeed this brave way and the anger that she had, is what she induced it to commit the serious error to enter single in the mount after the sign, giving rise she last confrontation, with a male wild boar head of quite great herd. Mr. Sergio Chivato when he arrive at the place at issue, could appreciate the very hard thing whom it had to be the confrontation, because he left sign of this pitched battle in quite ample surroundings. Besides to observe the fled one from the powerful wild boar, the only thing that found went to his small dog severely wounded, that after taking to her immediately to the veterinarian, nothing could be made save her life.     -  Rest peacefully.   -

Villa Liberty´s “Red Virtudes” “DEAD GAME”,  daugter of Red Pit de Villa Liberty



Jobs with diminished physicists.



Miguel and its female A. P. B. T. "Demi More".

Miguel, is a zitizen of Madrid, Spain, that suffered an accident of trafic nine years ago. Because of the accident was seen limited to a chair of wheels that it change from the night to the morning totally its life. Inside their desperation, they gave a puppie female of the breed dog American Pit Bull Terrier and this already since small child toward it indecible by raising the I encourage to Miguel. They called it "Demi More" and this began since puppie to drag the chair of wheels of Miguel. Miguel, being given account of the qualities and virtues of its new companion and of it a great deal that could help him in its new phase of the life, began to teach to "Demi More" to that carried it of a place for another dragging of its chair of wheels. To Miguel always they pleased the dogs and of fact has good hand to the hour of teaching them.

Since then its life next to "Demi More", has returned to change again.

Rescue to persons with APBT


Zoe Luz with Kiowa its American Pit Bull Terrier.

Zoe Luz, is a woman citizen of Barcelona, Spain, which suffered a cerebral discharge in her house, and key to the soil to faint without there was nobody helping it. His dog female Kiowa of the breed dog American Pit Bull Terrier if he was with her, and upon observing what he was occurring his owner he understood that have that to do something helping it. Not she doubt neither a second, she get it of the jersey and she drag it more than thirty meters until arrived at the telephone. Zoe inside her unconsciousness was able to undertand that the telephone was its only salvation and without knowing neither she same as could do it I call asking aid. After this, Zoe Luz was three months in state of comma and when himself wake up he was various months in chair of wheels. In the medical reports, they are evident tear of the jersey produced by Kiowa, in which, also they are comprised of that if to not have been by the quick action of Kiowa, Zoe Luz today would not be with all we. 


Villa Liberty´s "Clyde". One A. P. B. T. Of the body of firemen of Granada, Spain. In the photograph we know this preparing for the rescue of persons when he has only 7 months of age.

"Clyde" is an American Pit Bull Terrier, grandson of "Red Pit", to which they are preparing for the rescue of persons. Nowadays with the two years of age that has, this carrying out the same jobs that can carry out other dogs with plenty of years but of experience in this job.  






  " Red Pit of Villa Liberty" exercising the job of weightpulling. Its son "Red Toten", has the record from Spain upon competing in the official Championship celebrated in Norman, Oklahoma, U. S. A. the day 10 of October of 1999, and to drag 2100 Kg., weighing 20 Kg., removing a coefficient of 105. The day of before the Competition, "Red Toten" complied with a year of age, thing that more merit gives it even. What is important of the weightpull, is the coefficient, and this is obtained dividing the weight dragged among the weight of the animal.

"Red Toten" in the photograph of the left, together its owner and trainer Mr. Jesús Sánchez of Madrid, at the moment of beating the record of Spain in this modality. "Red Toten", is son and grandson of "Red Pit of Villa Liberty" and of Villa Liberty´s "Red Nora".


Villa Liberty´s "Red Aron", son of "Red Pit" beginning to the 2 months from age to be prepared to compete in the weightpulling. It fits to stand out, that in this modality of dragging of weight, is not obliged to the animal to drag, therefore they do it very pleasant and not they suffer no type of damage neither mistreat physical or psychological. 

Other works. 


Villa Liberty´s "Red Main", daughter of "Red Pit" is shown very cat climbing for the trees. This breed dog, this very well gifted one physically to carry out all kinds of jobs, therefore they possess a great one funcionality, with a great heart.


Villa Liberty´s "Red Main", developing the sport of the prey.

We find ourselves with the breed dog of job by excellence, the American Pit Bull Terrier, therefore to carry out all types of hard jobs of the epoch in very adverse circumstances, that the conventional dogs did not carry out to the perfection, was created already 500 years ago, jobs as for example: - Hunt greater (permitting to be able to eat to hundreds of families), - Extermination of large you plague of rats (avoiding of that way many epidemics and illnesses that had whipped the human), - The butchers of the epoch utilized them in their professions as a valuable tool to the hour of trapping to them to laugh, to put them the tatoo, or well, to give them sacrifice (providing them a great security in their profession and with the corresponding savings of time), - The mining of long ago they manufactured a littel cars to measurement to extract the coal of those difficult and risked mines (of this job, is of where to the A. P. B. T. the tradition of the Competitions comes of weightpull), - And other many jobs more carried out the A. P. B. T. always in benefit of the humans.

The cinófolos British of long ago, they utilized to our Spanish dog of prey, the Alano (nowadays already extinguished in spite of that some not want to recognize it), for their different crossings with the dogs of prey natives, to thus obtain a new breed dog "every land", which, developed to the perfection jobs in very adverse circumstances that they were needed in that epoch and the conventional races could not develop adequate, this new breed dog every land to perform all kinds of jobs, they were the American Pit Bull Terrier that we know currently and in that epoch they called them as "The Old English Bulldog", that does not have absolutely nothing that to see with the "English Bulldog" present.

There is something in the history of this breed dog, to the the same as in many other breed dogs, to keep in mind and the lovers of the same one cannot deny neither to hide, we refer to the exemplary that they were utilized for the fights of dogs. This it began to occur some 330 years after to have created like breed dog to the American Pit Bull Terrier, around the 1830, but the majority of the exemplarys of this race they continued developing in the anonymity the professional jobs that them were entrusted. Simply we do this small clause, to thus clear up to the amateurs of the dogs that this breed dog was not created to fight, as they think some ignorant in the matter, the unique and exclusive objective of the creation of the American Pit Bull Terrier as breed dog, was the result of to looking by the cinófilos of long ago to find an exceptional dog of job, and in its intentions did not enter that this new race developed the fight between dogs. Besides, not there would be that to judge to no breed dog (as have been judged them unjustly) by the qualities and virtues that the mother nature has granted them, but well, there would be that to judge evil use that does the human of those qualities and virtues that possess the breed dogs.

With the course of the time evidently, the jobs that came developing with the American Pit Bull Terrier went modifying, being channeled to the needs of each epoch, finding us currently to the American Pit Bull Terrier as the best breed dog of job, (because has always been selected for such end, without keep in mind the beauty, thing this, that alwaysit brings degenerations physical or of character in the races that they are selected for esthetics), developing social all kinds of jobs as for example: - rescue of persons, - dogs police, - dogs for blind people and deaf, - dogs of terapys physical and psíquical since the children to the elders, - is also utilized them to help to be displaced persons discapacity physical, which, they are limited in their chairs of wheels, - and other many jobs more are utilized the noble American Pit Bull Terrier, always for benefit of the humanity. By this motive, the International A. P. B. T. Federation has offered to this breed dog the califiquation of "Bredd Dog very Beneficial for the Humanity".

In Spain and other countries, even not they know the qualities that possess the A P. B. T. to carry out these marvelous and merits social works, by being a breed dog whose image has been very badly considered in the middles of communication, having not given not even an alone opportunity to show it.

Some of the Agencies that they utilize of continuous to the American Pit Bull Terrier for these works they are: - Connecticut K-9 Hearing (Colorado), - Delta Society (Washington), - Therapy Dogs Internationals (New Jersey), - Freedom Service Dogs (Colorado), - Canine Helpers for the Handicapped Inc. (New York), - Aid Dogs for the Handicapped (Pennsylvania), - Arlington Humane Society (Texas), - Assistance Dogs of America Inc. (Ohio), - Canine Companions for Independence (Florida), - etc.etc.

      For any consultation is able contactar with the Federation in:

                    You can to contact with the Federation in:


    F    I    A    P    B    T  

           FIAPBT  FIAPBT




                                 FIAPBT Pedigree

En esta sección del  REGISTRO GENEALOGICO DE SEGURIDAD DE LA FIAPBT llamado FIAPBT Pedigree, podrán ustedes estudiar las diferentes ramificaciones genéticas de esta maravillosa y noble raza canina, el American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT); Ver fotografías históricas de ejemplares de APBT nunca vistas anteriormente en publico; Participar en foros privados con diferentes temáticas en torno al APBT; Ayudar a combatir la criminalización que realiza la Ley PPP y la BSL; Crear fácilmente el pedigree online de su ejemplar o de las camadas que usted tenga; etc.

Para poder disfrutar de estos servicios, simplemente deben registrarse a través de con opción del idioma en español o en ingles, como usted prefiera. Esta nueva sección del REGISTRO GENEALOGICO DE SEGURIDAD DE LA FIAPBT, la FIAPBT Pedigree, estará en continuo desarrollo por parte de la FIAPBT, para su mejora constante.

Para que ustedes puedan tener un ejemplo a la vista, e irse familiarizando con la base de datos de la FIAPBT, les mostramos el enlace de CH “PATCHES”:

Villa Liberty´s CH “Patches (en español)

Villa Liberty´s CH “Patches” (en ingles) 


   F    I    A    P    B    T





                             FIAPBT Pedigree


In this FIAPBT GENEALOGICAL SECTION REGISTRY OF SECURITY called FIAPBT Pedigree, you will be able to study the different ramifications genetic of this wonderful and the noble breed dog, the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT); To see APBT historical pictures never seen previously in publish; To participate in forums deprived with different thematics around the APBT; To help to fight the criminalization that the BSL realises; To create easily the pedigree online of your dog or the litters that you have; etc.

In order to be able to enjoy these services, simply you must to register through with the option the Spanish and English language. This new FIAPBT GENEALOGICAL SECTION REGISTRY OF SECURITY, the FIAPBT Pedigree, will be in continuous development by the FIAPBT, for its constant improvement.

So that you can have an example in view, and go away familiarizing with the data base of the FIAPBT, we showed you the link of CH “PATCHES”:

Villa Liberty´s CH “Patches” (in english) 

Villa Liberty´s CH “Patches (in spanish)


In the FIRST IADCRO INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS about BSL, has been demonstrated scientifically the nonexistence of Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous breeds dogs. The SCIENTIFIC CONGRESS message has VALIDED for all the languages and all the countries.


How can I help to defense the discriminations breed dogs by the BSL?







Breed specific legislation failing globally:



En el PRIMER CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE IADCRO, se ha demostrado científicamente la no existencia de razas Peligrosas o Potencialmente Peligrosas. 

En el Congreso se habló en español y lo más importante, es que el mensaje de los CIENTIFICOS ETOLOGOS allí reunidos AFIRMANDO la NO EXISTENCIA DE RAZAS CANINAS PELIGROSAS, TIENE VALIDED para todos los idiomas y para todos los países. 

¿Cómo puedo ayudar a defender a las razas discriminadas por las Leyes?



Si lo desea, sírvase de las cartas que encontrara dentro de las Alertas como modelo para hacer la suya propia, para enviárlas a las autoridades que usted crea conveniente. La carta que seleccione para realizar la suya propia, sugerimos escoja las más actual, ya que cuanto más actual sea, mejor y más actualizada estará la información en su contenido.





IADCR1 Planeta Tierra en movimiento


La Ley PPP o BSL falla Globalmente:  


A cerca de la “agresividad” en algunas razas caninas determinadas.


IADCRO and the FIAPBT thank so much to all representatives, members and collaborators, for the important effort that they are doing in the diffusion of all related with the defense of the discriminated breed dogs and continue doing everything what are in his hands and within of his possibilities, to secure the objectives of this just cause, by many disadvantages that are in the way . The diffusion of the IADCRO information, is what it really gives the force to us to be able to press suitably to the Governments of the countries that contemplate the BSL and in this way, to be considered. Consequently to this last, we would have more possibilities so that the Law was annulled or modified according to our request, in right terms for the dogs of any breed or cross.

How can I help in this just cause, as is the defense of the dogs pertaining to certain breed dogs?

We can spread, pass it on to all our contacts, to mass media, in public forums of Internet (dogs forums, animal, nature, human rights, etc.) and all the ways that we will can think to spread the more effectively possible the information that appears in the IADCRO Web site, to try to humbly secure to the collaboration and help that could contribute to us the fans and lovers of the animal rights. Without this collaboration and help, the situation will not allow us to acquire the force that we needed to secure the objective.

The information with that you can begin to spread would be by priorities. At the moment most urgent to spread is the Venezuela and Denmark information for being present, then that is the information with which it would begin to bomb in your diffusion, after this either the more calmly, would be taking more IADCRO  information always in the high-priority way the more in your opinion or criterion of each:

Some times, you would watch the cover of the IADCRO Web site  or FIAPBT , since if they leave new alert would reflect in that place. Also we can watch in the section of the last news to acquire this information:  based on the priority that has this alert of help, is in the way that we would guide ourselves at the time of the diffusion help. I hope that with these slight knowledge, it serves to orient to all those that are showing interest in helping in this right cause and they do not know like doing it. However, any type of doubt, you can write to:

Mariano Peinado:

Iñaki Goya Delegations Coordinator: 

In the FIRST IADCRO INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS against BSL, has been demonstrated scientifically the nonexistence of Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous breeds dogs. That is valid for all countries of the world. 

Thanks to all for being like you are, making good the proverb that says; “United we stand". Without your endorsement and help, this just cause we would have lost it since the beginning. Your not change never.

      Mariano Peinado




IADCRO y la FIAPBT agradecen mucho a todos sus representantes, miembros y colaboradores, el esfuerzo tan importante que realizan en la difusión de todo lo relacionado con la defensa de las razas discriminadas y haciendo todo lo que esta en su mano y dentro de sus posibilidades, para conseguir los objetivos de esta justa causa, a pesar de las trabas e inconvenientes que sufren en su contra, por parte de algunos que no les gusta que aflore la verdad y lo justo. La difusión de la información de IADCRO, es lo que realmente nos da la fuerza para poder presionar adecuadamente a los Gobiernos de los países que contemplan Leyes del tipo PPP o BSL y de esta manera, ser tenidos en cuenta. Consecuentemente a esto último, tendríamos más posibilidades para que la Ley fuera anulada o modificada conforme a nuestra petición, en términos justos para los perros de cualquier raza o mestizo. 

¿Cómo ayudar en esta justa causa, como es la defensa de los perros pertenecientes a unas ciertas razas caninas?

Podemos difundir, corriendo la voz a todos nuestros contactos, a los medios de comunicación, en foros públicos de Internet (foros de perros, animales, naturaleza, derechos humanos, etc.) y de todas las maneras que se nos pueda ocurrir para difundir lo más eficazmente posible la información que aparece en la Web de IADCRO, para intentar conseguir humildemente la colaboración y ayuda que nos podrían aportar los aficionados y amantes de los derechos de los animales. Sin esta colaboración y ayuda, la situación no nos permitirá adquirir la fuerza que necesitamos para conseguir el objetivo.

La información con la que pueden comenzar a difundir sería por prioridades. En estos momentos lo más urgente a difundir es lo de Venezuela, lo de Dinamarca por ser lo más actual, entonces esa es la información con la que comenzaría a bombardear en mí difusión, después de esto ya más tranquilamente, iría cogiendo más información de IADCRO siempre de la manera más prioritaria en mi opinión, esto ya a criterio de cada uno:

De vez en cuando, miraría la portada de la Web de IADCRO  o de la FIAPBT , ya que si salen nuevas alertas de socorro reflejarían en ese lugar. También podemos mirar en la sección de últimas noticias para adquirir dicha información: en función de la prioridad que tengan dichas alertas de socorro, es en la manera que nos guiaríamos a la hora de la difusión de ayuda. Espero que con estas nociones, sirva para orientar a todos aquellos que están mostrando interés en ayudar en esta justa causa y no saben como hacerlo. No obstante, cualquier tipo de duda, pueden dirigirse a:

Mariano Peinado:

Iñaki Goya coordinador Delegaciones: 

Gracias por estar ahí y ser como sois, haciendo bueno el refrán que dice; “En la unión esta la fuerza”. Sin vuestro respaldo y ayuda, esta justa causa la tendríamos perdida desde el comienzo. No cambiéis nunca.

                                                                                            Mariano Peinado




                        IADCRO    IADCRO